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4ad8138 If there was magic alive in this world, Julian thought after the first couple of minutes, it was surely present in the waltz danced with someone one loved more than life itself. Mary Balogh
7392d8a By the time she had finished, her hand was in Elizabeth's firm clasp again. Her touch was strangely comforting--a woman's touch signifying a woman's sympathy. Elizabeth would understand what it would be like to be a captive, to have one's freedom taken away, and then, as a final indignity, to have one's very body invaded and used for the pleasure of one's captor. Another woman would understand the monumental inner battle that had had to be .. Mary Balogh
ff7eb70 You will find that wanting, even loving, is not enough. Mary Balogh
5b9577f It was what remained to a relationship after the first euphoria of the romance had faded. Mary Balogh
0fb93f5 You are my flesh and blood and I have always doted on you, but right now I would have to say you deserve a haughty, ruined chit for your own and she deserves you. funny mary-balogh mr-mason Mary Balogh
dfe29fe Las cosas pasan, Maggie. Lo unico que podemos hacer es adaptarnos a las vicisitudes de la vida. Mary Balogh
ccafe2e You still do not quite understand, do you?" she said softly. "I do not want you to change. I fell head over ears in love with you the first time I saw you just because you are who you are." Mary Balogh
59c426d Ah, this feels just like the old times... I still miss you and the others, you know, and life at school and those times when two or more of us would sit up talking far too late into the night. Which is not to say I would give up my present life to return there, but... Well, even happy choices involve some sacrifice. And most of us, I suppose, would like to both have our cake and eat it if only it were possible Mary Balogh
80a9d7b They were stranded on the opposite sides of death, at least for now, and that was all there was to it. Mary Balogh
7f595a2 After a few awkward moments, Lizzy joined them and they skipped along the avenue, the three of them, laughing and whooping and altogether making an undignified spectacle of themselves. Mary Balogh
b94e804 Do you believe that sometimes life points out a way for us to follow even if it does not force us into taking that particular path? Mary Balogh
b21b186 We sighted people are often neglectful of the power of sound. Mary Balogh
f919682 What happened was pain and pleasure and shock and satisfaction all rolled into one. Pain as he withdrew and thrust over and over again past the soreness of her newly opened womanhood. Pleasure because it was more wonderful, more exhilirating, than any other sensation she had ever experienced. Shock because she had not expected such a deep and vigorous and prolonged invasion of her body. Satisfaction because now, before it was too late, he w.. Mary Balogh
6b7391f Sometimes, self-pity was so ingrained in people that nothing could persuade them to take joy out of living. Mary Balogh
9a420d1 We often do not say what is in our hearts," he said, "to those who are closest and most dear to us." Mary Balogh
35297b5 You are not by any manner of means the sort of woman I am in search of as a wife, and I am in a totally different universe from the husband you hope to find. But I feel a powerful urge to kiss you, for all that. love marriage passion regency-romance romance Mary Balogh
5eba4be She bit her lower lip hard and blinked her eyes. There was such wistfulness and longing in his voice. Oh, she was going to give him back his eyes, or the next best thing, if it took her the rest of her life to do it. love romantic sentimental Mary Balogh
977fb23 Your father is your f-father regardless, Agnes. Birth and b-breeding do not always depend upon small matters like who provided the seed. Mary Balogh
16089a0 If only the devil were feminine - perhaps he (she) was; no one had ever seemed to think of that - he would readily believe that her pseudonym was Daisy Morrison. humor Mary Balogh
3005461 Ladies did not allow fear to master them. Ladies did not abjure society merely because they were embarrassed and unhappy, merely because they felt unattractive and unwanted. Ladies did not give in to self-pity. Mary Balogh
4bb2460 If she allowed herself to wallow in self-pity, she would be in danger of becoming one of those habitual moaners and complainers everyone avoided. Mary Balogh
4b8537e It is hard, is it not," he said, "to have one's life develop quite differently from what one expected and to feel not fully in command of it?" Mary Balogh
ebdfd4d You have become as necessary to me as the air I breathe," he said. "Your beauty and your smiles wrap themselves about me and warm me to the heart--to the very soul. You have taught me to trust and to love again, and I trust and love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. More than I knew it was possible to love. And if you think I am making an ass of myself with such romantic hyperbole just because I want to make you feel bette.. Mary Balogh
719e9a6 Little people are often more fierce than their larger counterparts[...] Mary Balogh
d7058bc a pearl probably does not look so very remarkable either while it is still hidden inside its shell. Mary Balogh
e003f53 Tonight seems eons away, but there are these moments. Mary Balogh
d1917d6 Ben walked into the house and up the stairs with his two canes, but he propelled himself about much of the time after that in a wheeled chair, having decided that it was not an admission of defeat but rather a moving forward into a new, differently active phase of his life. Mary Balogh
837bc58 He was insulting her sex but complimenting her personally. Was she supposed to simper with gratitude? Mary Balogh
9c28727 She looked at him, her eyes brimming with laughter again. Joel sat gazing at her, wondering how much attention she was drawing from the other occupants of the room. But, however much it was, she seemed unaware of it. He gazed back at her, more than a bit shaken, for she looked like a different woman when she laughed. She looked young and vivid and ... What was the word his mind was searching for? Gorgeous? She was hardly that. . That was it.. Mary Balogh
4e2a11c There is no kindness in money. Mary Balogh
f246706 Well,' Frederick had said, 'I will see what can be arranged, Archie. But I will not have the girl frightened or compromised.' 'You sound like a grandfather who has raised fifteen daughters and is now starting on his granddaughters, Freddie,' Lord Archibald had said. 'It is most disconcerting. dialogue humor mary-balogh regency regency-romance romance witty-banter Mary Balogh
923291b I am still not used to being the possessor of such a grand title. I believe I shall have to start wearing a purple satin turban and carrying a lorgnette. dialogue fashion humor mary-balogh regency regency-romance romance witty-banter Mary Balogh
89ad66e This is your home,' he said. 'You are mistress of Finchley Park, Vanessa. You may do whatever you wish.' Her smile broadened. 'Within reason,' he added hastily. historical-romance regency-romance Mary Balogh
3fb635a openness and truth between partners were necessary if the marriage was to have a chance of bringing them any sort of happiness. Mary Balogh
839025a The future would take care of itself. Mary Balogh
16dba34 It is part of you, and you are a man worth knowing Mary Balogh
f68dcc1 I would be more inclined to tell my children the opposite," she said. "Stop being fruitlessly busy and dream. Use your imagination. Reach out into the unknown and dream of how you can enlarge your experience and improve your mind and your soul and your world." Mary Balogh
d6bba7b I do not understand dalliance, Lord Ponsonby." "But you are d-drawn to it, Mrs. Keeping." Mary Balogh
d33b206 Why is it we are not constantly awed by the size and majesty of the universe?" "Habit," he said. "We are accustomed to it. I suppose if we had been blind from birth--in both eyes--and could suddenly see, we would be so overwhelmed by a night like this that we would either gaze upward at it until dawn or else cling to the earth, afraid that we were about to fall off. Or perhaps we would simply assume that we were at the center of it all and .. Mary Balogh
7eafd0f Pain is not insignificant. Neither is bewilderment or fear. Or conditions like poverty or homelessness. But somewhere--somewhere--there is peace. It is not even far off. It is somewhere deep inside us, in fact, ever present, just waiting for us to look inward to find it." She" Mary Balogh
7bcebf1 La felicidad es siempre algo pasajero, fugaz. Nunca es un estado permanente para nadie aun que muchos perseveramos en creer la tonta idea de que si ocurriera esto o aquello seriamos felices el resto de nuestra vida. Tengo momentos de felicidad como la mayoria. Tal vez he aprendido a encontrarla de maneras que pasarian inadvertidas a algunas personas. Siento el calor del verano aqui en este momento, veo los arboles y el agua y oigo a esa gav.. verano vida Mary Balogh
6185447 But I was a dreamer, you see, not a weakling. Mary Balogh
a028eef I would not wish to deny you your dreams. But have a care. They can be dashed in one impulsive moment. Mary Balogh
8a41f0e You just have not...oh, learned who yo are yet. Mary Balogh
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