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8d96cfc Cyrus Shawn O'Leary got that letter on the Friday morning at his home in Ann Arbor near Detroit. Nevil Shute
11941e8 It appeared in the bar window next morning. It read: THIS HOUSE IS FOR ENGLISHMEN AND COLOURED AMERICAN TROOPS ONLY Nevil Shute
a1e39ca Mr Parkinson told him what was his due. "On your salary scale, the firm gives three months' sick leave on full pay. Then if you are still unfit for work, another three months on half pay." Nevil Shute
b86d8b0 Okay,' said Jack phlegmatically. 'Be seeing you.' Friends and women, he knew, never really mixed. Nevil Shute
f1c9ae3 the cornmeal fritters were very good if you could forget about the maggots, Nevil Shute
1688973 A Congreve clock?' Captain Petersen was puzzled. 'It's a clock that keeps time by a steel ball running on a zig-zag track down an inclined plane,' Keith told him. 'Only it doesn't keep very good time. It takes thirty seconds for the ball to run down one way -- then the plane tilts and it runs back again. It's quite fascinating to watch. Nevil Shute
b46e7cf I'd say the way to look at it is this. You took a lot of trouble answering letters from a stranger, and maybe some of them were rather stupid questions. I wouldn't know. The fact is that you made a friend, and now this friend's going to a little bit of trouble to help you. That's fair enough. Look at it that way. Nevil Shute
13bc7e2 A little boy of five or six was standing there, in fact, utterly motionless. He was dressed in grey, grey stockings above the knee, grey shorts, and a grey jersey. He was standing absolutely still, staring down the road towards them. His face was a dead, greyish white in colour. Howard caught his breath at the sight of him, and said very softly: 'Oh, my God!' He had never seen a child looking like that, in all his seventy years. He crossed .. Nevil Shute
8258810 Jerry stood the old man to a glass of mild, and asked, "What do you think of all these Americans in Trenarth, Mr Parsons?" The ancient piped in his old quavering voice, "I like them very well; oh, very well indeed. We get on nicely with them here. I don't like these white ones that are coming in now, though. I hope they don't send us no more o' them." It was too good not to be repeated; it ran round both whites and blacks that afternoon." Nevil Shute
e9a3c5c In the quiet serenity of the night that did not seem very important; it was only important that she should shut up and not spoil his evening. "Now you get on and start her up, and shut up talking." She opened her mouth to give as good as she got, but said nothing. What he had told her was incredible; and yet it was what she had secretly feared for some time." Nevil Shute
b427c3b after all that I had read during the night. Even into this quiet place the war had reached like the tentacle of an octopus and had touched this girl and brought about her death. Like some infernal monster, still venomous in death, a war can go on killing people for a long time after it's all over. Nevil Shute
505c93b He met the femme de chambre upon the landing. 'I have made up my mind,' he said heavily. 'La petite Rose may come with us to England; I will take her to her father. She must be ready to start to-morrow morning, at seven o'clock. Nevil Shute
9b34029 And then, Monsieur votre fils, he was well too? Well, they had to know. He turned away from her blindly. 'Madame,' he said, 'mon fils est mort. Il est tombe de son avion, au-dessus de Heligoland Bight. Nevil Shute
d4d9e13 Then the patience borne of seventy years of disappointments came to his aid; Nevil Shute
6bfa1ef Finally he got up, feeling uncommonly well. It did not occur to him that this was because he had a job to do, for the first time in many months. Nevil Shute
4b0c9e8 The Negro said, "I don't feel so good right now. Say, if I'd known that cutting your throat gave you septicaemia, I sure would have made a job of it." "Or else not done it at all," said Turner. The Negro paused for a moment in abstraction. "Well," he said at last, "that would have been another way." Nevil Shute
d049937 It's ever so kind of you to take the trouble," she said. She turned to her father. "Dad, this gentleman's mended my iron, and it works beautifully." She used her normal language without thinking anything about it, but each Negro within hearing caught the word "gentleman" and stiffened for a moment in wonder. They certainly were in a foreign country, a long ways from home." Nevil Shute
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