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8493e7b The girls Iris went through wound up cracked vases no longer fit for flowers, leaky dust collectors. After Iris, girls left town or started fucking boys. She ruined everyone. Michelle Tea
2de473a Freshly sprung from my monogamous LTR, I had no idea how vulnerable I would be to the onslaught of chemicals your brain releases when you're attracted to someone. These chemicals are responsible for every single people-in-love-are-crazy-fools song, movie plot, and Shakespearean drama ever written. They stimulate the same area of the brain that lights up when you snort a fat rail of cocaine. This state of mind, limerence, is a biological rel.. Michelle Tea
90c9eba Our future-focused, technology-obsessed world seems to be hurtling down a bad path. People are turning to ancestral practices for a sense of enduring longevity, and comfort. To help stay sane and grounded in the midst of so much cultural insanity. To source a different kind of power in hopes of making changes both personal and political. From learning meditation to fighting off a cold with some homemade fire cider; from indigo-dyeing your c.. Michelle Tea
57748f4 Pages are the students of the suit, suggestive of a person who has yet to master its special powers but who is earnestly engaged in figuring it all out. Knights are super action-oriented, ready to GO, on the double, like, yesterday! Queens are self-assured and generous, a bit interior, strong and meditative. Kings are likewise so but more extroverted and action-oriented. Michelle Tea
a1b46d7 Michelle felt that if people didn't like the way they looked in her book then they should have behaved differently. Michelle Tea
a1192ca Writing was the antijob, the fuck you to all jobs, her claim on her autonomy, what kept her feral and free. Michelle Tea
07e007d Andy hollered, and was gone. Michelle Tea
7dd891d Michelle was shocked at how many beauty products were marketed at balm for swollen eyes. She imagined thousands of female consumers sobbing hysterically all night and acting like there was no problem by day, smearing cream into their haggard faces at the bathroom mirror. She was part of a demographic. Michelle Tea
20454f8 Michelle had great admiration for criminals and crime, though only from a distance. criminals Michelle Tea
83064ab I'm A Queer Poet Too! She stressed not because she walked around identifying as a queer poet but so that the youth understood she would fuck her. Michelle Tea
3ece00f It smelled of oily flowers, like the worn pillowcases of long-ago lovers. pillowcases Michelle Tea
1fc7504 How many lovers did a person need, anyway? Michelle Tea
9d15272 This upscale Marin whorehouse allowed the men to come and pick from the lineup of women like we were donuts in a pastry case. Michelle Tea