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cadfc5e Cultele memoriei de orice natura, indiferent daca se prezinta in vesminte religioase, civilizatoare sau politice, trebuie privite... cu neincredere si asta fara exceptie: sub pretextul unei comemorari purificatoare, eliberatoare sau fie si numai fondatoare de identitate, ele dau inevitabil apa la moara unei tendinte ascunse de repetare si repunere in scena. ... masurile de stingere sau de domolire a flacarii mocnite cu care ard amintirile s.. civilizations memorie memory Peter Sloterdijk
581535d A aptidao de Hitler para o seu papel no psicodrama alemao nao se baseava em capacidades incomuns ou carismas brilhando ao longe, mas em sua vulgaridade inatingivelmente evidente e na disposicao resultante de berrar do fundo da alma para grandes multidoes. Peter Sloterdijk
7a916d4 In ihrer alteren Version (Adorno) war die Frankfurter Schule ein gnostischer George-Kreis von links; sie lancierte die wunderbar hochmutige Initiative, eine ganze Generation in verfeinernder Absicht zu verfuhren. Sie loste eine tiefe Wirkung aus, die wir unter der Formel vom Eingedenken der Natur im Subjekt zusammenfassen konnen. In ihrer jungeren Version (Habermas) war sie ein in Latenz gehaltener Jakobinismus - eine sozialliberale Version.. Peter Sloterdijk
bf788bd Os colarinhos-brancos, os moderadores e criticos cresceram em quase toda parte a custa dos criativos e deixam-se festejar como os verdadeiros criadores. Peter Sloterdijk
44d5ee5 Cultural criticism always attacks the mass media. I don't think that makes sense. We should look more closely at the work of deformation that starts deeper down, especially because it involves so much demoralization. Something gets destroyed there that should not be destroyed under any circumstances - THE AWARENESS THAT KNOWLEDGE IS BORN OUT OF EUPHORIA AND THAT INTELLIGENCE IS A RELATIONSHIP OF THE HAPPY CONSCIOUSNESS WITH ITSELF. And that.. consciousness intelligence internal-astronautics Peter Sloterdijk
80c578a Der wahre Begriff fur die heisst darum: Autodidaktik auf Leben und Tod. conditio-humana Peter Sloterdijk
7d2c708 Man darf sich vom medienwirksamen Larm der Informationsindustrie nicht beirren lassen: Die Wirklichkeit der Wirklichkeit wird nicht im Cyber-Cafe gefunden oder in den Suchmaschinen definiert. Sie hat ihr Momentum weiterhin in den relativ langsamen Transportsysteme, die die raumlich Welt erschliessen, auf den Strassen, den Schienen und vor allem den maritimen Routen. Auf denen sich die glucksuche-getriebenen Aktivitaten der unternehmerischen.. internet wirlichkeit Peter Sloterdijk
6e569fd It illustrates the process of intelligence in relation to non-transparent factors on the basis of five typical configurations that I shall call: the grave; the body; the book; the bureaucracy; the complex machine. It would be an accidental but not undesirable effect if people recognize this series as a progressive approach to the living environment, or, rather, the box environment of modernity. Peter Sloterdijk
027f05f The lively thought-image of foam serves to recover the premetaphysical pluralism of world-inventions postmetaphysically. It helps us to enter the element of a manifold thought undeterred by the nihilistic pathos that involuntarily accompanied a reflection disappointed by the monological metaphysics during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It explains once again what this liveliness is about: "God is dead" is affirmed as the good news .. Peter Sloterdijk
03b0826 In this distinctive world, elusive quantities flash at the edge of conventional logic. Peter Sloterdijk
60590d9 A massa pos-moderna e massa sem potencial, uma soma de microanarquias e solidoes que mal lembram o tempo em que - incitada e conscientizada pelos seus porta-vozes e secretarios-gerais - deveria e queria fazer historia como coletivo prenhe de expressao. Peter Sloterdijk
0f6bf8d When everything has become the center, there is no longer any valid center; when everything is transmitting, the allegedly central transmitter is lost in the tangle of messages. Peter Sloterdijk
99b754c As a system of hybrid communicating vessels, the human interior consists of paradoxical or autogenous hollow bodies that are at once tight and leaky, that must alternate between the roles of container and content, and which simultaneously have properties of inner and outer walls. philosophy Peter Sloterdijk
c8bd1d6 In the foam worlds, however, no bubble can be expanded into an absolutely centered, all-encompassing, amphiscopic org; no central light penetrates the entire foam in its dynamic murkiness. Hence the ethics of the decentered, small and middle-sized bubbles in the world foam includes the effort to move about in an unprecedentedly spacious world with an unprecedentedly modest circumspection; in the foam, discrete and polyvalent games of reason.. logic Peter Sloterdijk
65f6538 The spaces that humans allow to contain them have their own history - albeit a history that has never been told, and whose heroes are eo ipso not humans themselves, but rather the topoi and spheres as whose function humans flourish, and from which they fall if their unfolding fails. philosophy topoi Peter Sloterdijk
78925da Hence there is no free admission to the process of enlightenment - it is always paid at a psycho-traumatic cost. Only such individuals as always already bring along much more injury than could be caused by mere cognitive attacks on their narcissistic system have an apparently free backstage pass to it. Such candidates, like the highly talented of a special type, obtain their degree in wound studies free of charge. For them psychical sacrifi.. talent theory Peter Sloterdijk
d930d2b Such immune systems could equally be described as organismic early forms of a feeling for transcendence: thanks to the efficiency of these devices, which are constantly at the ready, the organism actively confronts the potential bringers of its death, opposing them with its endogenous capacity to overcome the lethal. Such functions have earned immune systems of this type comparisons to a 'body police' or border patrol. But as the concern, a.. Peter Sloterdijk
2451021 undermined by the need for seriousness ... Peter Sloterdijk
7d685ac Every active deed is etched in the matrix of passivity. Peter Sloterdijk
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