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ee800ad Hence the fact that some happen to doubt about articles of faith is not due to the uncertain nature of the truths, but to the weakness of human intelligence; Peter Kreeft
92c77bc Light, life, and love parallel the three absolute values of truth, goodness, and beauty, the supreme values of the three parts of the soul; intellect, will, and emotions. God is all truth, goodness, and beauty; everything that is true, good, or beautiful is a reflection of God, a participation in God, a shadow of God. Therefore every choice for or against any truth, any goodness or any beauty is a choice for or against God--whether He is kn.. Peter Kreeft
8135821 First, you must read it, not as you read other books, but slowly and thoughtfully (that is why I made it very short) and above all prayerfully, that is, under the eye of God, in the presence of Truth and therefore in absolute honesty. Second, you must actually do it, not just read about doing it, think about doing it, understand how to do it, plan to do it, or imagine yourself doing it. It is a cookbook, not a dinner. Peter Kreeft
331e1eb Reason and socrates Peter Kreeft
663c9cc Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn's 1978 Harvard commencement address on that one.) Peter Kreeft
5d7fac3 The arrow of our souls flies to God as the target--unless the arrow is so badly bent that it flies backwards, in which case it pierces the eye of the archer and makes him blind as a Pharisee. Peter Kreeft
3d7f54b We see that the universe is full of all sorts of species. Every possible rung on the cosmic hierarchy is filled. There are no gaps. Below us there are intelligent animals, like apes, then less intelligent animals, like fish, then barely intelligent animals, like slugs and TV producers, then plants, then minerals. Peter Kreeft
f454f5f 13. Moderation is dull. (Read G. K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy and The Man Who Was Thursday to refute that cliche.) Peter Kreeft
f72aad6 Expect the world to be Heaven, and it will feel like Hell. Expect it to be Purgatory, and it will feel like Heaven. The two most salient facts about Purgatory are pain and hope, suffering and meaning. Peter Kreeft
b32f279 each Peter Kreeft
213934d It's the same world as ours but also a different world because no two people see it in exactly the same way. Peter Kreeft
4eab1a8 Love makes more waves than hate. Wicked men will hate and fear you more for loving them than for hating them. They will quickly forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right. Saints always go into the ghettos, especially the moral ghettos. They make waves. Moses made waves. Jesus made waves. Muhammad made waves. The waves make the garbage come to the surface, and the waves of garbage often drown the saints and.. Peter Kreeft
c1c8a67 The deepest reason why the Church is weak and the world is dying is that there are not enough saints. No, that's not quite honest. The reason is that WE are not saints. inspirational saints Peter Kreeft
79fa586 After a lifetime in academia, I have discovered that there is only one requirement for someone to actually believe any of the one hundred most absurd ideas possible for a human mind to conceive: you must be an intellectual. Some ideas are so ridiculous that only a Ph.D. could believe them. Peter Kreeft
ce3c392 Kreeft calls the word 'interesting':] "that all-purpose meaningless euphemism." Peter Kreeft
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