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59403f5 War is a mass of contradictions and carefully acknowledged truths. Michelle Sagara West
899825f They're humanity writ small, and many of them haven't learned how to hide, how to pretend to know things they don't know, how to doubt the things they want to believe in. Michelle Sagara
b159794 They were like gray stone, like the walls of the round room; they gave no impression of life, and they hinted at nothing but surface. His face, pale as ivory, heightened their unusual color; his hair, gray, fell beyond his back. He was not Barrani, but he might as well have been; he was tall, proud and very cold. But his wings crested the rise of drawn hood, and they were white, their pinions folded. Hawklord. Michelle Sagara
a843db2 His hair was a dark, dark black--Barrani black--but his build was all wrong for Barrani. He was a shade taller than Teela, and about twice her width. Three times, maybe. His hands were empty; he carried no obvious weapon. Wore no open medallion. The hand that he lifted in ritual greeting, palm out, was smooth and un-adorned. Michelle Sagara
db918f9 He wasn't as tall as Tanner, and he wasn't as broad; he had the catlike grace of a young Leontine, and his hair was a burnished copper, something that reddened in caught light. But his eyes were the blue she remembered, cold blue, and if he had new scars--and he did--they hadn't changed his face enough to remove it from her memory. Michelle Sagara
109cb72 To try. To live through the horror of failure; to endure the guilt. To try again. To make that choice. Michelle Sagara
13a5046 There, in thin blue lines that could be called spidery, was the mark of Lord Nightshade--the Michelle Sagara
61649c3 You never wanted to stand out. You never wanted to attract too much attention, because some of that attention would be bad. Michelle Sagara
5e4eb6b need was a funny thing; you were never sure if you had it by the tail or the jaw. Being needed forced her to find strength; being needed too much forced her to confront failure. Michelle Sagara
66a0670 She could have written a treatise on the danger of dresses in about thirty seconds, but it wouldn't have been printable. Michelle Sagara
52ec271 Kaylin. The shape of a girl on the edge of the long climb into adulthood. Michelle Sagara
d50c61e There were days when boredom--or the possibility that things could get boring--was as much of a gift as life was willing to give. Michelle Sagara
c0185ba Is this some sort of test?" "Indeed. Everything that doesn't kill you is." Michelle Sagara
92f0fb6 If she had dreamed of wearing a dress like this, if she had once dreamed of rescue, in the way children do, she'd grown beyond the dream. Or it had grown too small to contain her. It didn't matter. Michelle Sagara
dff0591 She studied them all, her eyes tracing thick curves and thin, as if they were a mandala that moved with her, lived in her. Michelle Sagara
757d342 event was; she'd witnessed Michelle Sagara
15e326e Corporal, if you would care to accompany us?" "I wouldn't dream of missing it." There were whole days when Kaylin hated Dragons." Michelle Sagara
10dd43c The children watch,' she added softly. As if the children were the keepers of all conscience. And maybe, Kaylin thought, just maybe, they were a good keeper. To protect your children, you struggled with your anger, mastered it. Your struggled to explain away your fear, or theirs. There probably wasn't all that much difference, in the end. You worked hard to be worthy of the trust they so carelessly - and completely - placed in you. Michelle Sagara
f947fbc Because sometimes saying it--where only you can hear it, but forcing yourself to find the actual words--is helpful. Or at least it has been for some of my tenants. Not all of them, of course; all of you are different individuals. But some found it helpful--almost as if saying it out loud was an exorcism. It released the words instead of allowing them to remain trapped in their thoughts, wearing deeper and deeper grooves. helen Michelle Sagara
e397885 Trust me--you come close to death, you'll remember how you stepped out of its way kaylin marcus fighting instincts Michelle Sagara
9571c0c She told him she was fine. Except the words she used were "No. I'm not." Michelle Sagara
7a63f3e So Kaylin, navigating forest, footpaths, and a plague of blood-drinking, buzzing insects, began to make a list. It was, in her mind, titled Things Not to Do if You Want to Have Fun During Your Involuntary Leave of (Probably Unpaid) Absence. Michelle Sagara
ea98f4f Hope was cruel. It could be an act of torture far more profound than despair. Michelle Sagara
91f1e2c If you are always afraid to be known, you will never understand anyone else. If you never understand anyone else, you'll never be a good Hawk. You'll see what others see, or what they want you to see. You won't see what's . severn kaylin Michelle Sagara
53475e6 Kaylin's memory was like a kaleidoscope; fractured, but in a way that was arresting, even beautiful, if looked at the right way. As a child, Catti's hair had been bright red, but it had shaded Michelle Sagara
4efa1dc Kaylin's memory was like a kaleidoscope; fractured, but in a way that was arresting, even beautiful, if looked at the right way. inspirational Michelle Sagara
91fdb99 Power such as mine is only granted for one reason - to protect those with less, against yours." "Power such as yours? Sarillorn, if the power that you wield is too great a responsibility, I will take it from you; you may then have peace, knowing that there is nothing at all that you can do." Michelle Sagara West
6e586ed Why will you not just accept what is? You have done as you will in my domain. I have exacted no price for actions that would be the death of any other." "Why? I am your enemy here!" Michelle Sagara West
3e0b9db Why will you not just accept what is? You have done as you will in my domain. I have exacted no price for actions that would be the death of any other." "Why? I am your enemy here!" "It does little harm." Michelle Sagara West
e630222 Dreams are their own knife, Kaylin. Dreams, what-ifs, desires. We all have to have hope. hope severn kaylin Michelle Sagara
f325cfb Because not all weakness has to be weakness the-lord-of-the-west-march weakness Michelle Sagara
41275a6 The past, of course, is a different country; it is occupied, frequently, by regret, and it is ruled by tyrants. They cannot be moved. Michelle Sagara
d3e7335 Nightshade--like any living, thinking person--was capable of more than one truth. nightshade Michelle Sagara
250757b Communication was often like this, though: stumbling, tripping, getting up again. Moving, however clumsily, forward. kaylin Michelle Sagara
48d1e69 She had a choice; she had chosen to listen. She had offered, wordless and desperate, to help. Michelle Sagara
ff58411 I don't know what's happening--but Spike says things are getting worse. She hesitated. Michelle Sagara
a7fc56b But home, for us, is each other, no matter where we happen to be. family Michelle Sagara
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