Broadcasting House was in fact dedicated to the strangest project of the war, or of any war, that is, telling the truth. Without prompting, the BBC had decided that truth was more important than consolation, and, in the long run, would be more effective. And yet there was no guarantee of this. Truth ensures trust, but not victory, or even happiness.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Let's say that matters hadn't gone quite right with you, I mean personal matters, would you be able to find words to say exactly what was wrong?' 'I'm afraid so, yes, I would.' 'That might be useful, of course.' 'Like manufacturers' instructions. In case of failure, try words.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
All Fitzgerald's books are the product of maturity, reflection, the quickly touched depth of accumulated knowledge and long experience. Their creation reflects the new sense of opportunity that may come with the bereavements and displacements of later life.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Above all, though, we don't want a weakly habit of constant complaint. As a rough guide, remember that while the average man is ill for four days a year, a grown woman must expect to spend one fourth of her life in actual pain." Daisy felt a rush of admiration. So far she herself had done nothing like her fair share."
Penelope Fitzgerald |
persevering secretary of the Society for Providing Public Access to Places of Interest and Beauty,
Penelope Fitzgerald |
La antiguedad no es lo mismo que el interes historico --dijo--. De lo contrario, nosotros dos seriamos mas interesantes de lo que somos.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Hojear libros es parte de la tradicion de una libreria --le dijo Florence--. Debes dejar que se queden y toquen los libros.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
She was in love, as she quite saw, with a middle - aged man who said the same thing to all the girls, who had been a prince for an evening which he'd most likely forgotten already, who had given her a ring with a redcurrant in it and who cared, to the exclusion of all else, for his work.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Open the doors, the Russians say, here comes trouble. On
Penelope Fitzgerald |
You have come to Cambridge to study the interdependence of matter and energy. Please remember that energy and matter are in no way something distinct from yourselves. Remember, too, that scientists are not dispassionate. Your judgement and your ability to do good work will be in part dependent on your digestion, your prejudices and above all, your emotional life. You must face the fact that if another human being, whose welfare means consid..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
The professor urged upon Fred that to base one's calculations on unobservables - such as God, such as the soul, such as the atom, such as the elementary particle - was nothing more than a comforting weakness. 'I don't deny that all human beings need comfort. But scientists should not indulge themselves on quite this scale.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
That was what he wanted to tell his audience at Cambridge. He divided classical satirists into two classes--fierce men starving in garrets, and renouncing popularity and circulation to dwell in tubs, and calm good-livers "who tell amusingly the kind of truth that no one has ever denied." But for the present century the right spirit, he believed, was self-satire, the ability to see humor in the constant small defeats of life, and "the power ..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
You can borrow my Blackbird, if you like,' said Ben. This was his new fountain pen, which troubled him. It was guaranteed not to leak, but writers and schoolchildren knew better. Ben wished to be relieved of the responsibility of the Blackbird, without losing his own dignity.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
En ese momento se dio la vuelta, como movida por una rafaga de viento.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Llevar una oficina no es tan dificil, le dijo Just. Basicamente consiste en saber, en primer lugar, que entra; en segundo lugar, que queda pendiente; en tercer lugar, que asuntos han sido gestionados y estan listos para salir; y en cuarto lugar, que es lo que ya ha salido. Todos los asuntos deben encontrarse en una de estas cuatro etapas, y de este modo no se puede poner la excusa de que se ha traspapelado algun documento. Para cada transac..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Hojear libros es parte de la tradicion de una libreria -le dijo Florence-. Debes dejar que se queden y toquen los libros.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Ein gutes Buch ist der kostbare Lebenssaft eines meisterlichen Geistes, einbalsamiert und aufbewahrt zum Zweck eines Lebens uber das Leben hinaus (...)
Penelope Fitzgerald |
El corage y la perseverancia son inutiles si no se ponen a prueba
Penelope Fitzgerald |
But he also saw himself as a geognost, a natural scientist, who, as he put it, had come 'to an entirely new land, and dark stars'. The mining industry, it seemed to him, was not a science, but an art.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Wat ik het meest in mensen waardeer is de enige deugd die ze met goden en dieren gemeen hebben, en die je daarom eigenlijk geen deugd kunt noemen. Ik heb het over moed.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
La fuerza de voluntad es inutil si no se va a algun lado
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Un buen libro es la preciosa savia del alma de un maestro, embalsamada y atesorada intencionadamente para una vida mas alla de la vida.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
As an institution that could not tell a lie, they were unique in the contrivances of gods and men since the Oracle of Delphi. As office managers, they were no more than adequate, but now, as autumn approached, with the exiles crowded awkwardly into their new sections, they were broadcasting in the strictest sense of the word, scattering human voices into the darkness of Europe, in the certainty that more than half must be lost, some for the..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Igual que seguia considerando que la gravedad es una fuerza que atrae las cosas hacia si, y no una simple cuestion que se encarga de las que menos resistencia opongan a ella, estaba segura de que el caracter era una lucha entre las buenas y las malas intenciones.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Ninguna de las dos estaba preparada para reconocer que le gustaria proteger a la otra. Habria sido como permitir que el miedo entrara en la habitacion.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Es un buen libro y, por lo tanto, deberia intentar venderselo a los habitantes de Hardborough. No lo entenderan, pero sera mejor asi. Entender las cosas hace que la mente se vuelva perezosa.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Surely if one doesn't find sex tiresome in life, it won't be tiresome in fiction,' said the Junior Dean. 'I do find it tiresome in life,' Dr Matthews replied. 'Or rather, I find other people's concern with it tiresome. One is told about it and told and told!
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Salvatore threw up his hands. "What's to become of us? We can't go on like this." "Yes, we can go on like this," said Cesare. "We can go on exactly like this for the rest of our lives."
Penelope Fitzgerald |
We were delighted to have a chance of meeting you, Miss Saunders,' said Mrs Fairly, as they sat down. 'We have heard so very little about you.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
If you can't face living your life day by day, you must live it minute by minute.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
On the night of September the 7th the BBC received the signal for 'Invasion Imminent' from the C in C Home Forces, who now had priority over the Ministry of Information. This signal was followed by another: 'No bells to ring till advise.' By an understandable confusion, however, there were church bells which did start ringing in scattered parishes all over the country. Not one was recorded.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Under a star-powdered sky the Recorded Programmes Department set up an open microphone on the roof of BH, which caught every sound of the raids until the last enemy aircraft departed into silence. On the roof, too, the parts of the rifle were named to Teddy and Willie by Reception from the main desk of BH, who told them frequently, as he looked down at the pale pink smoke of London's fires, that it reminded him of a quiet sector of the line..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Her feeling for Mr Brooks was so much the most important part of her life that it seemed like something which did not belong to her, but which she had to carry about with her, at work or in her room, there was no difference. She had a kind of affection, too, for the love itself, which was so strong, but maintained itself on so little. There had been a time, not at all long ago, when she hadn't had this responsibility, but it was hard for he..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
in every created thing, whether it is alive or whether is what we usually call inanimate, there is an attempt to communicate, even among the totally silent. There is a question being asked, a different question for every entity, which for the most part will never be put into words, even by those who can speak.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
She did not expect success, though she knew her own worth. Her writing career was not a usual one. She began publishing late in her life, around sixty, and in twenty years she published nine novels, three biographies and many essays and reviews. She changed publisher four times when she started publishing, before settling with Collins, and she never had an agent to look after her interests, though her publishers mostly became her friends an..
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Understanding makes the mind lazy.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Algebra, like laudanum, deadens pain, Fritz wrote.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Florence tenia buen corazon, aunque eso sirve de bien poco cuando de lo que se trata es de sobrevivir.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
I'm afraid I'm not accustomed to the poor light, Mrs James.' 'Look at the sky, father. Keep your eyes on the lightest part of the sky and they'll adapt little by little.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Hannah wanted to put the next day's work on the blackboard. This would mean that she needn't turn her back on the class first thing, which is as unwise in junior teaching as in lion-taming.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
He ordered a cup of tea and two biscuits for five pence and thought of nothing.--Oh, but that's impossible.--It's not possible to think of nothing. Certainly it was unprofessional of Fred, who was paid by the university to use his mind, and unwise of him as a lover, but there it was, he was occupied with bitter sensations, giving way to stupefaction, then to emptiness.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
It's a peculiar thing to take a step forward in middle age, but having done it I don't intend to retreat.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
When they married he wouldn't be able to go on where he was. On the other hand, if she wouldn't have him, he didn't see that he would be able to go on at all.
Penelope Fitzgerald |
Helping other people is a drug so dangerous that there is no cure, short of total abstention.
Penelope Fitzgerald |