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a70834b lrbW yuSGy l~ Slwt ldhyn ytDr`wn lyh lky ynsw lHqd , lknh ySmW 'dhnyh `n d` ldhyn yrydwn ltkhlWS mn lHb ! Paulo Coelho
c8a2b16 I can't be in love with a man who lives in another world. Paulo Coelho
0305507 Living as human being and as a divinity. moving from tension into relaxation, from relaxation into trance, from trance into a more intense contact with other people. from that contact back into tension and so on, Like The Serpent swallowing its own tail. spiritual philosophy Paulo Coelho
333b8eb When you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth. You confront completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and on most journeys you don't even understand the language the people speak. Paulo Coelho
71eabad Everything on earth is being continuously transformed, because the earth is alive... and it has a soul. We are part of that soul... Paulo Coelho
edee249 'Sr lTfl: hl ymkn llh 'n ykwn syy'an? 'jb yly: llh klyW lrd@, qdr `l~ kl shy, wl shy ymtn` `lyh, wl fhdh y`ny 'n hnk mn hw 'qw~ w'shd jbrwtan mnh ymn`h mn lqym bb`D l'shy, wfy hdhh lHl@, 'fDl 'n '`bd w'jlW hdh lky'n ldhy l t`lw slTth slT@. twqf yly bD` lHZt, Ht~ ytyH llSby 'n yfhm m`n~ klmh. thm 'Df.. -byd 'n lrb fy qdrth llmtnhy@, khtr fqT 'n yf`l lkhyr, wdh blGn nhy@ ltrykh, fsnr~ 'n lkhyr Glban yZhr bmZhr lshr lknh ybqy lkhyr khyran, wys.. Paulo Coelho
f5fcce3 lHb l ymn` lrjl mn mtb`@ "sTwrth lshkhSy@" lkn dh HSl dhlk fl'n hdh lHb lys blHb lHqyqy ldhy ytklm "lG@ l`lm" Paulo Coelho
726a40f I feel like making the mistakes I always wanted to make, but never had the courage to...I can make new friends and teach them how to be crazy too in order to be wise. I'll tell them not to follow the manuals of good behaviour but to discover their own lives, desires, adventures and to live Paulo Coelho
3bfd218 The world does not divide into enemies and friends, but into the weak and strong. Paulo Coelho
304c5c1 'nt sjyn mDyk, w'n kdhlk. n 'Hbbtk fy Hy@ m, s'Zl `l~ Hby lk l~ 'bd! l qlb ly, wl rwH, l shy! lHb kl m 'mlk. tkhlny mwjwd@, lknh mjrd whm bSry. m trh hw lHb b'Sf~ Hlth, ySbw l~ ltjly, lkn m mn zmn 'w mkn lykwn bws`h 'n ytjl~ Paulo Coelho
5ff7a98 l tfkr fym syqwlh lns lHq. lwqt hw l " lhn " w " lan " stfd mnh l~ 'qS~ Hd" Paulo Coelho
359905f They are so very cultivated, so very rich and so utterly charming. At the end of each day, they all ask themselves: 'Is it time I stopped?' And they all reply: 'If I did, there would be no meaning to my life.' As if they actually knew what the meaning of life was. meaning life Paulo Coelho
b8c3610 tkhlS mn lshk w lhzym@ w lHZt lHyrh w ltrdd, w kn llh skhyan m`h, fqtdh l~ hwy@ lmHtwm lyuZhr lh 'n lnsn qd khuliqa lykhtr mSyrh w lys lytqblh Paulo Coelho
1255652 The Marquis De Sade said that the most important experiences a man can have are those that take him to the very limit; that is the only way we learn, because it requires all our courage. Paulo Coelho
ebb9ae2 lived only for the present, because the present was full of surprises. Paulo Coelho
51c24f3 'min lmmkn lnHrf `n lTryq lty rsmh llh ? n`m , wlknWh khT' . 'min lmmkn tjnWb l'lm ? n`m , wlknWk ln tt`lWm shyy'an . 'min lmmkn m`rf@ shy lm tkhtbrh qT ? n`m , wlkn ln ykwn f`lan jzan mnk Paulo Coelho
926f6db It is imposible to understand sex as we see it nowadays - a mere response to a few physical stimuli. In reality, it is far more than that, and carries with it man's and humanity's entire cultural burden. Each time we face a new experience, we bring with us all past experiences - both good and bad - as well as those concepts which civilization has made into rules. Paulo Coelho
3e18154 She had just realised there were two things that prevent us from achieving our dreams: believing them to be impossible or seeing those dreams made possible by some sudden turn of the wheel of fortune, when you least expected it. For at that moment, all our fears suddenly surface: the fear of setting off along a road heading who knows where, the fear of a life full of new challenges, the fear of losing for ever everything that is familiar..... Paulo Coelho
a79bdc2 fy b`D l'Hyn , ntkhl~ `n drb m , l'nn bbsT@ l nw'mn bh . whdh shl , fkl m `lyn f`lh thbt 'n tlk lTryq lyst ln . lkn l'Hdth lty tbd' blHSwl , wllhm ldhy y'tyn khll msyrtn , yb`thn fyn lkhwf mn lmtb`@ faith novel Paulo Coelho
f817d5a I have been told that beauty is the great seducer of men. Paulo Coelho
276abec If your rely only on experience, you'll simply keep applying old solutions to new problems. I know a lot of people who feel they have an identity only when they're talking about their problems. That way, they exist because their problems are linked to what they judge to be their history. Paulo Coelho
a834765 lHb lHqyqy mzyj mn lntsh w lGuSW@ Paulo Coelho
8470c75 Podemos cometer muchos errores en nuestras vidas, menos uno: aquel que nos destruye. Paulo Coelho
268720a We have been taught that we must follow certain formulas and rules if we want to find god. We do not recognize that god is wherever we allow him/her to enter. Paulo Coelho
468ea26 nSt l~ qlbk fhw y`rf kl sh~ l'nh mn rwH l`lm w swf y`wd lyh ywm m Paulo Coelho
f777976 Firstly, by learning the great lesson of wise men: patience, the certainty that everything - both good and bad - is provisional in this life. Secondly, using this sudden change of course to risk new things in daily life, to do things you always dreamed of. Paulo Coelho
3e2a418 lfqr yt`llwn bl'ml, rGm lmas~ lt~ turhq kwhlhm. Paulo Coelho
9502c79 dy'man hw lkhwf. flky tsyTr `l~ shkhS 'whmh b'nh khy'f Paulo Coelho
02f9d1c Quiza el amor no envejece antes de tiempo, y nos vuelve jovenes cuando pasa la juventud. Paulo Coelho
347c4c9 Why am I unhappy? The question carries with it the virus that will destroy everything. Paulo Coelho
2350d00 'Hyn nkwn `rD@ lsh`wr blHzn l nmlk 'n ntGlb `lyh . ndrk 'n llHZ@ lsHry@ ldhk lnhr qd wlt , wlm nf`l shyy' . `ndy'dh tkhby lHy@ sHrh wfnh Paulo Coelho
e56e6ce ql lSby: lrb qs. ql yly: fqT m` ldhyn ykhtrhm. Paulo Coelho
4f22c39 knt shyh , mshtt@ ldhhn , lkm wddt 'n 'kwn hn bSHb@ rjl lm yqlq skyn@ qlby , rjl ys`ny 'n 'Hy brfqth tlk llHZ@ , wl 'khsh~ 'n 'fqdh fy lGd Paulo Coelho
75c291d Ciertas personas, en el afan de querer construir un mundo donde ninguna amenaza externa pueda penetrar, aumentan exageradamente sus defensas contra el exterior y dejan su interior desguarnecido. Paulo Coelho
e5f4ccb Hb l yTrH lkthyr mn l'sy'l@ . l'nn `ndm nbd' bltfkyr , nbd' blHss blkhwf . nh khwf l ymkn tfsyrh , fl Ty'l fy 'n n`br `nh blklmt Paulo Coelho
6333538 wrddt fy qrr@ nfsy : HTm hdhh lk's , l'n tHTymh bdr@ rmzy@ . Hwl 'n tfhm 'ny HTmt fy dht nfsy 'shy 'thmn bkthyr mn mjrd k's , w'n s`yd@ l'nny f`lt . r` Sr`k ldkhly , wHTm hdhh lk's , l'n 'hln `lmwn 'n nHfZ `l~ lkw'ws w`l~ l'jsd . `lmwn 'n shGf lTfwl@ yntmy l~ mDmr lmstHyl , w'nh l ynbGy b`d lrjl `n lkhnwt , w'n lns l yjtrHwn lm`jzt , w'n 'Hd l yslk Tryq lsfr l dh kn y`lm l~ 'yn yfDy bh . HTm hdhh lk's 'rjwk , wHrrn mn kl hdhh l'fkr lmsbq@ l.. Paulo Coelho
4235ce9 El verdadero amor cambia con el tiempo y crece y descubre nuevas maneras de expresarse Paulo Coelho
219be1b knt kl l'shhr wl'ym lsbq@ `l~ hdh l'sbw` tbdw fy dhkrty jz mn Hy@ 'khr~ , mn `hd 'bd l 'rGb fy lrjw` lyh , l'n s`th lm tmsh yd lHb Paulo Coelho
a5fba65 ndm tmnHk lHy@ shyy'an l tql hdh 'kthr mm 'stHq bkthyr, fn lHy@ tstTy` 'n tsm`k, wt`Tyk l'ql mr@ 'khr~ Paulo Coelho
96292d3 El sabio es sabio porque ama. El loco es loco porque piensa que puede entender el amor. Paulo Coelho
65942a8 lnsn ywld lykhwn qdrh. Paulo Coelho
12ffb56 'n Hy - `ndm akl fnny l 'f`l shyy'an akhr sw~ l'kl, w`ndm 'mshy, fnny 'mshy, hdh kl shy, wdh DTrrt ywman llqtl, fkl l'ym ttsw~ `nd lmwt, f'n l 'Hy fy mDya wl fy mstqbly, flys ly sw~ lHDr l'`yshh, whw wHdh ldhy yhmny, wn knt tstTy` n t`ysh lHDr dwman, f'nt dhan rjl s`yd. Paulo Coelho
1fcc7c3 'mlk mwsyq~ l'flk , 'mlk 'nhr l`lm b'srh w jblh , 'mlk lqmr w lshms , l'n llh yskn rwH~ Paulo Coelho
9e7f255 suddenly, for no reason, I get into the shower and burst into tears. I can cry there because no one can hear my sobs or ask me the question I hate most: "Are you all right?" Yes, why shouldn't I be? Is there anything wrong with my life? No, nothing. Only the nights that fill me with dread. The days I can't get excited about. The happy images from the past and the things that could have been but weren't. The desire for adventure never fulfil.. Paulo Coelho