De hecho, ?que es leer sino dibujar en el silencioso cinematografo de nuestra mente una de las cosas que el escritor nos describe con letras?
Orhan Pamuk |
Love is good for the skin.
Orhan Pamuk |
Das echte Liebesleid nistet sich an der Basis unserer Existenz ein, erwischt uns unerbittlich an unserem schwachsten Punkt, greift von da auf alles andere uber und verteilt sich unaufhaltsam uber unseren ganzen Korper und unser ganzes Leben. Wenn wir unglucklich verliebt sind, dienen unsere samtlichen Leiden und Sorgen, vom Tod des Vaters bis hin zum banalsten Missgeschick, wie zum Beispiel einem verlegten Schlussel, als neuerlicher Auslose..
Orhan Pamuk |
I read somewhere that luck is not blind, just illiterate. Luck, I mused, is a palliative for those who don't know probability and statistics.
Orhan Pamuk |
The difference lies in the fact that in Istanbul the remains of a glorious past civilization are everywhere visible. No matter how ill-kept, no matter how neglected or hemmed in they are by concrete monstrosities, the great mosques and other monuments of the city, as well as the lesser detritus of empire in every side street and corner--the little arches, fountains, and neighborhood mosques--inflict heartache on all who live among them. The..
Orhan Pamuk |
Heroic dreams are the consolation of the unhappy. After all, when people like us say we're being heroic, it usually means we're about to kill each other--or kill ourselves.
Orhan Pamuk |
You can't start out again in life, that's a carriage ride you only take once, but with a book in your hand, no matter how confusing and perplexing it might be, once you've finished it, you can always go back to the beginning; if you like, you can read it through again, in order to figure out what you couldn't understand before, in order to understand life.
Orhan Pamuk |
I amused myself with mental games in which I changed the focus, deceived myself, forgot altogether what had been troubling me or wrapped in a mysterious haze. We might call this confused, hazy state melancholy, or perhaps we should call it by its Turkish name, huzun, which denotes a melancholy that is communal rather than private. Offering no clarity; veiling reality instead, huzun brings us comfort, softening the view like the condensation..
Orhan Pamuk |
Hicbir sey, her seyi unutabilmenin verdigi huzurdan degerli olamaz.
Orhan Pamuk |
My prolonged study of these photographs led me to appreciate the importance of preserving certain moments for prosperity, and as time moved forwards I also came to see what a powerful influence these framed scenes exerted over us as we went about our daily lives. To watch my uncle pose my brother a maths problem, and at the same time to see him in a picture taken thirty-two years earlier; to watch my father scanning the newspaper and trying..
Orhan Pamuk |
Kafamda bir tuhaflik var," dedi Mevlut. "Ne yapsam bu alemde yapayalniz hissediyorum kendimi." "Ben yanindayken bir daha asla oyle hissetmeyeceksin," dedi Rayiha anac bir tavirla. Mevlut cayhanenin camlarinda yansiyan Rayiha'nin hayalinin kendisine sefkatle sokuldugunu gorup bu ani hic unutamayacagini anladi."
Orhan Pamuk |
I am speaking of the evenings when the sun sets early, of the fathers under the streetlamps in the back streets returning home carrying plastic bags. Of the old Bosphorus ferries moored to deserted stations in the middle of winter, where sleepy sailors scrub the decks, pail in hand and one eye on the black-and-white television in the distance; of the old booksellers who lurch from one khnancial crisis to the next and then wait shivering all..
Orhan Pamuk |