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936b10c Astrology is the study of man's response to planetary stimuli. The stars have no conscious benevolence or animosity; they merely send forth positive and negative radiations. Of themselves, these do not help or harm humanity, but offer a lawful channel for the outward operation of cause-effect equilibriums which each man has set into motion in the past. "A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical.. Paramahansa Yogananda
bd3f4b5 Practice loving those who do not love you. Feel for those who do not feel for you. Be generous to those who are generous only to themselves. If you heap hatred on your enemy, neither he nor you are able to perceive the inherent beauty of your soul. Paramahansa Yogananda
6645df5 The soul must stretch over the cosmogonic abysses, while the body performs its daily duties. Paramahansa Yogananda
75d101b A swami may conceivably follow only the path of dry reasoning, of cold renunciation; but a yogi engages himself in a definite, step-by-step procedure by which the body and mind are disciplined and the soul gradually liberated. Taking nothing for granted on emotional grounds or by faith, a yogi practices a thoroughly tested series of exercises that were first mapped out by the ancient rishis. In every age of India, yoga has produced men who .. Paramahansa Yogananda
c4b0265 Devote your entire will power to mastering one thing at a time; do not scatter your energies, nor leave something half done to begin a new venture. Paramahansa Yogananda
85ce14b Even when you do not know where the next dollar is coming from, you should refuse to be apprehensive. When you do your part and rely on God to do His, you will find that mysterious forces come to your aid and that your constructive wishes soon materialize. This confidence and consciousness of abundance are attained through meditation. Paramahansa Yogananda
d1e3926 Mas vale hombre paciente que valiente, mejor dominarse que conquistar ciudades Paramahansa Yogananda
aa246f6 The Lord wants us to escape this delusive world. He cries for us, for He knows how hard it is for us to gain His deliverance. But you have only to remember that you are His child. Don't pity yourself. You are loved just as much by God as are Krishna and Jesus. You must seek His love, for it encompasses eternal freedom, endless joy, and immortality. Paramahansa Yogananda
d5e9490 Mind is the wielder of muscles. The force of a hammer blow depends on the energy applied; the power expressed by a man's bodily instrument depends on his aggressive will and courage. The body is literally manufactured and sustained by mind. Through pressure of instincts from past lives, strengths or weaknesses percolate gradually into human consciousness. They express as habits, which in turn ossify into a desirable or an undesirable body. .. Paramahansa Yogananda
67c7a80 He laughed. "I mean a pension of fathomless peace -- a reward for many years of deep meditation. I never crave money now. My few material needs are amply provided for." Paramahansa Yogananda
8e8b9b7 structure of creation. Nature herself is maya; natural science must perforce Paramahansa Yogananda
0caa0e0 Todo tiene su momento, y cada cosa su tiempo bajo el cielo Paramahansa Yogananda
8c49bee just imagine!" I ejaculated." Paramahansa Yogananda
3dfcd64 Discerning placement of a comma does not atone for a spiritual coma. Paramahansa Yogananda
9d2f5b0 Keen intelligence is two-edged," Master once remarked in reference to Kumar's brilliant mind. "It may be used constructively or destructively, like a knife, either to cut the boil of ignorance, or to decapitate oneself. Intelligence is rightly guided only after the mind has acknowledged the inescapability of spiritual law." Paramahansa Yogananda
b145a3f It is never a question of belief; the only scientific attitude one can take on any subject is whether it is true. The law of gravitation worked as efficiently before Newton as after him. The cosmos would be fairly chaotic if its laws could not operate without the sanction of human belief. Paramahansa Yogananda
218ef05 Forget you were born a Hindu, and don't be an American. Take the best of them both, Paramahansa Yogananda
a62157e To lay aside what you have in your head (selfish desires and ambitions); to freely bestow what you have in your hand; and never to flinch from the blows of adversity! Paramahansa Yogananda
bdf841b The origin of the caste system, formulated by the great legislator Manu, was admirable. He saw clearly that men are distinguished by natural evolution into four great classes: those capable of offering service to society through their bodily labor (Sudras); those who serve through mentality, skill, agriculture, trade, commerce, business life in general (Vaisyas); those whose talents are administrative, executive, and protective-rulers and w.. Paramahansa Yogananda
5ab80f7 A master bestows the divine experience of cosmic consciousness when his disciple, by meditation, has strengthened his mind to a degree where the vast vistas would not overwhelm him. Mere intellectual willingness or open-mindedness is not enough. Only adequate enlargement of consciousness by yoga practice and devotional bhakti can prepare one to absorb the liberating shock of omnipresence. Paramahansa Yogananda
020028f Heavenly Father, my body cells are made of light, my fleshly cells are made of Thee. They are Spirit, for Thou art Spirit; they are immortal, for Thou art Life. Paramahansa Yogananda
f03c03e Make up your mind that you will be happy whether you are rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, happily married or unhappily married, young or old, smiling or crying. Don't wait for yourself, your family, or your surroundings to change before you can be happy within yourself. Make up your mind to be happy within yourself, right now, whatever you are, or wherever you are. Paramahansa Yogananda
a1bac6b Like any other science, yoga is applicable by people of every clime and time. The theory advanced by certain ignorant writers that yoga is "dangerous" or "unsuitable" for Westerners is wholly false, and has lamentably deterred many sincere students from seeking its manifold blessings. Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevents all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nat.. Paramahansa Yogananda
4b4bf72 No busques valores absolutos en el mundo relativo de la naturaleza Paramahansa Yogananda
fb1bc85 The initiative to undertake your most important duty in life is often buried beneath the accumulated debris of human habits. self-help Paramahansa Yogananda
2ed4d97 I look forward optimistically to a healthy, happy world as soon as its children are taught the principles of simple and rational living. We must return to nature and nature's God. Paramahansa Yogananda
0c0dd04 Be honest with yourself. The world is not honest with you. Paramahansa Yogananda
2278918 If man be solely a body, its loss indeed ends his identity. But if prophets down the millenniums spake with truth, man is essentially a soul, incorporeal and omnipresent. Paramahansa Yogananda
4161bed Many ask, "Shall we first acquire material success to fulfill our worldly obligations, and then seek God? Or should we have God first and then go after success?" By all means, God first. Never begin or end your day without communion with Him in deep meditation. We should remember that we could not perform any duties without the power borrowed from God. So it is to Him we owe our first allegiance. If you do your other duties but forget God, .. Paramahansa Yogananda
3e4f271 Remember, people suffer only because they think things ought to be different from what they are. A Paramahansa Yogananda
f1d3eb5 Mas suave que la flor, cuando se trata de amabilidad; mas potente que el rayo, cuando los pricipios estan en juego. Paramahansa Yogananda
223230f Wrath springs only from thwarted desires. I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine. I would not use you for my own ends; I am happy only in your own true happiness. Paramahansa Yogananda
4b503ba Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. We should reverse this attitude by excusing others' shortcomings and by harshly examining our own. Paramahansa Yogananda
51f5b66 The one who pursues a goal of evenmindedness is neither jubilant with gain nor depressed by loss. Paramahansa Yogananda
409f0cd The body is a treacherous friend. Give it its due; no more. Pain and pleasure are transitory; endure all dualities with calmness, trying at the same time to remove yourself beyond their power. Imagination is the door through which disease as well as healing enters. Disbelieve in the reality of sickness even when you are ill; an unrecognized visitor will flee! Paramahansa Yogananda
566cbea in the Bhagavad Gita. One stanza reads: "Offering the inhaling breath into the exhaling breath and offering the exhaling breath into the inhaling breath, the yogi neutralizes both breaths; thus he releases prana from the heart and brings life force under his control."2 The interpretation is: "The yogi arrests decay in the body by securing an additional supply of prana (life force) through quieting the action of the lungs and heart; he also .. Paramahansa Yogananda
bc3bd4b it has been your thoughts that have made you feel alternately weak and strong.' My guru looked at me affectionately. 'You have seen how your health has exactly followed your subconscious expectations. Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.' "Knowing" -- Paramahansa Yogananda
91f6b84 Do not do what you want, and then you may do what you like. Paramahansa Yogananda
90bf087 There are disciples who seek a guru made in their own image. Paramahansa Yogananda
93aecc5 How admirable is the Western method of submitting all theory to scrupulous experimental verification! That empirical procedure has gone hand in hand with the gift for introspection which is my Eastern heritage. Together they have enabled me to sunder the silences of natural realms long uncommunicative. The telltale charts of my crescograph 49 are evidence for the most skeptical that plants have a sensitive nervous system and a varied emotio.. Paramahansa Yogananda
9dbb6f5 In shallow men the fish of little thoughts cause much commotion. In oceanic minds the whales of inspiration make hardly a ruffle." Because" Paramahansa Yogananda
db0acdf Television has a satanic influence. Paramahansa Yogananda
922043e The balanced rhythm of the universe is rooted in reciprocity, Paramahansa Yogananda
7af58d6 En los hombres superficiales, el pecesillo de los pensamientos povoca mucho ruido; en las mentes oceanicas, las ballenas de la inspiraion apenas si dejan estela Escrituras hindues. Paramahansa Yogananda
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