Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.
Max Lucado |
Your difficulty, your disease, your conflict are preparing you to be a voice of encouragement to your brothers.
Max Lucado |
Let me be clear. You are a version of Joesph in your generation. You represent a challenge to Satan's plan. You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something this world needs- wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill. If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence.
Max Lucado |
If pride is what goes before a fall, the shame is what keeps you from getting up after one.
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Heaven does not know you as the fellow with the nice suit or the woman with the big house or the kid with the new bike. Heaven knows your heart.
Max Lucado |
If you do not transform your pain, you will surely transmit it. --RICHARD ROHR
Max Lucado |
And if we never agree, can't we agree to disagree? If God can tolerate my mistakes, can't I tolerate the mistakes of others? If God can overlook my errors, can't I overlook the errors of others? If God allows me with my foibles and failures to call him Father, shouldn't I extend the same grace to others? One thing's for sure. When we get to heaven, we'll be surprised at some of the folks we see. And some of them will be surprised when they ..
Max Lucado |
Does God guarantee the absence of struggle and the abundance of strength? Not in this life. But he does pledge to reweave your pain for a higher purpose.
Max Lucado |
Sustaining grace promises not the absence of struggle but the presence of God.
Max Lucado |
God has given us peace in our pain. He covers us all the time. Even when we are out of control, he is still there.
Max Lucado |
Want to know the coolest thing about the coming? Not that the One who played marbles with the stars gave it up to play marbles with marbles. Or that the One who hung the galaxies gave it up to hang doorjambs to the displeasure of a cranky client who wanted everything yesterday but couldn't pay until tomorrow. Not that he, in an instant, went from needing nothing to needing air, food, a tub of hot water and salts for his tired feet, and, mo..
Max Lucado |
Here's a salute to a long good life: goodness that outlives the grave. love that outlasts the final breath. May you live your life in such a way that your death is just the beginning of your life.
Max Lucado |
God is whispering to you. Those are his arms you feel. Trust him. That is his voice you hear. Believe him.
Max Lucado |
But prayer isn't asking God to do what we want. Prayer is asking God to what is right.
Max Lucado |
A person is worth something simply because he is a person.
Max Lucado |
Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leave you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing and listen as Heaven
Max Lucado |
I believe in brevity. I believe that you, the reader, entrust me, the writer, with your most valued commodity--your time. I shouldn't take more than my share. For that reason, I love the short sentence. Big-time game it is. Hiding in the jungle of circular construction and six-syllable canyons. As I write, I hunt. And when I find, I shoot. Then I drag the treasure out of the trees and marvel. Not all of my prey make their way into chapters...
Max Lucado |
Need unchanging truth to trust? Try God's. His truth never wavers
Max Lucado |
Want to see the size of my love?" he invites. "Ascend the winding path outside Jerusalem. Follow the dots of bloody dirt until you crest the hill. Before looking up, pause and hear me whisper, "This is how much i love you."
Max Lucado |
God never promises to remove us from our struggles. He does promise, however, to change the way we look at them.
Max Lucado |
The stone was moved--not for Jesus--but for the women; not so Jesus could come out, but so the women could see in!
Max Lucado |
Anybody can preach a sermon on a mount surrounded by daisies. But only one with a gut full of faith can live a sermon on a mountain of pain.
Max Lucado |
God is not going to let you see the distant scene either. So you might as well quit looking for it. He promises a lamp unto our feet, not a crystal ball into the future (Psalm 119:105). We do not need to know what will happen tomorrow. We only need to know he leads us and "we will find grace to help us when we need it" (Hebrews 4:16 NLT)."
Max Lucado |
There are times when God sends thunder to stir us. There are times when God sends blessings to lure us. But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as he honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.
Max Lucado |
There is no one God won't use.
Max Lucado |
Confession is a radical reliance on grace. A proclamation of our trust in God's goodness. "What I did was bad," we acknowledge, "but your grace is greater than my sin, so I confess it." If our understanding of grace is small, our confession will be small: reluctant, hesitant, hedged with excuses and qualifications, full of fear of punishment. But great grace creates an honest confession."
Max Lucado |
The cross, the zenith of history. All of the past pointed to it, and all of the future would depend upon it. It's the great triumph of heaven: God is on the earth. And it is the great tragedy of earth: man has rejected God.
Max Lucado |
At the beginning of every act of faith, there is often a seed of fear.
Max Lucado |
If it is true that a picture paints a thousand words, then there was a Roman centurion who got a dictionary full. All he did was see Jesus suffer. He never heard him preach or saw him heal or followed him through the crowds. He never witnessed him still the wind; he only witnessed the way he died. But that was all it took to cause this weather-worn soldier to take a giant step in faith. "Surely this was a righteous man."1 That says a lot, d..
Max Lucado |
To live as God's child is to know, at this very instant, that you are loved by your Maker not because you try to please him and succeed, or fail to please him and apologize, but because he wants to be your Father. Nothing more. All your efforts to win his affection are unnecessary. All your fears of losing his affection are needless. You can no more make him want you than you can convince him to abandon you. The adoption is irreversible. Yo..
Max Lucado |
For the next twelve hours I will be exposed to the day's demands. It is now that I must make a choice. Because of Calvary, I'm free to choose. And so I choose. I choose love . . . No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves. I choose joy . . . I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical . . . the tool of the lazy th..
Max Lucado |
Have you ever noticed the way a groom looks at his bride during the wedding? I have. Perhaps it's my vantage point. As the minister of the wedding, I'm positioned next to the groom. Side by side we stand, he about to enter the marriage, I about to perform it. By the time we reach the altar, I've been with him for some time backstage as he tugged his collar and mopped his brow. His buddies reminded him that it's not too late to escape, and t..
Max Lucado |
But suppose my daughters had approached me as we often approach God. "Hey, Dad, glad you're home. Here is what I want. More toys. More candy. And can we go to Disneyland this summer?" "Whoa," I would have wanted to say. "I'm not a waiter, and this isn't a restaurant. I'm your father, and this is our house. Why don't you just climb up on Daddy's lap and let me tell you how much I love you?" Ever thought God might want to do the same with you..
Max Lucado |
You represent a challenge to Satan's plan. You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something the world needs--wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill. If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence.
Max Lucado |
If Jesus heals you instantly, praise him. If you are still waiting for healing, trust him. Your suffering is your sermon.
Max Lucado |
You are never more like Jesus than when you pray for others.
Max Lucado |
Our task is not to whitewash nor bloat the truth. Our task is to tell the truth. Period.
Max Lucado |
the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven.
Max Lucado |
Pieces don't fit. Wine runs out. Water bottles burst. These are facts of life. But Jesus responds with this invitation: "Bring your problems to me."
Max Lucado |
God's love never ceases. Never. Though we spurn him. Ignore him. Reject him. Despise him. Disobey him. He will not change. Our evil cannot diminish his love. Our goodness cannot increase it. Our faith does not earn it any more than our stupidity jeopardizes it. God doesn't love us less if we fail or more if we succeed. God's love never ceases.
Max Lucado |
Earthly fears are no fears at all. All the mystery is revealed. The final destination is guaranteed. Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective.
Max Lucado |
God] dispenses his goodness not with an eyedropper but a fire hydrant. Your heart is a Dixie cup, and his grace is the Mediterranean Sea. You simply can't contain it all. So let it bubble over. Spill out. Pour forth. 'Freely you have received, freely give' (Matt. 10:8 NIV).
Max Lucado |
When Jesus says he will keep you safe, he means it. Hell will have to get through him to get to you.
Max Lucado |
You have a God who hears you, the power of love behind you, the Holy Spirit within you, and all of heaven ahead of you. If you have the Shepherd, you have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner, and an anchor for every storm. You have
Max Lucado |