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50b74ab How terribly unfair that his whole self aches because of the shape of a shoulder, the soft line of a hip. Nathan Englander
87c8481 Harder than waking from a nightmare was trying to wake herself into one. Nathan Englander
57c6891 43. My couch is 92 inches; it's a deep green three-cushion. It seats hundreds. But that's not why I got it. I got it because, lying down the long way, in the spooning-in-front-of-a-movie way, in the head-to-toe lying with a pair of lamps burning and a pair of people reading, it fits me and another - it fits her - really well. Nathan Englander
e36bf99 The Jewish day begins in the calm of evening, when it won't shock the system with its arrival. judaism day evening night Nathan Englander
9ca647b They went off to the Holy Land and went from Orthodox to ultra-Orthodox, which to me sounds like a repackaged detergent-ORTHODOX ULTRA(r), now with more deep-healing power. orthodoxy Nathan Englander
5a8d04a When my mother told my father what had happened, he didn't want to believe it. "Nobody ever wants to believe what happens to the Jews," she said, "not even us." judaism anti-semitism troubles woes jews persecution Nathan Englander
1419a2c It is hard to know what a person would and wouldn't do in any specific instance. And you, spoiled child, apply the rules of civilization to a boy who had only seen its opposite. Maybe the fault for those deaths lies in a system designed for the killing of Tendlers that failed to do its job. An error, a slip that allowed a Tendler, no longer fit, back loose in the world. Nathan Englander
f782c49 No, no," Arnie says. "Fondle--fondle is to touch. Everything sounds Yiddish to you. Far-fetched, far-flung..." "Farflung is Yiddish." "No," Arnie says, "it's not." Nathan Englander
0ca21e1 You rented an apartment with its own escape route?" "I did," Z says. "It's not so paranoid when you use it to do just that." Nathan Englander
648e758 Covjekovo pravo bice pokazuje se u tri slucaja. Kad je posrijedi novac, kad govori u srdzbi i kad je pijan. Nathan Englander
edfe58c Elke zomer worden de oude mensen kleiner terwijl de kinderen groter worden. Volgens Josh is er maar een bepaalde lengte beschikbaar op aarde en verwisselen de centimeters alleen van eigenaar. lengte ouderen Nathan Englander
87a2623 If Z had only known in his perfectly lovely two rooms in Paris what he'd come to know in his single 6x8 block somewhere, he guessed, just outside Tel Aviv. If he'd had an inkling in that breezy French apartment of what true boredom felt like and true loneliness, and true limbo - what it might actually be like to be locked up, hidden away without hope. If he'd tasted real madness at that point, he'd not have decided that he was so bored and .. Nathan Englander
389668d There were new words for everything in their dead language put back to use. New words for the jets and their radar systems. New words for the tanks and the radios inside. But for this, for the hammer and beat of the forge, the Bible still sufficed. Nathan Englander
ba0304a And we know, until they stop their terrible motion, until they cease swooping and darting and banging into the walls, until they alight, come to rest, exhausted, spent, there is nothing at all we can do. Nathan Englander
f245731 These are hopeful stories from hopeless times. Without them the grief of this nation would tip it into the sea. Nathan Englander
73d8c17 He was surprised, as always, to witness a new degradation, to find another display of wretchedness original enough to bring tears to his eyes. He took a deep breath and ignored the sense of injustice, a rich man's emotion, a feeling Mendel had given up the liberty of experiencing horrors and horrors before. Nathan Englander