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c218091 That's the horrible fact of sinners. We're indistinguishable from the righteous. R. Scott Bakker
d457aa7 A cut scarred where a caress faded away. R. Scott Bakker
f239c0f Maithanet carried a plague whose primary symptom was certainty. How the God could be equated with the absence of hesitation was something Achamian had never understood. After all, what was the God but the mystery that burdened them all? What was hesitation but a dwelling-within this mystery? Perhaps, R. Scott Bakker
1deaad3 Kings never lie. They demand the world be mistaken. --CONRIYAN PROVERB When R. Scott Bakker
a4c0134 Given the manifest frailty of men, given the long succession of delusions that was their history, what could be more preposterous than claiming oneself the least deluded, let alone privy to the absolute? R. Scott Bakker
94c234f Like life, games were governed by rules. But unlike life, games were utterly defined by those rules. The rules were the game, and if one played by different rules, then one simply played a different game. Since a fixed framework of rules determined the meaning of every move as a move, games possessed a clarity that made life seen like a drunken brawl by comparison. The proprieties were indubitable, the permutations secure; only the outcome .. life rules R. Scott Bakker
6469322 Vulgar languages, especially when native, stand too close to the press of life. Their meanings are too easily warped by our insights and experiences. The sheer otherness of Gilcunya serves to insulate the semantics of sorcery from the inconstancies of our lives. R. Scott Bakker
1df30bc They worshipped themselves as the measure of all significance, R. Scott Bakker
923bbd8 Where hopes burn bright," he said, "patience is quickly consumed." R. Scott Bakker
f0c9f76 Ignorance is trust. -- R. Scott Bakker
21dc347 If you find yourself taken unawares by someone you thought you knew, recall that the character revealed is as much your own as otherwise. R. Scott Bakker
d867469 You realized those truths that cut against the interests of the powerful were called lies, and that those lies that served those interests were called truths. R. Scott Bakker
9f963c3 We Dunyain, Cnaiur, are guides and trackers, students of the Logos, the Shortest Way. Of all the world, we alone have awakened from the dread slumber of custom. We alone." He drew Cnaiur's young hand to his lap. Thumbs probed the spaces between his calluses. How could bliss ache so? "Tell me, Chieftain-son, what do you desire before all things? What circumstance? Tell me, one who is awake, and I'll show you the trail you must follow." Cnai" R. Scott Bakker
5916b23 Everything we say to one another, we also say to souls absent. We continually speak to the speech that comes after our voice, forever prepare those who would listen. No truth spoken is true simply because words have consequences, because voices move souls and souls move voices, a great radiation. This is why we so readily admit to corpses what we dare not confess to the living. This why only the executioner can speak without care of consequ.. R. Scott Bakker
4b0576c Though all men be equally frail before the world, the differences between them are terrifying." --" R. Scott Bakker
e38d0bb few things are more familiar, he supposed, than finding oneself a stranger. R. Scott Bakker
3cfca26 But I've always believed," Kellhus continued, "that one must ride another man's horse for a day before criticizing." "To better understand him?" "No," the man replied with an eye-twinkling shrug. "Because then you're a day away and you have his horse . . ." Achamian" R. Scott Bakker
de3697b Hope is ever the greatest luxury of the helpless, the capacity to suppose knowledge that circumstances denied. R. Scott Bakker
b09ab79 What did they know of motherhood, the mad miracle of finding your interior drawn from you, clinging and bawling and giggling and learning everything there was to learn anew? R. Scott Bakker
9623dac To resent is to brood in inaction, to pass through life acting in a manner indistinguishable from those who bear no grudges. But hatred hails from a wilder, far more violent tribe. Even when you cannot strike out, you strike nonetheless. Inward, if not outward, as if such things have direction. To hate, especially without recourse to vengeance, is to besiege yourself, to starve yourself to the point of eating your own, then to lay wreaths o.. R. Scott Bakker
9e3f3f2 But you do understand. Think, Leweth. If we're nothing more than our thoughts and passions, and if our thoughts and passions are nothing more than movements of our souls, then we are nothing more than those who move us. Who you once were, Leweth, ceased to exist the moment your wife died. R. Scott Bakker
fb99387 To be ignorant and to be deceived are two different things. To be ignorant is to be a slave of the world. To be deceived is to be the slave of another man. The question will always be: Why, when all men are ignorant, and therefore already slaves, does this latter slavery sting us so? --AJENCIS, THE EPISTEMOLOGIES R. Scott Bakker
135cbba Fools can be trusted precisely because they are fools. Their agendas rarely intersect with your own. trust R. Scott Bakker
0e1cf79 Look unto others and ponder the sin and folly you find there. For their sin is your sin, and their folly is your folly. Seek ye the true reflecting pool? Look to the stranger you despise, not the friend you love. R. Scott Bakker
705d73e The Dunyain," Kellhus said after a time, "have surrendered themselves to the Logos, to what you would call reason and intellect. We seek absolute awareness, the self-moving thought. The thoughts of all men arise from the darkness. If you are the movement of your soul, and the cause of that movement precedes you, then how could you ever call your thoughts your own? How could you be anything other than a slave to the darkness that comes befor.. R. Scott Bakker
7667b4b The darkness was crisp, as though scraped of sight and smell by winter's razor. R. Scott Bakker
76c13b2 The eyes of men were but pinholes...All their books, even their scriptures, were nothing more than pinholes. And yet, because they couldn't see what was unseen, they assumed they saw everything, they confused pinpricks with the sky. R. Scott Bakker
b91e558 Stupid men, Conphas had found, tended to be excessively proud of their few brilliant moments. R. Scott Bakker
db0ed8d Piety was simple, and the World, woefully complex. What was virtuous, what was holy: these were verities that only the simple and the enslaved could know with certainty. R. Scott Bakker
fa2ee05 One cannot raise walls against what has been forgotten. Heartbroken, R. Scott Bakker
7bd0c43 Zsoronga, Sorweel was beginning to realize, possessed the enviable ability to yoke his conviction to his need -- to believe, absolutely, whatever his heart required. For Sorweel, belief and want always seemed like ropes too short to bind together, forcing him to play the knot as a result. philosophy R. Scott Bakker
f1df4e2 We make a sad couple," she said, as though making a casual observation. "Why would you say that?" "A sorcerer and a harlot . . . There's something sad about that." He grasped her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. "There's something sad about all couples," he said." R. Scott Bakker
8405ddf Zealous men often confuse purity with intolerance, particularly when they're young. R. Scott Bakker
1caee96 For whatever reason, heavy drinking at once intensified and deadened the Dreams. The way they slurred into one another made them seem less immediate, more dreamlike, but the passions that accompanied them . . . They were unbearable at the best of times. With drink they became lunatic with misery. He R. Scott Bakker
c509431 It ... It ... It is what it is! R. Scott Bakker
7d83020 the hot glare of evening winked into the chill glow of dusk in a heartbeat R. Scott Bakker
580ac99 And do Men despise ignorance?' I asked. 'No,' he said, 'they prize it above all things--all things!--but only so long as it remains invisible. R. Scott Bakker
0202249 Small wonder, Thomas thought, we humans were so jumpy, so arrogant, so defensive. Small wonder the Internet, which was supposed to blow the doors off narrow, parochial views of the world, had simply turned into a supermarket of bigotries, a place where any hatred or hope could find bogus rationalization. For the human brain, it was like living in a schizophrenic world, a paradise of plenty where any second now, something really bad was goin.. R. Scott Bakker
d41a23a Everyone thinks they've won the Magical Belief Lottery. Everyone thinks they more or less have a handle on things, that they, as opposed to the billions who disagree with them, have somehow lucked into the one true belief system. R. Scott Bakker
6af2693 All sorcerers had studied alchemy to some extent, and all alchemists, at least those worth their salt, knew how to cook. R. Scott Bakker
b60d6d0 There's faith that knows itself as faith, Proyas, and there's faith that confuses itself for knowledge. The first embraces uncertainty, acknowledges the mysteriousness of the God. It begets compassion and tolerance. Who can entirely condemn when they're not entirely certain they're in the right? But the second, Proyas, the second embraces certainty and only pays lip service to the God's mystery. It begets intolerance, hatred, violence . . . R. Scott Bakker
da67609 Have you heard the saying, Skeaos? 'Cats look down upon Man, and dogs look up, but only pigs dare look Man straight in the eye.'" "Y-yes, God-of-Men." "Pretend that you are a pig, Skeaos." What" R. Scott Bakker
baf22e6 What is practicality but one moment betrayed for the next? -- R. Scott Bakker
ad0db47 Die Welt ist ein Kreis, der so viele Mittelpunkte wie Bewohner hat. R. Scott Bakker
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