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aaf9493 It was a standard fantasy when you fell in love to imagine you could go back in time and find your beloved growing up, appear there, save him or her, get together as adolescents, by magic, and go on together, fighting for one another, into old age, never wavering. Norman Rush
bf7b1a7 Small breasts are best for the long haul. haul long small Norman Rush
99db34f For me love is like this: you're in one room or apartment which you think is fine, then you walk through a door and close it behind you and find yourself in the next apartment, which is even better, larger, more floorspace, a better view. You're happy there and then you go into the next apartment and close the door and this one is even better. And the sequence continues, but with the odd feature that although this has happened to you a numb.. Norman Rush
db6ff86 There is no permanent friendship between men, among men. Something goes wrong, somebody marries the wrong person, somebody advances too fast, somebody converts, somebody refuses good advice or bad advice, it didn't matter. It went up in a flash. Norman Rush
e65a8f2 One thing you distinctly never want to hear a man you're interested in say softly is that his favorite book in the whole world is The Golden Notebook. Here you are dealing with a liar from the black lagoon and it's time to start feeling in your purse for carfare. Norman Rush
529465c Very goodlooking people are as a rule more forgetful than the median. Their mothers start it and the world at large continues it, handing them things, picking things up for them, smoothing their vicinity out for them in every way. I on the other hand remember everything. Norman Rush
2f7a8d4 Nina said, "Have regular facial expressions." That was a command from their inventory of facetious devices they used to josh one another out of bad moods." Norman Rush
be0de84 Now everything was going to be impossible, but better. Norman Rush
9d561ab And the question was still there of whether their true interior selves--the subtle bodies inside--were still there and functioning despite what age and accident and force of circumstance may have done to hurt them. He meant something like that ... that when they had become friends it had been a friendship established between subtle bodies, by which he meant the ingredients of what they were to be ... Norman Rush
870811d He was mixing up friendship with acts and atmospheres from the deluded matrix the boys had lived in for a heartbeat in the seventies. She thought, I am your friend, you idiot, and I let you into my perfect body, for Christ's sake. Norman Rush
5ebcc7f In love and mating, ambience is central. Norman Rush
5be5db9 This shooting star had apparently been sedentarized in my bailiwick-so, good. Norman Rush
dbc569c What a datum! I couldn't help thinking over and over. Norman Rush
05eb1e1 This might be good, I thought as I studied the crowd. There were several definitely intelligen t guys present, not strobe-lig ht intellects but people who could make you uncomforta ble in a debate if you got too much beyond what you absolutely had the facts on. Norman Rush
0301b83 A utopia I would join in a minute is a society which could be communist or capitalist, anything, except that no woman member of it ever underwent sex unless she was hot. Pretending to be hot bears a distinct resemblance to self-rape, but it's a rape accompanied by boredom instead of fear. Norman Rush