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3cef4e0 What a wonderful thing to be an American!" he said impetuously. "Yes," said Dyar automatically, never having given much thought to what it would be like not to be an American. It seemed somehow the natural thing to be." Paul Bowles
d889aa7 The rest of the world was there for her to take at any moment she wished it, but she always rejected it in favour of her own familiar little cosmos. Paul Bowles
4d3e77d Tangier is a one-horse town that happens to have its own government. Paul Bowles
7488758 The Hindus are busy letting themselves be seen riding in Cadillacs instead of smearing themselves with sandalwood paste and bowing in front of Ganpati. The Moslems would rather miss evening prayer than the new Disney movie. The Buddhists think it's more important to take over in the name of Stalin and Progress than to meditate on the four basic sorrows. And we don't even have to mention Christianity or Judaism. Paul Bowles
adad2ea You want us all to be snake-charmers and scorpion-eaters," he raged, at one point in their conversation ... "Naturally," Eunice replied in her most provoking manner. "It would be far preferable to being a nation of tenth-rate pseudo-civilized rug-sellers." Paul Bowles
d68598c You know, everyone here's got some little peccadillo he's hoping to hide. Paul Bowles
e492d87 But there was never any knowing or any certitude; the time to come always had more than one possible direction. Paul Bowles
b67bbbb He still felt coreless - he was no one, and he was standing here in the middle of no country. The place was counterfeit, a waiting room between connections, a transition from one way of being to another, which for the moment was neither way, no way. Paul Bowles
0a5ba8c Amar was made conscious in an instant of a presence in the air, something which had been there all the time, but which he had never isolated and identified. The thing was in him, he was a part of it, as was the man opposite him, and it was a part of them; it whispered to them that time was short, that the world they lived in was approaching its end, and beyond was unfathomable darkness. It was the premonition of inevitable defeat and annihi.. muslims islam Paul Bowles
306d2fa the Istiqlal was powerful, which did not at all coincide with his conception of it, nor with the picture the organization painted of itself: a purely defensive group of selfless martyrs who were willing to brave the brutality of the French in order to bring hope to their suffering countrymen. Paul Bowles
7a8b49b how could any young man merely sit back and wait for divine justice to take its course? It was asking the impossible. Paul Bowles
e0ffcc3 There could be nothing, he reflected, to equal a government which was simply the honest enforcement, by means of the sword, of the laws of Islam. Paul Bowles
80685f8 That was one of the troubles with the Istiqlal, with all politics: you talked about people as though they were not really people, as though they were only things, numbers, animals, perhaps, but not really people. politics Paul Bowles
9ec8f0c nothing would have meaning, because the knowing was itself the meaning; beyond that there was nothing to know. meaning Paul Bowles
d132a3b If Moroccans are dying in Indo-China, if it rains too much or not enough, if there is no work, if one's wife is sick and penicillin is expensive, or if the French are still in Morocco, it is all the fault of America. She could change everything if she chose, but she does nothing because she does not love the Moslems. Paul Bowles
6ac36f3 Ogniqualvolta si trovava in viaggio da un luogo all'altro, era in grado di valutare la propria vita con un po' piu di obiettivita del solito. Spesso, proprio durante un viaggio i suoi pensieri divenivano particolarmente lucidi, e prendeva decisioni cui non poteva arrivare quand'era fermo in un luogo. Paul Bowles
d1458c0 When they had gone the Moungari fell silent, to wait through the cold hours for the sun that would bring first warmth, then heat, thirst, fire, visions. The next night he did not know where he was, did not feel the cold. The wind blew dust along the ground into his mouth as he sang. Paul Bowles
0e51b0b Every little thing makes a difference, whether you decide it yourself or whether it's pure accident. So many people have had the whole course of their lives changed by something perfectly simple like, let's say, crossing the street at one point instead of another." "Yes, yes, yes, I know," Stenham said with exaggerated weariness. "As far as I'm concerned that's just as boring, and a lot more false, by the way. The point I'm trying to make i.. french-morocco western-dominion koran western-civilization morocco modernism imperialism relativism way-of-life culture modernity Paul Bowles
46f2874 Only then did he understand that he really wanted to know nothing about El Ga'a beyond the fact that it was isolated and unfrequented, that it was precisely those things he had been trying to ascertain about it. Paul Bowles
9b28ecc The insistent drums were an unwelcome reminder of the existence of another world, wholly autonomous, with its own necessities and patterns. The message they were beating out, over and over, was for her; it was saying, not precisely that she did not exist but rather that it did not matter whether she existed or not, that her presence was of no consequence to the rest of the cosmos. It was a sensation that suddenly paralyzed her with dread. T.. drums observer subjectivity meaning-of-life message the-other existentialism Paul Bowles
2ec7b90 Here we say that life is a cliff, and you must never turn around and look back when you're climbing. Paul Bowles
f8cfbb3 There's a little war in progress here. There won't be anything left of the place if it goes on at this rate." (But it's hard to feign innocence if you've eaten the apple, he reflected.) "And it looks to me as if it is going to go on, because the French aren't going to give in, and certainly the Arabs aren't, because they can't. They're fighting with their backs the the wall." "I thought maybe you meant you expected a new world war," he lied.. independence judgment-day uprising unrest eden paradise-lost morocco innocence french revolution Paul Bowles
c180902 Another important difference between tourist and traveler is that the former accepts his own civilization without question; not so the traveler, who compares it with the others, and rejects those elements he finds not to this liking. Paul Bowles
4d6c171 The key question, it seemed to him, was that of whether man was to obey Nature, or attempt to command her. It had been answered long, long ago, claimed Moss; man's very essence lay in the fact that he had elected to command. But to Stenham that seemed a shallow reply. To him wisdom consisted in the conscious and joyous obedience to natural laws, yet when he had said that to Moss, Moss had laughed pityingly. 'My dear man, wisdom is a primiti.. nature wisdom francis-bacon dominion tao primitive knowledge Paul Bowles
421a818 There have been times, what with this and that, when the whisper of words was not enough. On some shelf of memory lies a misplaced summer, one not stored away for later savoring. Surely it ended early, with unexpected fogs, with the wind sliding past through unmeasured darkness. Paul Bowles
b21be8e La humanidad es todos salvo uno mismo. Entonces, ?Que interes puede tener para nadie? Paul Bowles
d2d72b5 Tunner's presence created a situation, however slight, which kept him from entering into the reflective state he considered essential. Paul Bowles
9c8af70 Africa was a big place and would offer its own suggestions Paul Bowles
13576da For God's sake, sit down. You look like a Calvinist rector telling his flock about Hell. Paul Bowles
a544c16 Every second, ten stars set behind the black water in the west. Paul Bowles
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