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f6eea29 Once, when Giselle was alive, he thought about the future. Now he only thought about the past. Mitch Albom
fa8b1a8 A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops -Henry Adams teacher Mitch Albom
e772b04 I was so lonely." And Father Time said, "You were never alone." Mitch Albom
bce665c We all yearn for what we have lost. But sometimes, we forget what we have Mitch Albom
096d069 It's such a big world," She'd say wistfully. "Something is always happening somewhere." Mitch Albom
b1f9db6 She explains that lost love is still love.Life has to end but love doesn't love Mitch Albom
ded722e Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. Mitch Albom
84130cb For centuries, musicians have sought to find me at the end of a needle or the bottom of a drink. It is an illusion. And it often ends badly. Take Mitch Albom
84838ba Everyone joins a band in this life. One way or another, the band breaks up. Mitch Albom
9e4c73e Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of th.. Mitch Albom
0d5fd35 I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you'll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly, in a way you otherwise wouldn't. But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always.. for-one-more-day love mitch-albom mother parents Mitch Albom
dc47afe Have you ever really had a teacher? One who saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find your way to such teachers, you will always find your way back. Sometimes it is only in your head. Sometimes it is right alongside their beds Mitch Albom
31c88ba we're half-asleep, doing things we automatically think we have to do. Mitch Albom
604280f Morrie went to his funeral. He came home depressed. "What a waste," he said. "All those people saying all those wonderful things, and Irv never got to hear any of it." Mitch Albom
f228ed8 How do we say good-bye to you without saying good-bye to apiece of ourselves? Where do we look for you now? Mitch Albom
611af3d We could look out our windows and still see your face, still hear your voice on the wind. But where do we look for you now? Mitch Albom
146da4f This is life. Things get taken away. You will learn to start over many times-or you will be useless. life Mitch Albom
3efec22 Here is what I know of love. It changes the way you treat me. I feel it in your hands. Your fingers. Your compositions. The sudden rush of peppy phrases, major sevenths, melody lines that resolve neatly and sweetly, like a valentine tucked in an envelope. Humans grow dizzy from new affection, and young Frankie was already dizzy when he and the mysterious girl descended from that tree. Mitch Albom
816dd61 The pain you go through in life doesn't really touch you...not the real you... you are so much lighter than you think. Mitch Albom
f3d27e0 But I had never seen her that way. I had never known her as Pauline, the name he parents had given her, or as Posey, the name her friends had given her; only as Mom, the name I had given her. I could only see her carrying dinner to the table with kitchen mitts, or carpooling us to the bowling alley. Mitch Albom
11ff02c Cinta yang menang. Cinta selalu menang"(hal 42, Selasa Bersama Morrie)" Mitch Albom
ee374f4 you feel like a steel door has been locked; you're banging, but they just can't hear you. And being unheard is the ground floor of giving up, and giving up is the ground floor of doing yourself in. Mitch Albom
bf0ce7c It's very simple. As you grow, you learn more. Mitch Albom
afdd454 Going back to something is harder than you think." I don't suppose I could have broken my mother's heart any more if I tried." heartfelt mother moving-on Mitch Albom
36ab09a You will never know all there is to know. You will learn until your final days. Then you will inspire someone else. This is what an artist does. artisit writer writing Mitch Albom
f707353 Her initial elation had given way to something unexpected: a heightened sadness. Even depression. Mitch Albom
b5bd25b Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do"; "Accept the past as past without denying it or discarding it"; "Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others"; "Don't assume that it's too late to get involved." "Dying, is only one thing to be sad over. Living unhappily is something else. So many of the people who come to visit me are unhappy." -- Mitch Albom
fde45fa They teach you, as children, that you might go to heaven. They never teach you that heaven might come to you. heaven hope inspirational love-story Mitch Albom
cc3b5ea Heaven . . . is the same feeling. . . . No fear. No dark. When you know you are loved . . . that's the light. fear heaven inspirational light love Mitch Albom
74abf87 But heaven can be found in the most unlikely corners. And heaven itself has many steps. Mitch Albom
fbeb134 Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them--a mother's approval, a father's nod--are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. Mitch Albom
adb8406 Love does not make you a fool. Mitch Albom
0433aec Parents rarely let got of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. Mitch Albom
0fd2b52 Do you understand? Why we're here? This is not your heaven. It's mine. Mitch Albom
7963180 In the beginning, there was a question. In the end, the question gets answered. God sings, we hum along, and there are many melodies, but it's all one song--one same, wonderful, human song. I am in love with hope. Mitch Albom
572e34a No love is worth that trouble. Mitch Albom
ad36764 Grace. Mitch Albom
e6c2878 The truth was, they had not kept in touch. War could bond men like a magnet, but like a magnet it could repel them, too. The things they saw, the things they did. Sometimes they just wanted to forget. Mitch Albom
51a53a5 Orang-orang asing adalah keluarga yang belum kau kenal. Mitch Albom
f5e1766 I lifted my eyes, and, for the first time, admitted the truth. "I gave up," I whispered. "Don't give up," she whispered back." lessons quotes Mitch Albom
0264fc6 One afternoon, I am complaining about the confusion of my age, what is expected of me versus what I want for myself. life relationships Mitch Albom
16b2be9 That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind." Eddie shook his head. "We were throwing a ball. It was my stupidity, running out there like that. Why should you have to die on account of me? It ain't fair." The Blue Man held out his hand. "Fairness," he said, "does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die y.. Mitch Albom
1691889 I still don't understand," Eddie whispered. "What good came from your death?" "You lived," the Blue Man answered. "But we barely knew each other. I might as well have been a stranger."..."Strangers," the Blue Man said, "are just family you have yet to come to know." -- Mitch Albom
814dd91 And, as is usually the fate with bands, most of them will break up--through distance, differences, divorce, or death. Mitch Albom