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04f5424 She still loved him, she would always love him, but it was the kind of love that was muted, safely seen through the rear-view window, like a place you used to call home but no longer visited. There would always be a wound there, but the healing had begun. love mimi Melissa de la Cruz
a1e5f2e Sometimes it was better to keep Pandora's box closed. Melissa de la Cruz
6f49f2a Now that she decided she knew exactly what she wanted -him- she couldn't wait to break the news. And if he didn't want her, she could live with that - what she wouldn't be able to live with was if she never told him. Melissa de la Cruz
6b4e78b Forever as it turns out, is a very long time. Melissa de la Cruz
36f8312 You said we would never be separated, ever again. And we will not. Not ever. There is a way to be together always. Melissa de la Cruz
424da82 Leave it alone Schuyler. For your sake and mine. Melissa de la Cruz
d0d203d We've been wicked for such a very long time, you know. It does get tiresome after a while. wicked Melissa de la Cruz
5ba20ce Not that they were there to have fun--although with Kingsley Martin around, fun was never far from the agenda. Melissa de la Cruz
7c04821 and Schuyler hoped with all her heart that he would never find out the truth. Melissa de la Cruz
d756927 But as they say, love is blind. Melissa de la Cruz
f7af1e6 I can't let you take the risk. I love you too much." -Schuyler "Then you would rather see me bonded to a women I do not love?" -Jack" Melissa de la Cruz
a45c6e7 All his gentleness, all his kindness, all the bright shining gorgeousness of his love, he had always given to someone else. Melissa de la Cruz
3298ad8 I know you would never leave me. I know you would never be able to make a decision, so I decided for you." -Oliver" Melissa de la Cruz
6c0eaef He squeezed her hand one last time. Then Jack was gone and she was alone. Melissa de la Cruz
5c40d90 They were friends. That's all she ever seemed to have. Friends. She had enough of them. lost-in-time melissa-de-la-cruz Melissa de la Cruz
ec27f92 Jack put a hand on his heart and nodded. "I feel the same way about you." -- Melissa de la Cruz
6817c16 And while a pretty face is nice to wake up to, and adoring face is so much more rewarding. Melissa de la Cruz
e7a9205 All he had to do was love her, and he could do that. -Kingsley Melissa de la Cruz
9c938d9 I thought I was going to lose you, she sent. Never. We shall never be separated. Melissa de la Cruz
65bbe5c And at last, the lonely young man who belonged to no one finally belonged to someone, forever, and the practical girl who would not settle for less than a love story for the ages found the lifelong romance she had yearned for all her life. historical-romance Melissa de la Cruz
37fb9a0 This is why he never took these jobs anymore, Wes realized. It was too much-he couldn't save everybody-he couldn't even keep his solders alive, let alone in a line. Daran was lost, and while he was a jerk and a lowlife, he had still entrusted his life to Wes and Wes had failed him. He couldn't keep doing this, there were so many . . .and he was too young to watch so many kids die. Now he was being asked to save a few more . . . for what? So.. Melissa de la Cruz
e65ac98 This is college?' Schyler asked. 'or Downton Abbey? Melissa de la Cruz
301b314 I can't think of anything I'm not grateful for. Melissa de la Cruz
d975d26 It was the truth, and like any truth, it was powerful Melissa de la Cruz
dafc652 By lunchtime, the rest of the school was still talking about last night's epic howler at Hell Hall, but Mal had no interest. The party was the past; she'd moved on. She had bigger things to worry about now. All she could think about was how her mother wanted the Dragon's Eye back. And how Maleficent wouldn't see her as anything other than her father's daughter--in other words, a pathetic, soft human--until Mal could prove her wrong. Mal kep.. Melissa de la Cruz
e3bdf5d She had an unusual name. She knew that much. It wasn't the kind of name that you found on ceramic coffee mugs at airport gift shops or emblazoned on mini-license plate souvenirs you could hang on your bedroom door after you returned from Disneyland. Her name was pretty and unusual and had meaning. the-van-alen-legacy unusual-names Melissa de la Cruz
ff8fa07 I give myself to you and accept you as my own. Melissa de la Cruz
0c7599b Kingsley nodded. 'Of course. Sophia always did say wisdom had to be earned. blue force jordan kingsley mimi schuyler σοφία venator wisdom Melissa de la Cruz
64cb349 But for Jack, the sight of Schuyler Van Alen had only served to ignite a feeling he had been repressing for months. Melissa de la Cruz
9a54eb3 Mimi knew now what she had to do. To save their bond, to save themselves. She had to destroy Schuyler Van Alen. Melissa de la Cruz
c3767eb Once the bond was sealed, it could not be broken for this cycle. Schuyler would become nothing more than a distant memory. Melissa de la Cruz
ec0401f put it bluntly, Prince Ben, this blows," said Genie, who" Melissa de la Cruz
f6219d9 He had written her reams and reams of letters, as well as a poem that she kept folded in a locket around her neck. Her letters were full of love and anticipation, matching his for enthusiasm and tenderness. He was the luckiest man in the world. historical-romance Melissa de la Cruz
8ec55df Outside, the crescent moon was high in the sky, shining in its sliver glory. Melissa de la Cruz
2d8fd88 I shall love you and give myself up for you, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up"- then Alex looked into Eliza's shining eyes and added a twist of his own-"and I shall serve you with tenderness and respect, and encourage you to develop the gifts that God has given you." historical-romance Melissa de la Cruz
87d8f57 She made her choice. She loved Oliver. Jack was not hers to love, and never had been. Melissa de la Cruz
2d8f240 It was the same way he looked that at her that night. When he asked her to stay. She gave him the same answer she had back then. "No." Melissa de la Cruz
75be104 As much as she still loved Jack, and as much as it would make her miserable forever to leave him again, there was Oliver to consider. Melissa de la Cruz
12f207c Leave him." Mimi held Kingsley's gaze. "I can't..." Melissa de la Cruz
47adfc9 Mimi collapsed to the ground, as if her heart had imploded in her chest. Melissa de la Cruz
cda2750 This was the nightmare that had plagued her for months...the same despair that washed over her now. She was losing him. Melissa de la Cruz
8f5517c Thank you," she whispered. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go." Melissa de la Cruz
8133a2a And just like magic, the Isle of the Lost began to form before their eyes, including the hidden and forbidden zones. The Forbidden Fortress appeared, a menacing-looking castle of spiky walls and twisty towers, located on the edge of the island. Right in the middle of Nowhere. Melissa de la Cruz
ea25fe1 Lucifer, the most beautiful angel of all time,became so enamored with his own beauty and power that he came to believe his light was greater than the Almighty... Melissa de la Cruz
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