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5995356 His mind refused to accept that what he was hearing was laughter, and that it was coming from a human throat. He scrambled backward, and the shadowy figure leaped forward, grabbing at his trailing leg with an outstretched hand. As soon as its grip latched onto his ankle, he started screaming and kicking. The figure laughed, fighting to snare both his legs, and his cries of terror brought the other two back. They loomed over him, faces that .. Neal Stephenson
70b84c7 you live in a shithole, there's always the Metaverse, and in the Metaverse, Hiro Protagonist is a warrior prince. Neal Stephenson
1811375 snow n... 2.a. Anything resembling snow. b. The white specks on a television screen resulting from weak reception. crash v... -infr.. . . 5, To fail suddenly, as a business or an economy. - The American Heritage Dictionary virus.. . . [L. virus slimy liquid, poison, offensive odour or taste.] 1. Venom, such as is emitted by a poisonous animal. 2. Path. a. A morbid principle or poisonous substance produced in the body as the result of some d.. Neal Stephenson
20bdefa Disaster' is an astrological term meaning 'bad star. Neal Stephenson
657da18 Well," says Uncle Enzo. It is the "well" that begins the end of a conversation. "I was going to send you some roses, but you wouldn't really be interested in that, would you?" Neal Stephenson
36110a2 El desarrollo de software comparte con el deporte profesional la caracteristica de lograr que los treintaneros se sientan decrepitos computer-engineering computer-science software software-development Neal Stephenson
3ef04f8 But thoughts of this sort were chased away by others. One of those moments had arrived: Jack had been presented with the opportunity to be stupid in some way that was much more interesting than being shrewd would've been. These moments seemed to come to Jack every few days. Neal Stephenson
08dd134 Like two arms of a snowflake, Mind and Matter grew out of a common center--and even though they grew independently and without communicating--each developing according to its own internal rules--nevertheless they grew in perfect harmony, and share the same shape and structure. Neal Stephenson
68c5100 The conventionally accepted explanation for this is that storytellers have a power of imagination that makes them good at inventing counterfactual narratives. In the light of everything we've learned about Strands at DODO, however, we can now see an alternate explanation, which is that storytellers are doing a kind of low-level magic. Their "superpower" isn't imagining counterfactuals, but rather seeing across parallel Strands and perceivin.. Neal Stephenson
fff1230 It's a solid hit, as solid as you can get on this nebula of air, upholstery, paint, and marketing known as the family minivan. Neal Stephenson
58f2243 One of the ice cubes in Doob's glass let out a little pop as it underwent thermal fracturing. Doob Neal Stephenson
e7f5f11 In the bottoms, reeds grew thick and green in rain-swollen waterways; low, shrubby willows populated a patchwork of sandy islands; and other water-hardy stuff grew in such profusion that only the most wretched fugitives were to be found there. Merely to dwell in such a place was to confess oneself an outlaw or a witch. The valleys and ravines that drained into it were choked with trees, generally too small and mean to be of interest to any,.. Neal Stephenson
3cf28c9 Wolf-Rayet stars Neal Stephenson
7bfae2c his whimper dying in his throat. There had been a flash of white moonlight reflecting off pale skin, and when the second one passed, he clapped his hand over his mouth to stifle his cry of terror at what he saw. The Neal Stephenson
ce9e7ff That's the bad news." "Okay, and what is the good news?" "All the people saying mean things about me on the Internet are gonna be dead in four hundred and thirty-three days," she said, deadpan." Neal Stephenson
88b1e2e We don't believe in anything as simple as metempsychosis--the movement of an individual soul from one body to another. That's not what we mean by reincarnation at all." "What" Neal Stephenson
5445200 Ymir," Luisa said, pronouncing it as she'd heard Sean do: ee-meer. A word from Norse mythology referring to primordial ice giants. Sean's code name for a particular hunk of ice that his project had identified, and that he meant to bring back. "Yeah." Neal Stephenson
edd7fb2 It had come from one of two corgis who were even now slamming their preposterous bodies into each other not far away, trying to roll each other over, which runs contrary to the laws of mechanics even in the case of corgis that are lean and trim, which these were not. This struggle, which appeared to be only one skirmish in a conflict of epochal standing, had driven all lesser considerations, such as guarding the gate, from the combatants' s.. playing priorities Neal Stephenson
012f0e6 The windows on the Dovetail side of the gatehouse were larger, and she could see the two corgi dogs outside, peering in through the lead latticework, flabbergasted that they had, through some enormous lacuna in procedure, been left on the outside, wagging their tails somewhat uncertainly, as if, in a world that allowed such mistakes, nothing could be counted on. injustice outside Neal Stephenson
051bcc9 Habia que humanizar los objetos, darles un nombre mono. Neal Stephenson
48a8c50 Antes de esta reunion escribi media docena de cartas de despedida a viejos amigos y familiares --dijo--, y cuando terminemos, voy a seguir con la lista. Quiza logre escribir la mitad de las cartas antes de que los destinatarios mueran por la Lluvia Solida. Supongo que pretendo decir que pienso como el muerto andante que soy en realidad; y eso esta mal. Deberia estar pensando en lo que tu estas pensando: el futuro al que vosotros y algunos p.. Neal Stephenson
a1886b7 veering cars holding their horn buttons down in long Dopplered howls of protest. Another Neal Stephenson
8511e25 On the social front it was a question of Amistics, which was a term that had been coined ages ago by a Moiran anthropologist to talk about the choices that different cultures made as to which technologies they would, and would not, make part of their lives. The word went all the way back to the Amish people of pre-Zero America, who had chosen to use certain modern technologies, such as roller skates, but not others, such as internal combust.. Neal Stephenson
a92b707 As the sun went down on the opposite side of the world, the light on the New Jersey horizon focused to a steady, lambent core the color of a flashlight when you shine it through the palm of your hand under the bedsheets. Lawrence Neal Stephenson
b6f8acc NONE OF YOU WILL EVER STAND ON TERRA FIRMA, TOUCH YOUR loved ones, or breathe the atmosphere of your mother planet again," the president said. "That is a terrible fate. And yet it is a better fate than seven billion people trapped on the Earth's surface can hope for. The last ship home has sailed. From now on, launch vehicles will rise up into orbit, but they will not go back for ten thousand years." The" Neal Stephenson
c1aff53 The complications, as always, had to do with avoiding collisions and respecting what was still called "air space" around habitats, even though it had no air in it and might more properly have been called "space space." Neal Stephenson
d34b6f5 If you posture defiantly, it tells me that you have not learned the skill of recognizing when you are running awry, and correcting yourself. And you must leave my house in that case, for such people only go further and further astray until they find destruction. But if you take this opportunity to consider where you have gone wrong, and to adjust your course, it tells me that you shall do well enough in the end. Neal Stephenson
4feb8b3 Leibniz is proposing a strange inversion of what we normally mean when we describe a man as distinguished, or unique. Normally when we say these things, we mean that the man himself stands out from a crowd in some way. But Leibniz is saying that such a man's uniqueness is rooted in his ability to perceive the rest of the universe with unusual clarity--to distinguish one thing from another more effectively than ordinary souls." Roger" Neal Stephenson
5dc744e nothing was worse than getting stuck in a situation like that with nothing to read. Elsewhere Neal Stephenson
26ccd68 It would be unseemly for me to beg for your succour so early in this letter, and so I shall divert you (or so I flatter myself) by relating my last conversation with my employer, Peter Romanov, or Peter the Great, as he is now styled--not without perfectly sound reasons--by many (I say "employer" because he owes--I do not say "pays"--me a stipend to act as his advisor on certain matters; my Mistress and liege-lady remains, as always, Sophie.. Neal Stephenson
9e3489f Nacida en Nueva York de padres huidos de la represion politica en Chile. Neal Stephenson
3b6c709 Izzy estaba llena de gente que se orientaba hacia el extremo Asperger del espectro social y la mejor forma de hacerla hablar era preguntarle por algun detalle tecnico. Neal Stephenson
4480243 For her, the electronic books were an insurance policy of sorts. The four-day elevator ride might be nothing more than a prelude to further journeys, some of which might take her to places with little to no bandwidth, and nothing was worse than getting stuck in a situation like that with nothing to read. Elsewhere Neal Stephenson
38f9cf8 All she knew was that a large strawberry-blond man suddenly appeared in her shop, intent on hugging her. This was unusual. To put it mildly, the International Space Station, until now, had never been the kind of place for surprise visits. Larz Neal Stephenson
cf687f9 I think I'm in love," she said. He clapped a bag over his mouth and threw up. HOW" Neal Stephenson
787603f I have spent enough time around Puritans in general, and Boston Puritans in particular, to know what these people will tell her: lock up the library! Or Neal Stephenson
8437087 dispossessed Neal Stephenson
0cfeeb3 extremely dangerous drug-related occupations for which decoy served as a paid audition of sorts. A start weapons system was a wise investment. The Neal Stephenson
e445f3a Hmyz v dzungli vas povazuje za velke kusy ziveho, avsak neprilis dobre hajeneho jidla. Schopnost pohybu neni ani tak odstrasujici prostredek, spis slouzi jako nezfalsovatelna zaruka cerstvosti. Neal Stephenson
3cae03e Jedna z nejdesivejsich veci na skutecnym intousovi pro vetsinu lidi neni to, ze se neumi chovat - protoze to zazili vsichni - ale spis ze se kvuli tomu vubec neciti hloupe. Neal Stephenson
455f200 Hollywood je jenom specializovana banka - konsorcium vetsich financnich entit, ktere najimaji talenty, temer vzdy za pausalni plat, naridi jim vytvorit produkt a ten pak prodavaji na kazdem predstavitelnem nosici po celem svete az do uplneho zblbnuti. Cilem je najit produkty, jake se budou prodavat vecne, i davno pote, co byl talent vyplacen a poslan do haje. Neal Stephenson
9830646 Il mondo moderno e un disastro per chi si diletta a scrivere haiku: quante sillabe ci sono in <>? Nove? Non ci starebbe neanche nel secondo verso. Neal Stephenson
20fd294 My se ve svete protloukame, protoze vime, ze dve plus dve jsou ctyri, a drzime se toho tak usilovne, az je to kapku hloupy a obcas se to muze dotknout necich citu. Je mi to lito." ,,Cich citu jako? Lidi, co si mysli, ze dve plus dve je pet?" ,,Lidi, pro ktery je dulezitejsi spolecensky chovani nez to, aby kazda veta vyslovena behem rozhovoru byla doslovne pravdiva." ,,Jako, kuprikladu... zen?" Randy asi mili skripe zuby a pak rekne: ,,Pokud.. Neal Stephenson
14fa1de A man is talking on the phone in Cantonese, which means that he is, in fact, shouting. Neal Stephenson