Law of economy: nothing is waste. Even the unreal. What a sublimity in the process.
Philip K. Dick |
Fat had witnessed a benign power which had invaded this world. No other term fitted it: the benign power, whatever it was, had invaded this world, like a champion ready to do battle. That terrified him but it also excited his joy because he understood what it meant. Help had come.
Philip K. Dick |
Emptiness. He saw no one, only a large chamber with pewlike rows of seats and, at the far end, a casket surrounded by flowers. Off in a small sideroom an old-fashioned reed pump organ and a few wooden folding chairs. The mortuary smelled of dust and flowers, a sweet, stale mixture that repelled him. Think of all the Iowans, the thought, who've embraced eternity in this listless room.
Philip K. Dick |
It is therapeutic to meet these people who have intimidated you. And to discover what they are really like. Then the intimidation goes.
Philip K. Dick |
We are all insects," he said to Miss Ephreikian. "Groping toward something terrible or divine. Do you not agree?"
Philip K. Dick |
It was on the order of coin or stamp collecting; no rational explanation could ever be given. And high prices were being paid by wealthy collectors.
Philip K. Dick |
I've always told people that for each person there is a sentence--a series of words--which has the power to destroy him. When Fat told me about Leon Stone I realized (this came years after the first realization) that another sentence exists, another series of words, which will heal the person. If you're lucky you will get the second; but you can be certain of getting the first: that is the way it works. On their own, without training, indiv..
Philip K. Dick |
Simple Shepherd Mortuary
Philip K. Dick |
Non turbare la tua pace interiore, niente e giusto o sbagliato, non si vince ne si perde. Esistono solo gli individui e ognuno di essi e solo. Completamente solo! Impara a essere solo, guarda gli uccelli, volano ma non parlano a nessuno del loro volo ne si preoccupano di conservarne il ricordo per raccontarlo in futuro. ... Lascia che la tua vita rimanga un segreto perche e segreta
Philip K. Dick |
the universe consisted of misery and hostility and would get you in the end. He looked at the universe the way most people regard an unpaid bill; eventually they will force payment.
Philip K. Dick |
K'deto i da otidesh - zagovori starets't, - ot teb vinagi shche iskat da tvorish zlo. Tak'v e osnovniiat printsip na zhivota - nasilieto spriamo sobstvenata lichnost. Vsiako zhivo s'shchestvo v niakoi moment ot zhivota si se izpravia pred tozi izbor.Tova e neizbezhnata sianka, fatalnata klopka na s'tvorenieto, prokliatieto, koeto se khrani ot vsichko zhivo v'v vselenata.
Philip K. Dick |
Fat had phoned his pharmacy somewhere along the line to get a refill on his Librium prescription; he had taken thirty Librium just before taking the digitalis. The pharmacist had contacted the paramedics. A lot can be said for the infinite mercies of God, but the smarts of a good pharmacist, when you get down to it, is worth more.
Philip K. Dick |
It is proper that technically qualified non-lunatics should sit in judgement on lunatics. How could things be otherwise?
Philip K. Dick |
I'm sorry," Leon said. "I can see you loved your two friends and you miss them, and maybe they're flying around somewhere in the sky, zipping here and there and being spirits and happy. But you and I and three billion other people are not, and until it changes here it won't be enough, Phil; not enough. Despite the supreme heavenly father. He has to do something for us here, and that's the truth. If you believe in the truth--well, Phil, that..
Philip K. Dick |
Were his mind not fried he probably would have thought about how lucky he was to be alive - not in the philosophical sense of lucky but in the statistical sense. Nobody survives forty-nine tabs of high grade pure digitalis. As a general rule, twice the prescribed dose of digitalis will off you. Fat's prescribed dose had been fixed at q.i.d.: four a day. He had swallowed 12.25 times his prescribed daily dose and survived. The infinite mercie..
Philip K. Dick |
I did it again, Robert Childan informed himself. Impossible to avoid the topic. Because it's everywhere, in a book I happen to pick up or a record collection, in these bone napkin rings -- loot piled up by the conquerors. Pillage from my people. Face facts. I'm trying to pretend that the Japanese and I are alike. But observe: even when I burst out as to my gratification that they won the war, that my nation is lost -- there's still no commo..
Philip K. Dick |
Yes, the novelist knows humanity, how worthless they are, ruled by their testicles, swayed by cowardice, selling out every cause because of their greed--all he's got to do is thump on the drum, and there's his response. And he laughing, of course, behind his hand at the effect he gets.
Philip K. Dick |
That goat," Rachael said. "You love the goat more than me. More than you love your wife, probably. First the goat, then your wife, then last of all--" She laughed merrily. "What can you do but laugh?"
Philip K. Dick |
They - note the 'they' - paid Dr Stone to figure out what had destroyed the patient entering the ward. In each case a bullet had been fired at him, somewhere, at some time, in his life. The bullet entered him and the pain began to spread out. Insidiously, the pain filled him up until he split in half, right down the middle. The task of the staff, and even of the other patients, was to put the person back together but this could not be done ..
Philip K. Dick |
The Nazis have no sense of humor, so why should they want television? Anyhow, they killed most of the really great comedians. Because most of them were Jewish. In fact, she realized, they killed off most of the entertainment field. I wonder how Hope gets away with what he says. Of course, he has to broadcast from Canada. And it's a little freer up there. But Hope really says things. Like the joke about Goring . . . the one where Goring buys..
Philip K. Dick |
So we must presume that the worst, rather than the best, choice will be made. The sober and responsible elements will be defeated in the present clash.
Philip K. Dick |
Strano come un delirio persecutorio riesca di tanto in tanto a incontrare, per quanto brevemente, la realta.
Philip K. Dick |
terms of those who loved her. She paid back their love with--well, with what? Malice? Not proven. Hate? Not proven. With the irrational? Yes; proven. In terms of the effect on her friends--such as Fat--no lucid purpose was served but purpose there was: purpose without purpose, if you can conceive of that. Her motive was no motive. We're talking about nihilism. Under everything else, even under death itself
Philip K. Dick |
Loyce gazed up, rigid with horror. The splotch of darkness, hanging over the City Hall. Darkness so thick it seemed almost solid. In the vortex something moved. Flickering shapes. Things, descending from the sky, pausing momentarily above the City Hall, fluttering over it in a dense swarm and then dropping silently onto the roof. Shapes. Fluttering shapes from the sky. From the crack of darkness that hung above him. He was seeing--them.
Philip K. Dick |
You know the old brownshirt term for people who spin philosophy? Eierkopf. Egghead. Because the big double-domed empty heads break so easily . . . in the street brawls.
Philip K. Dick |
It's like asking, what's an impostor look like?" Arctor said. "I talked one time to a big hash dealer who'd been busted with ten pounds of hash in his possession. I asked him what the nark who busted him looked like. You know, the -- what do they call them? -- buying agent that came out and posed as a friend of a friend and got him to sell him some hash." "Looked," Barris said, winding string, "just like us." "More so," Arctor said. "The ha..
Philip K. Dick |
First, strangely, the owls had died. At the time it had seemed almost funny, the fat, fluffy white birds lying here and there, in yards and on streets; coming out no earlier than twilight as they had while alive the owls escaped notice.
Philip K. Dick |
Worse still, he had failed to pass the minimum mental faculties test, which made him in popular parlance a chickenhead.
Philip K. Dick |
He feels that most high-placed Nazis are refusing to face facts vis-a-vis their economic plight. By doing so, they accelerate the tendency toward greater adventures, less predictability, less stability in general. The cycle of manic enthusiasm, then fear, then Partei solutions of a desperate type--well, the point he got across was that all this tends to bring the most irresponsible and reckless aspirants to the top." Mr. Tagomi nodded. "S..
Philip K. Dick |
When you attack a tyranny you must expect it to fight back. Why not? Why shouldn't it?
Philip K. Dick |
The end times were not the end times after all. The end times were always coming but never here, always nearby and influencing us but never realized.
Philip K. Dick |
Mors certa, vita incerta, as Mr. Sloat occasionally declared. Isidore, although he had heard the expression a number of times, retained only a dim notion as to its meaning. After all, if a chickenhead could fathom Latin he would cease to be a chickenhead.
Philip K. Dick |
In a foolish and loud manner he had argued politics; he had been rude in his disagreeing, and only the adroit tact of his host had sufficed to save the evening. How much I have to learn, Childan thought. They're so graceful and polite. And I--the white barbarian. It is true.
Philip K. Dick |
Betty, having returned from the kitchen, had once more seated herself on the carpet. How attractive, Robert Childan thought again. The slender body. Their figures are so superior; not fat, not bulbous. No bra or girdle needed. I must conceal my longing; that at all costs. And yet now and then he let himself steal a glance at her. Lovely dark colors of her skin, hair, and eyes. We are half-baked compared to them. Allowed out of the kiln befo..
Philip K. Dick |
Ferris Fremont hasn't just taken over the country,' I said, 'He's also taken over human minds. And debased them.' P 'The Bible says don't judge,' Nicholas said. P 'The Bible says, "My kingdom is not of this world,"' I answered angrily." --
Philip K. Dick |
The human being has an unfortunate tendency to wish to please.
Philip K. Dick |
Because of an imaginary voice, Nicholas had become a whole person; rather than the partial person he had been in Berkeley. If he had remained in Berkeley he would have lived and died a partial person, never knowing completeness.
Philip K. Dick |
And this is the straight dope, right here. These people are not exactly human. They don the dress but they're like monkeys dolled up in the circus. They're clever and can learn, but that is all.
Philip K. Dick |
Most self-indulgent of all Nazis, and is in sharp contrast to late H. Himmler, who lived in personal want at low salary. Herr Goring representative of spoils mentality, using power as means of acquiring personal wealth. Primitive mentality, even vulgar, but quite intelligent man, possibly most intelligent of all Nazi chiefs. Object of his drives: self-glorification in ancient emperor fashion.
Philip K. Dick |
Ti chiami Patty per caso?" le chiese Barris, facendo segno a Charles Freck che tutto era sotto controllo. "No." Indico il nome scritto sul distintivo appuntato sulla tetta destra. "Beth." Mi chiedo come si chiami la tetta sinistra, penso Charles Freck."
Philip K. Dick |
Bize "gecmisi hatirlamayanlar onu tekrar etmeye mahkumdur," denir, ama belki de bu daha iyidir. Belki de iyi olan tek sey budur; unutmayi basarmak."
Philip K. Dick |
And who am I? The wrong person; I can tell you that.
Philip K. Dick |
We have no value, she said to herself. We can live out our tiny lives. If we want to. If it matters to us.
Philip K. Dick |
Everything's the same, when you break through to absolute reality; it's all one vast blur.
Philip K. Dick |