Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which was the order in which people optimally satisfied different types of desires (food-safety-love-status-enlightenment).
Max Barry |
It was turning into a sly, anti-free market statement, and irony irritated him. There was no place for irony in marketing: it made people want to look for deeper meaning. There was no place in marketing for that, either.
Max Barry |
I had to train myself to accept that not everybody works as hard as me. That what I consider unacceptably sloppy is actually an okay result, and it's counterproductive to get into a whole thing where someone starts crying and threatening to quit. And you know what? Learning that not only helped me grow as a manager. It helped me grow as a person.
Max Barry |
These tests, though, were making her feel like a moron.
Max Barry |
He'd never seen it in person before (the main quarry); it was larger than he'd expected. When he'd first taken an interest, some decades before, following hints of something ancient and significant buried there, he could still make out remnants of the hill that had loaned the town it's name. Now that was gone - not just erased but inverted, to become a great pit. He found tho notable for the demonstration of force it represented. Civilizati..
Max Barry |
somewhere along the line, this freedom stuff got way out of control.
Max Barry |
irony irritated him. There was no place for irony in marketing: it made people want to look for deeper meaning. There was no place in marketing for that, either.
Max Barry |
He had no intention of removing the tumor. It was the perfect solution to his dilemma: how to feed his body's desire for intimacy. He was delusional, of course. There was no higher presence filling him with love, connecting him to all things. It only felt that way. But that was fine. That was ideal. He would not have trusted a God outside his head.
Max Barry |
A woman appeared and began to generate tea and coffee
Max Barry |
Verstehst du, im Grunde sind doch die Mitarbeiter das Problem. Du zahlst, wenn du sie einstellst, du zahlst, wenn du sie rausschmeisst, und dazwischen muss du sie auch noch bezahlen.
Max Barry |
He went to rub his eyes and missed.
Max Barry |
Warum wollen sie unbedingt, dass ich den Auftrag storniere?' Der Mann klingt auf einmal misstrauisch. 'Seid ihr uberbucht?' 'Ich will Ihnen nur helfen. Wirklich, unsere Kurse sind grottenschlecht. Es ist immer die gleiche Teamwork-Botschaft, nur unter verschiedenen Namen verpackt.' 'Ich hab nichts mit Teamwork bestellt. >Leitung von C++-Programmierern im Rahmen terminsensibler Projekte< - das wollte ich.' 'Das ist der Teamwork-Kurs. Und all..
Max Barry |
I don't know how anyone can appreciate devotion that slavish. It's not objective. I have a similar issue with religion.
Max Barry |
Du weisst doch noch, die Leute beschweren sich immer beim Management, dass ihre Work-Life-Balance nicht mehr stimmt. Also, am nachsten Montag haben sie eine Personalversammlung zu diesem Thema angesetzt. Um acht Uhr fruh.
Max Barry |
Companies claimed to be highly responsive, Jennifer thought, but you only had to chase a screaming man through their offices to realize it wasn't true.
Max Barry |
In my city we spent $1.6 billion on a new ticketing system for the trains. We replaced paper tickets with smartcards and now they can tell where people get on and off. So, question: how is that worth $1.6 billion? People say it's the government being incompetent, and ok. But this is happening all over. All the transit networks are getting smartcards, the grocery stores are taking your name, the airports are getting face recognition cameras...
Max Barry |
Last month we had to sit through a presentation on eliminating redundancy, and it was a bunch of PowerPoint slides, plus a guy reading out what was on the slides, and then he gave us all hard copies.
Max Barry |
haze condensed into Campbell. The reason he was lopsided
Max Barry |
Did you tell me to loosen up?" He wiggled the wrench onto the third nut. "Is that funny for some reason?" "When I experience base physiological needs for food, water, air, sleep, and sex, I follow protocols in order to satisfy them without experiencing desire. Yes, it's funny." "You fucking what?" "It's required to maintain a defense against compromise. Desire is weakness. I'm sure I explained this." "Well, that sounds awesome. That sounds ..
Max Barry |
Civilizations rose and fell; what caused them to be remembered was not their contribution to knowledge or culture, not even the size of their empires, but rather how much force they exerted upon the landscape.
Max Barry |
Wil ate without enthusiasm. His bacon tasted like nothing. Like a dead animal, fried. His eggs, aborted chickens.
Max Barry |
Over time, there would be less and less of him and more of the tumor. His brain was being eaten by God. He left the clinic in fine spirits. He had no intention of removing the tumor. It was the perfect solution to his dilemma: how to feed his body's desire for intimacy. He was delusional, of course. There was no higher presence filling him with love, connecting him to all things. It only felt that way. But that was fine. That was ideal. He..
Max Barry |
Kikkhf fkattkx hfkixu zttkcu," she said. "Shoasdsdaotdasasdme."
Max Barry |
Blind tastete ich auf dem Nachttisch herum, und meine Finger schoben sich zwischen Romane, die ich nicht mehr las, weil man einfach nicht zuruck konnte, wenn man erst mal mit E-Books angefangen hatte.
Max Barry |
Ich hatte zwar einen Laptop, doch er brauchte ewig zum Hochfahren - uber eine Minute. Demnach war ich gezwungen, mir ohne Informationen uber die Umweltbedingungen Kleider auszusuchen. Der helle Wahnsinn.
Max Barry |
That's what's happening if you're getting all your news from one place. If you stop listening to someone the second you hear a word or phrase you've been taught belongs to the enemy, like "environment" or "job creators," that's what you're doing. You might be an intelligent person, but once you let someone else filter the world for you, you have no way to critically analyze what you're hearing. At best, absolute best case scenario, if they ..
Max Barry |
Civilizations rose and fell; what caused them to be remembered was
Max Barry |
Civilizations rose and fell; what caused them to be remembered was not their contribution to knowledge or culture, not even the size of their empires, but rather how much force they exerted upon the landscape. This was what survived them. A hundred billion lives had passed without leaving a mark since the Egyptians had raised their pyramids, changing the world not figuratively but literally.
Max Barry |
She threw off her coat and hefted the machine gun concealed inside it. It was a Vektor SS77: heavy and awkward, but capable of nine hundred rounds a minute. Four steps to her right took her out of the crowd. She dropped to her knee and squeezed the trigger.
Max Barry |
When it's done with being graceful and poetic, language is meant to communicate, after all.
Max Barry |
To get a good job in marketing, you need to market yourself.
Max Barry |
It's much easier to be incomprehensible than intelligent, and most people can't spot the difference.
Max Barry |
There's nothing more fascinating than a girl who won't have sex with you.
Max Barry |
Your problem is that reality isn't good enough for you." she says levelly. "You need a fantasy."
Max Barry |
It's all responsibility and no control," 6 says. "The classic path to failure."
Max Barry |
What's not fair is that our society rewards selfishness. That's not fair.
Max Barry |
John said, "You know what makes a successful executive?"
Max Barry |
Elizabeth is smart, ruthless, and emotionally damaged; that is, she is a sales representative.
Max Barry |
People talk about bedroom eyes; well, Megan has the whole suite.
Max Barry |
Ninety-five percent of all jobs suck, Jones. That's why people get paid to do them.
Max Barry |