I don't love you anymore... I love someone else. I always have." -Schuyler"
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It hurt because he knew she loved him; she had told him as much. It just-just not enough...
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So this is pain. So this is wretchedness. So this is misery. I never knew. -Jack
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This ring is a symbol of my faithfulness, it binds you to me, and my love shall hold you always.
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This is the only part of myself that is truly mine, and now yours.
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On the eve of the shadow crescent... Watch the Vampire burn.
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There are families whose greatness lies in their past, and in their legacies, Mrs. Schuyler answered. That is a quality much to be admired, for tradition is what binds us as a society. But there are some families, like some nations, whose greatness is a future development, and that quality, though harder to discern than the prestige of manor houses and coats of arms and titles of rank and office, is no less valuable, if, indeed, not more so..
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Sometimes the only way to win is to cheat,' Aelwyn said stubbornly. The sisters turned to see what the Sister Superior would do, but Sister Mallory only sighed. 'You are young still, Sister Myrddyn, but one day you will learn that a false victory is a hollow one.
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Yet even though they were together, she could not stop worrying about how much time they would have-
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Choice," Charles cursed. "A romantic notion, but nothing more."
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I love you, you know," Mimi said. "You make me crazy, but God help me Jack, I do." "I love you too," he replied."
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She had to be honest. And this was where the truth hurt. She wanted to see Jack Force again. But it was agony
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It's not you she hates, Schuyler. It's me. She just turned her anger outward because she couldn't bring herself to hate whom she loves.
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Don't," she said to her brother. "What?" "Don't act like I'm dead already. I, for one, am not giving up."
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I give myself to you." she whispered. "No. Not yet," he sighed. "If not now, when?"... "Time might be running out for me. For us."
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I want to kiss you so bad. But There's nothing here. You're not really here, are you?" -Bliss"
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Ollie I would never leave you," she whispered, and she knew she was telling the truth. -Schuyler"
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But even if we're together, it will only kill Jack." -Sky "If he will take the risk to be with you, who are you to tell him what to do with his life?" -Allegra"
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She didn't want Jack to be with her only because he couldn't be with the person he truly loved.
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He had tried so hard so many times, and she had always rejected him. He would not give her another chance, she knew. -Sky
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Do not cry for me, Azrael. Do not waste your tears. You made your decision." -Kingsley"
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She had sacrificed her love, but he would not sacrifice his.
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Mimi walked out of church, knowing that if she ever saw Jack again, she would have to kill him.
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Dylan leaned down, and she could feel his lips, soft and inviting, gently kissing hers. Then Dylan was gone.
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Schuyler grasped it tightly. She would never let go. Not in this lifetime.
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They might all be drinking laced Kool-Aid in there, but she had a good head on her shoulders. Things like vampires and past lives and immortality just didn't exist in the real world. And Schuyler was a card-carrying member of the real world. She didn't want to check into CrazyTown any time soon.
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I love her because she has become something more to me. She has become my life. -Jack
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It's a birthday party," sniffed Mal. "And I wasn't invited." --
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She had chosen him; she had made him hers. She had done it out of love and duty. -Deming
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Altogether, the first glimpse of his bride-which should have come as no surprise to Alex, standing there looking so lean and handsome himself-nearly brought him to his knees.
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When you meet the right person, it's like nothing else--nobody else. No one in your past ever mattered.
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They were embarking on a journey into the darkness inside themselves.
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Don't touch me. Don't tell me how beautiful my eyes are, how soft my hair is, how you love to hear my voice. Don't. Don't pretend you are falling in love with me. I know you are lying, and every word you say hurts even more. Let us just be friends, if we can start there. Can't we? Can't we at least be friends? Get to know each other a little? Before the wedding, and the bedding, when I will have to take you as my lord and husband?
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There would never be anything but this. Stolen moments, stolen kisses, a secret oasis.
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It is my turn to wait. Funny that in all these months we have been meeting, it was always she waiting for me.
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We are wolves of the guard, soldiers of the light. Hunted and haunted,bye the beasts of night. Friend to all and foe to none, Love and loyalty bind us as one. Time and tide shall heal all wounds Memories and madness shall not consume. To death and despair we shall never surrender, The pact never to be forsaken, or torn asunder.
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There was no such thing as a happy ending, only a happy present.
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Even though you can't control the things that happen to you, you can control your perspective and your actions. There's never a moment you can't choose who you want to be.
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Who wanted to make lemonade from lemons, when you could make perfectly good lemonade grenades?
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That was the problem these days--everything was considered disposable--clothes, cell phones, relationships.
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And while a pretty face is nice to wake up to, an adoring face is so much more rewarding.
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Marriage was like the surface of an ocean, seemingly placid and serene above; yet if you weren't careful, seething and raging with underground earthquakes below.
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Don't worry my love, we shall have our vengeance. I promise it." -Jack"
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I take it back! she'd wanted to say . I take everything back. I love you. Let's go away. Just the two of us together.
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