A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love--from a belief in what is not real, to faith in that which is. That shift in perception changes everything.
Marianne Williamson |
you are not merely a being of the material world; you are a being of unlimited spirit. And in spirit there is no lack. You are not lacking just because your circumstances are.
Marianne Williamson |
Our deepest fears is not that we are inadequate, . . .
Marianne Williamson |
the Holy Spirit is within us to do the impossible.
Marianne Williamson |
But when we ask Him to change them, He will. When we're angry, or upset for any reason, we're asked to say, "I'm angry but I'm willing not to be. I'm willing to see this situation differently." We ask the Holy Spirit to enter into the situation and show it to us from a different perspective."
Marianne Williamson |
When Michelangelo was asked how he created a piece of sculpture, he answered that the statue already existed within the marble. God Himself had created the Pieta, David, Moses. Michelangelo's job, as he saw it, was to get rid of the excess marble that surrounded God's creation. So it is with you. The perfect you isn't something you need to create, because God already created it. The perfect you is the love within you. Your job is to allow t..
Marianne Williamson |
Before the Prince can save the damsel in distress, he has to slay the dragons that surround her castle. So do we all. Those dragons are our demons, our wounds, our egos, our brilliant ways of denying love to ourselves and others. The ego's patterns have to be rooted out, detoxed from our system, before the pure love within us can have a chance to come forth.
Marianne Williamson |
The only real problem is a lack of love. To address the world's problems on any other level is a temporary palliative--a fix but not a healing, a treatment of the symptom but not a cure.
Marianne Williamson |
If I'm convinced that I'm not good enough, I will have a difficult time accepting someone into my life who thinks I am. It's the Groucho Marx syndrome of not wanting to like anyone who would want me in their club. The only way that I can accept someone's finding me wonderful, is if I find myself wonderful. But to the ego, self-acceptance is death.
Marianne Williamson |
You "The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky."
Marianne Williamson |
In business as well as in everything else, you're in business to spread love. Your agency should spread love, your screenplay should spread love, your store should spread love, your life should spread love. The key to a successful career is realizing that it s not separate from the rest of your life, but is rather an extension of your most basic self and your most basic self is love.
Marianne Williamson |
you dig deep enough into your mind, and deep enough into mine, the picture is the same: at the bottom of it all, what we are is love.
Marianne Williamson |
The love in one of us is the love in all of us. 'There's actually no place where God stops and you start,' and no place where you stop and I start. Love is energy, an infinite continuum. Your mind extends into mine and into everyone else's. It doesn't stay enclosed within your body.
Marianne Williamson |
The ego doesn't come up to us and say, "Hi, I'm your self-loathing." It's not stupid, because we're not. Rather, it says things like, "Hi, I'm your adult, mature, rational self. I'll help you look out for number one." Then it proceeds to counsel us to look out for ourselves, at the expense of others. It teaches us selfishness, greed, judgment, and small-mindedness."
Marianne Williamson |
The Course teaches that the Holy Spirit was created in the moment when the first fearful thought was thought. As perfect love, God corrects all mistakes the moment they occur. He couldn't force us back to love, because love doesn't force. It does, however, create alternatives. The Holy Spirit is God's alternative to fear.
Marianne Williamson |
So it is with you. The perfect you isn't something you need to create, because God already created it. The perfect you is the love within you. Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self, just as excess marble surrounded Michelangelo's perfect statue.
Marianne Williamson |
In order to escape the illusion and find inner peace, remember that only love in a situation is real.
Marianne Williamson |
He teaches us to see love as our only function.
Marianne Williamson |
Course in Miracles says that everyone we meet will either be our crucifier or our savior, depending on what we choose to be to them. Focusing on their guilt drives the nails of self-loathing more deeply into our own skin. Focusing on their innocence sets us free. Since 'no thoughts are neutral,' every relationship takes us deeper into Heaven or deeper into Hell.
Marianne Williamson |
I've heard it said that prayer doesn't change a situation for you so much as it changes you for the situation.
Marianne Williamson |
David stood up and said: Sorry Lichtenstein, but I am not here to change the world. I am changing the world because I am here.
Marianne Williamson |
I dedicate my work today to the furtherance of all things good. Whether I am paid or not, whether I am working out in the world or planting my own garden, I dedicate whatever I am doing today to the uplifting of all things. May the activity of my mind and work of my hands be of service to the healing of the world. Today I remember that there is only one work: to be who I am capable of being, to do what I am capable of doing to make the worl..
Marianne Williamson |
I needn't prove anything to anyone. I am blessed as a child of God.
Marianne Williamson |
A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to command the winds, to part the waters, and to break all chains that bind us.
Marianne Williamson |
We're not without hope; we just haven't been seeing it. We're not without power; we just haven't been claiming it. We're not without love; we just haven't been living it.
Marianne Williamson |
Love merely becomes clouded over, or surrounded by mental mists.
Marianne Williamson |
Hatred is the spiritual malignancy of our species
Marianne Williamson |
It's like avoidance behavior in therapy--wanting to share the gossip but not wanting to deal with the real, more painful issues. Of course we want to avoid the pain. But by doing so, we inevitably cause more of it.
Marianne Williamson |
Consider the possibility now that anything could happen. I'm not asking you to believe this, but only to consider that it might be true. Simply thinking this thought--that miracles are possible--does more to pave the way for your healing than you can imagine. It opens the door to a realm of infinite possibilities, regardless of what you have been through or what you are going through now. The
Marianne Williamson |
The pain you are going through is not what will determine your future; your future will be determined by who you are as you go through your pain.
Marianne Williamson |
I conquered outer worlds just as he had. I expressed masculine strength and power just as he had. But it didn't bring me closer to him or to others like him because I had become one of the guys, and that's not what most men are looking for. He had never loved me for being a great guy.
Marianne Williamson |
The truth is that we have done far too little, for we have never apologized. We have never fully, publicly acknowledged the evil that was done to African-Americans as evil. The Civil War obliterated a wicked institution, but a war alone cannot obliterate wicked thinking. Slavery ended but racism continued, and in many ways it intensified after that war. Slavery existed only in the South, but racism pervades the entire country.
Marianne Williamson |
THE UNIVERSE IS set up to work on your behalf.
Marianne Williamson |
According to ancient Asian philosophy, life is not a circle but a spiral. Every life lesson that has ever been presented to you (which means everything you have ever been through) will come back again, in some form, until you learn it. And the stakes each time will be higher. Whatever you've learned will bear greater fruit. Whatever you've failed to learn will bear harsher consequences. Whatever didn't work in your life before this point wa..
Marianne Williamson |
And the more open your heart, the more miracles you'll receive. For miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. When you choose to love, you choose to work miracles.
Marianne Williamson |
I surrender my focus on the past that I might dwell fully in the present. May my mind not wander into the darkness of before, but rather be filled with the light of now. May my heart be open to the knowing that anything is possible in any moment, and God Himself is not held back by the fears or mistakes of yesterday. I forgive what has been, and embrace what is. I am at peace in the holiness of this instant, and release all else.
Marianne Williamson |
On the Promise of the Present The eternal self dwells in eternity, and eternity intersects linear time at only one point: the present. Who you are in this moment, therefore, is who you truly are. And who you are is love itself. From that essential point of perfect being, created anew by God in every instant, miracles flow naturally. Love interrupts the past and opens the future to new probabilities. No matter who you are, no matter how youn..
Marianne Williamson |
whatever it is you choose to think, your subconscious mind takes it very seriously and your experience will reflect your thinking.
Marianne Williamson |
Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self,
Marianne Williamson |
A story, no matter how factually true, is still just a story.
Marianne Williamson |
Toxicity is often released through the tear ducts as part of the body's natural genius at flushing itself out. Casual use of antidepressants is unwise for just this reason--feeling the full extent of your sadness is sometimes the only way to heal it. In the absence of the feeling, you miss out on the healing. The body does not make distinctions among physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual stresses. It is equipped with the natural..
Marianne Williamson |
It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any self-deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may be recognized.
Marianne Williamson |
Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven.
Marianne Williamson |
Love does not conquer all things, but it does set all things right.
Marianne Williamson |