She turned the key, never taking her eyes from him,
Nicholas Sparks |
The final stretch of drive ended at a small cottage nestled in a grove of ancient live oaks. The weathered structure, with chipping paint and shutters that had begun to blacken at the edges, was fronted by a small stone porch framed by white columns. Over the years, one of the columns had become enshrouded in vines, which climbed toward the roof. A metal chair sat at the edge, and at one corner of the porch, adding color to the world of gre..
Nicholas Sparks |
That's the thing about life. A lot of time, it isn't easy at all. We just have to try and make the best of it. Do you know what I mean?
Nicholas Sparks |
Throughout it all, I loved her as much as I always had, and I found myself aching for those simpler times of the past. I knew what was happening, of course. As we were drifting apart, I was becoming more desperate to save what we once had shared; like a vicious circle, however, my desperation made us drift apart even further.
Nicholas Sparks |
Love could be quickly, but true love needed time to grow into something strong and enduring.
Nicholas Sparks |
the grass isn't always greener on the other side. What the younger generation didn't understand was that the grass was greenest where it's watered
Nicholas Sparks |
I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it to be.
Nicholas Sparks |
with every passing year she found herself wondering more and more where all the good guys had gone. Or even if there really was such a thing anymore. Where were the guys who didn't expect you to sleep with them after only a date or two? Or guys who believed that picking up the check on a first date was a classy thing to do? Or even a guy with a somewhat decent job and plans for the future?
Nicholas Sparks |
I'll be the light in the window.
Nicholas Sparks |
Commitment, I finally said. Both people have to be committed. I think if two people are committed to the marriage, if they really want to make it work, then they'll find a way to do it. No matter what happens in life.
Nicholas Sparks |
She loved the man he'd been, and she loved the man she knew he could be, but here and now...she felt sad and alone, and she couldn't help wondering how here life had come to this.
Nicholas Sparks |
No buts," he said, "because there are none. You see yourself as someone who couldn't get away. I see the courageous woman who escaped. You see yourself as someone who should be ashamed or guilty because she let it happen. I see a kind, beautiful woman who should feel proud because she stopped it from happening ever again. Not many women have the strength to do what you did.."
Nicholas Sparks |
I don't know if spirits do indeed roam the world, but even if they do, I will sense your presence everywhere. When I listen to the ocean, it will be your whispers; when I see a dazzling sunset, it will be your image in the sky.
Nicholas Sparks |
That's why I don't tell people about us. They wouldn't understand, and 1 don't feel the need to explain, simply because I know in my heart how real it was. When I think of you, I can't help smiling, knowing that you've completed me somehow. I love you, not just for now, but for always, and I dream of the day that you'll take me in your arms again.
Nicholas Sparks |
Experience was the most painful of teachers.
Nicholas Sparks |
And believe it or not, she has a phone and everything. She stopped using smoking signals last year.
Nicholas Sparks |
You are always here with me when I do so, at least in my heart, and it is impossible for me to remember a time when you were not a part of me. I do not know who I would have become had you never come back. I love you, Allie. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be y..
Nicholas Sparks |
And when her eyes met mine, I felt something click, like a key turning in a lock.
Nicholas Sparks |
Nothing is really lost or can be lost,
Nicholas Sparks |
And for an instant, I fantasized about wrapping my arms around her right then and there.
Nicholas Sparks |
You know how gossip is. It's the toxic waste of small town
Nicholas Sparks |
Dawson, like Tuck, was one of those rare people who could love only once, and if anything, separation had only made his feelings grow stronger. Two days ago, that realization had been disconcerting, but she now understood that, for Dawson, there had been no other choice. Love, after all, always said more about those who felt it than it did about the ones they loved.
Nicholas Sparks |
Guilt, in other words, isn't always wasted. It can keep us from making the same mistake twice.
Nicholas Sparks |
In profile, he could see both the young woman she was becoming and the little girl he remembered.
Nicholas Sparks |
She liked to sit on the front porch in the afternoons and read books she'd checked out from the library. Aside from coffee, reading was her only indulgence.
Nicholas Sparks |
A good man is hard to find," she said wistfully. "Not everyone is as lucky as you are."
Nicholas Sparks |
I'm different now than I was then. Just like I was different at the end of the trip than I'd been at the beginning. And I'll be different tomorrow than I am today. And what that means is I can never replicate that trip. Even if I went to the same places and met the same people, it wouldn't be the same.
Nicholas Sparks |
What can you do when you're condemned to a place where every choice seems wrong - even the one you promised your lover you'd make?
Nicholas Sparks |
Life, he decided, was for living, not for having, and he wanted to experience every moment that he could.
Nicholas Sparks |
That's why they say 'falling in love' and not something like 'floating toward love.' Falling is scary.
Nicholas Sparks |
Travis nursed his beer silently, looking out over the water. "What are you thinking about?" Laird asked. "It's not important." "What is it?" Travis turned toward him. "Did you ever notice how some colours are used for people's names but others aren't?" "What are you talking about?" "White and Black. Like Mr. White, the guy who owns the tire store. And Mr. Black, our third-grade teacher. Or even Mr. Green from the game Clue. But you never ..
Nicholas Sparks |
There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough
Nicholas Sparks |
In another place, in another time, she would have felt the majesty of the beauty around her, but as she stood on the beach, she realized that she didn't feel anything at all. In a way, she felt as if she weren't really here, as if the whole thing was nothing but a dream.
Nicholas Sparks |
And if you think that you're showing your love to Catherine by suffering the way you've been doing, then somewhere along the way, I must have messed up in raising you." "You didn't mess up...." "I must have. Because when I look at you, I see myself, and to be honest, I'd rather see someone different. I'd like to see someone who learned that it's okay to go on, that it's okay to find someone that can make you happy. But right now, it's like ..
Nicholas Sparks |
It takes over--fear, I mean. No matter how hard you try to fight it, it takes over, crushing the life out of you.
Nicholas Sparks |
As compromised as their marriage might be, part of her still believed in her vows. She loved the man he'd been, and she loved the man she knew he could be.
Nicholas Sparks |
Or maybe watching you enjoy a carefree summer while you fell in love was what kept me out of the hospital in the first place.
Nicholas Sparks |
Young and old, male or female, pretty much everyone she knew wanted the same things: They wanted to feel peace in their hearts, they wanted a life without turmoil, they wanted to be happy.
Nicholas Sparks |
You were the best friend I ever had, Allie. I'd still like to be friends, even if you are engaged, and even if it is just for a couple of days.
Nicholas Sparks |
The romantics would call this a love story:the cynics would call it a tragedy. In my mind it's a little bit of both, and no matter how you choose to view it in the end, it does not change the fact that it involves a great deal of my life.
Nicholas Sparks |
Falling in love is the easy part; making that love last amid life's varied challenges is an elusive dream for many.
Nicholas Sparks |
At times, it almost felt like I was destined to take the trip, like all the people I met had somehow been waiting for me
Nicholas Sparks |
Dreams are always crushing when they don't come true. But it's the simple dreams that are often the most painful because they seem so personal, so reasonable, so attainable. You're always close enough to touch, but never quite close enough to hold, and it's enough to break your heart.
Nicholas Sparks |
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Nicholas Sparks |