I don't know anybody. I turn sentences around, and that's it.
Philip Roth |
His mother had died at eighty, his father at ninety. Aloud he said to them, "I'm seventy-one. Your boy is seventy-one." "Good. You lived," his mother replied, and his father said, "Look back and atone for what you can atone for, and make the best of what you have left."
Philip Roth |
Curiously, the darkness seemed to have something to do with Harriet, Ron's intended, and I thought for a time that it was simply the reality of Harriet's arrival that had dramatized the passing of time: we had been talking about it and now suddenly it was here -- just as Brenda's departure would be here before we knew it.
Philip Roth |
It was puzzling to own trees - they were not owned the way a business os owned or even a house is owned. If anything, they were held in trust. In trust. Yes, for all of posterity,...
Philip Roth |
Gogol, Kafka y compania... va a tener serios problemas si sigue por ese camino.
Philip Roth |
In a burst of calculated sincerity--miscalculated sincerity, it turns out--I tell one of the girls how the sight of her breasts pressing against her arms had led me to wish I were those arms. And is this so different, I ask, pushing on with the charm, from Romeo, beneath Juliet's balcony, whispering, "See! How she leans her cheek upon her hand:/ O! That I were a glove upon that hand,/ That I might touch that cheek." Apparently it is quite d..
Philip Roth |
What is it that he was? Was the idea he had for himself of lesser validity or of greater validity than someone else's idea of what he was supposed to be? Can such things even be known? But the concept of life as something whose purpose is concealed, of custom as something that may not allow for thought, of society as dedicated to a picture of itself that may be badly flawed, of an individual as real apart and beyond the social determinants ..
Philip Roth |
This ordinarily even-tempered man struck furiously at his heart like some fanatic at prayer, and, assailed by remorse not just for this mistake but for all his mistakes, all the ineradicable, stupid, inescapable mistakes -- swept away by the misery of his limitations yet acting as if life's every incomprehensible contingency were of his making
Philip Roth |
Pensando na morte de seu irmao - e no ataque mortal do pai - me peguei comparando aquele sorriso seu com um curativo sobre uma ferida. (p.75)
Philip Roth |
Can anyone be utterly without thoughtfulness? The answer is yes.
Philip Roth |
E mai possibile che questi individui siano attrezzati di tutto il macchinario necessario, un cervello, una spina dorsale, e le quattro aperture per le orecchie e gli occhi - attrezzatura, Signora Nimkin, che puo sbalordire quasi quanto la Tv a colori - eppure viversi tutta l'esistenza senza la minima idea di quelli che sono i sentimenti e i desideri di una persona qualsiasi al di fuori di loro stessi?
Philip Roth |
Great artists, as history reveals, have been harshly persecuted time and again by the frightened and ill-educated,
Philip Roth |
ljsd yHwy lkthyrmn qSS lHy@ tmm mthl lmkh . dn 'wh bryn
Philip Roth |
How could he have gone around dopily believing he was making her happy when there was no justification for his feelings, when they were absurd, when, year in, year out, she was seething with hatred for their house?
Philip Roth |
As for God, it was easy to think kindly of Him in a paradise like Indian Hill. It was something else in Newark--or Europe or the Pacific--in the summer of 1944.
Philip Roth |
Among the writers he was reading when he wrote these stories in the 1950s--and he was reading all the time, all kinds of books, dozens and dozens of them--were David Riesman, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, John Cheever, James Baldwin, Randall Jarrell, Sigmund Freud, Paul Goodman, William Styron, C. Wright Mills, Martin Buber, George Orwell, Suzanne Langer, F. R. Leavis, David Daiches, Edmund Wilson, Alfred Kazin, Ralph Ellison, Erich Fromm, ..
Philip Roth |
At the crest of the hill outside Agor, Henry pulled the car to the side of the road and we got out to take in the view. In the falling shadows, the little Arab village at the foot of the Jewish settlement looked nothing like so grim and barren as it had a few minutes before when we'd driven down its deserted main street. A desert sunset lent a little picturesqueness even to that cluster of faceless hovels. As for the larger landscape, you c..
Philip Roth |
Questo e tutto cio che Faunia, nel suo tono freddo e distaccato, stava dicendo alla ragazza che nutriva il serpente: noi lasciamo una macchia, lasciamo una traccia, lasciamo la nostra impronta. Impurita, crudelta, abuso, errore, escremento, seme: non c'e altro mezzo per essere qui. Nulla a che fare con la disobbedienza. Nulla a che fare con la grazia o la salvezza o la redenzione. E' in ognuno di noi. Insita. Inerente. Qualificante. La macc..
Philip Roth |
Un piccolissimo simbolo, se ce ne fosse stato bisogno, del milione di circostanze della vita altrui, di quella bufera di dettagli che formano il guazzabuglio di una biografia umana: un piccolissimo simbolo che mi ricordava perche la nostra comprensione della gente dev'essere sempre, per forza, nel migliore dei casi, difettosa.
Philip Roth |
Bisogna fare una distinzione tra il morire e la morte. Non e tutto un morire ininterrotto. Se si e sani e ci si sente bene, e un morire invisibile. La fine, che e una certezza, non dev'essere per forza annunciata con spavalderia. No, tu non puoi capire. L'unica cosa che capisci di vecchi, quando non lo sei, e che sono stati segnati dal loro tempo. Ma capire solo questo li mummifica nel loro tempo, ed equivale a non capire nulla.Per quelli c..
Philip Roth |
Now Sentimental Education doesn't read as if Flaubert was having fun; Letter to His Father doesn't read as if Kafka was having fun; The Sorrows of Young Werther sure as hell doesn't read as if Goethe was having fun. Sure, Henry Miller seems like he's having fun, but he had to cross three thousand miles of Atlantic before saying 'cunt'.
Philip Roth |
The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.
Philip Roth |
When you publish a book, it's the world's book. The world edits it.
Philip Roth |
When the whole world doesn't believe in God, it will be a great place.
Philip Roth |
Oh Patimkin! Fruit grew in their refrigerator and sporting goods dropped from their trees!
Philip Roth |
H]er breasts swam towards me like two pink-nosed fish and she let me hold them.
Philip Roth |
Why must he mistrust his life just when he was more its master than he'd been in years?.
Philip Roth |
Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
Philip Roth |
Old age isn't a battle; old age is a massacre.
Philip Roth |