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90efd10 We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves. frankenstein monsters Mike Carey & Peter Gross
b4f6e92 You read any Greek myths, puppy? The one about the gorgon Medusa, particularly? I used to wonder what could be so terrible that you couldn't survive even at it. Until I got a little older and I figured out the obvious answer. . gorgon greek-myths medusa everything Mike Carey & Peter Gross
6dd2b68 It's not a holiday until you overdo it! mike-carey Mike Carey
3505222 It does no good to run. And it does no good to hide. But I know what it's like. Your brain shuts down, and you follow your instincts. Or, at least, you you do. But you know what you're really doing? When you flee through the night, or crawl into your little bolt-hole? You know what's really guiding you? Controlling you? Pushing you on? . crawling genre-conventions the-night hiding running instincts Mike Carey & Peter Gross
6398443 Could it hurt to take a look? The answer was yes, of course. It's always yes. But I went anyway. Mike Carey
2adde3c The world is a book. Some words stand out from the page. Mike Carey
9584423 It wasn't what I was expecting, but like I've always said: if life gives you lemmings, jump off a cliff. Mike Carey
97bc351 You know what pulp is, Mr. Tallis? It's the flesh of a luscious fruit, mashed down into an incredible, half liquid richness. so saturated with flavor that it fills your whole body, not just your mouth. reading writing pop-culture pulp-fiction stories Mike Carey & Peter Gross
631e288 It was a hot, moist armpit of a night... Mike Carey
b1c1bfb And send not to ask for whom the fucking bell tolls, because you're not going to like the answer. Mike Carey
e554460 I'll be fine ' Pen told me a little curtly. 'Where are you going anyway ' 'The United States. Alabama.' 'Looking for a change of scene ' 'Looking for a dead woman.' 'Get Jenna-Jane Mulbridge to come down here and I'll make you one. Mike Carey
c2c5c44 The light of a hunter's moon bleached the unresisting pastels from the faces of the towers, so that they looked like titanic ribs of bone, and shadows accrued like crusted blood under the walkways. Mike Carey
7106e3f So what I'm getting at is this. Okay, maybe it's cold in the grave. Maybe you come out of the light and you think, Fuck your mother, this is bad. This is worse than anything I would have guessed. But the trick is to clench your teeth, get a running start and dive. When I hit that other country, from whose bourne no traveller back-pedals, I'm going to be moving fast. I'm gambling that the first ten seconds or so will be the worst. Mike Carey (Author)
9889dc9 Even at its worst, there are tiny holes in the midnight canopy of my bad luck. Mike Carey
576412c My mum's getting married," said Cheryl. "Again. At the Brompton Oratory. Fourth time around the track, this is. They don't say 'Till death us do part' for my mum; they say 'Who's holding ticket number twenty-three?" Mike Carey
9ec0b0f Beliefs are collars to which leashes can be attached Mike Carey
8c16a31 Because all the waters of the ocean won't fill a bucket with a hole in it. And that's their fall, and that's their fellowship. Desire. The hole in the bucket: the gulf of yearning into which the soul empties itself. Mike Carey
56b3706 Truth isn't handed *down*, brother. You beat it out with *hammers* and anneal it in your own *blood*. Mike Carey
b1958c6 The key fob played the first bar of Fur Elise as I locked the car up. I hoped that Beethoven's ghost was out there somewhere, making the night hideous for the managing director of Ford's. Mike Carey
431a9c2 Nothing matters more than the stories we tell ourselves to explain the world. Mike Carey
dff743c And there's a darker side to Peckham, too, once you get in deep: a side I like a lot more, because I identify with the past and prefer even worm-eaten wood to wipe-clean plastic. Mike Carey
8430773 The world seems to work in predictable ways, and you think you see the pattern. But that's fatal. Because it's only a pattern until you meet the first event that doesn't fit. And by then it's too late. By then, all the tricks you've learned to deal with the world -- well, they just don't work anymore. neverwhere neil-gaiman Mike Carey
48be7d0 I learn about how stories work for the same reason that soldiers learn how to strip a rifle. You should, too. storytelling stories Mike Carey
16fa5a7 At least the smoke would give me a little cover; it was also choking me, making my eyes water and my lungs ache and spasm with each breath, but you can't have everything. Mike Carey
18b0841 The trouble is, writing the damn thing is like unscrewing your skull and pouring the contents of your brain into an empty tank. The tank has a shape, more or less - has more or less defined edges, a bottom and sides. But what it mostly has is volume: a hungry space I've somehow got to fill. writing-process Mike Carey & Peter Gross
72eb699 Grudging praise is the most flattering of all. Mike Carey
f657482 Men, women, children - all have souls. Tables. Rocks. Wheels. Cups. All likewise have souls. Spirit lives in matter. All matter. Where else would it live? matter soul Mike Carey
2a00259 It's a measure of how far I've come that I didn't bother to say, "This is impossible." Mike Carey
7ac825f Far as I can see, we mostly exist as *ideas* in each other's heads. The way *you* see me. The way my *boss* sees me. The way the *waitress* at Lindy's sees me. Mike Carey
357c1ff I will withhold death from you as long as you obey my one command. Bow down to no one. Worship no one. Not even me. Do you understand? Mike Carey
9a69359 But Tom was not thinking about magic or struggle or the rest of his journey. Mike Carey
10e5b4c You move on. You move back. On because you're always getting older, back because there's always a set of habits and routines to catch you and suck you back in when your guard is down. moving-on habits Mike Carey
ea71f6f Cara terbaik untuk memangkasnya adalah membiarkannya tumbuh hingga berbuah dan kemudian menghukumnya dengan keras. Ia tidak melihat hal ini sebagai kekejaman, hanya sebagai pengasuhan yang baik, sama seperti memukuli anjing untuk melatihnya tidak memgotori lantai. the-steel-seraglio Mike Carey
ffa3da8 I could dodge the kick, but the stable door was already down - and I hadn't even realised it until I saw the splinters. Mike Carey
b9427bb You're a vampire, Richie. And I've got a gun the size of Nebraska. What's the worst that could happen? the-cabal tommy-taylor Mike Carey
1e27f29 There *is* no mortal sin. There are only *souls*, lost in a maze that someone *else* has made for them. Mike Carey
6f8e624 You never apologised to me for getting my legs broken either." "I said sorry in my own way, Gary." Mike Carey
deca34b You never apologised to me for getting my legs broken, either." "I said sorry in my own way, Gary." "By never referring to it again and dodging the subject whenever I brought it up." "Exactly." Mike Carey
34ac4f8 And for Peter... well, sometimes cruelty is kindness in disguise. Sometimes pain is the best teacher. Sometimes it does you no harm to realize that there's a limit to what you can get away with. pain life Mike Carey