you have to hold your teeth clamped around Hollywood to keep from chewing on stray blondes.
Raymond Chandler |
The trouble with cops is not that they're dumb or crooked or tough, but that they think just being a cop gives them a little something that they didn't have before. Maybe it did once, but not anymore. They're topped by too many smart minds.
Raymond Chandler |
Guns never settle anything, I said. They are just a fast curtain to a bad second act
Raymond Chandler |
Common sense says go home and forget it, no money coming in. Common sense always speaks too late. Common sense is the guy who tells you you ought to have had your brakes relined last week before you smashed a front end this week. Common sense is the Monday morning quarterback who could have won the ball game if he had been on the team. But he never is. He's high up in the stands with a flask on his hip. Common sense is the little man in a g..
Raymond Chandler |
The law enforcement in this town is terrific. All through prohibition Eddie Mars' place was a night club and they had two uniformed men in the lobby every night-to see that the guests didn't bring their own liquor instead of buying it from the house.
Raymond Chandler |
I suppose you do this to all the clients," she said softly."
Raymond Chandler |
I went back to the office and sat in my swivel chair and tried to catch up on my foot-dangling. There was a gusty wind blowing in at the windows and the soot from the oil burners of the hotel next door was drown-draughted into the room and rolling across the top of the desk like tumbleweed drifting across a vacant lot. I was thinking about going out to lunch and that life was pretty flat and that it would probably be just as flat if I took ..
Raymond Chandler |
gr yh mrd slm d` khnd, nshnhy ymn st. wly wqty ykh mrd mryD d` khnd fqT trsydh.
Raymond Chandler |
I hung up and fed myself a slug of Old Forester to brace my nerves for the interview.
Raymond Chandler |
All she did was take her hand out of her bag, with a gun in it. All she did was point it at me and smile. All I did was nothing.
Raymond Chandler |
Manhattan is a small town. It has to be. Only half a dozen places in Kansas are anything else.
Raymond Chandler |
California, the department-store state. The most of everything and the best of nothing.
Raymond Chandler |
You probably didn't intend it, but you've done me a favor. With an assist from Detective Dayton. You've solved a problem for me. No man likes to betray a friend but I wouldn't betray an enemy into your hands. You're not only a gorilla, you're an incompetent. You don't know how to operate a simple investigation. I was balanced on a knife-edge and you could have swung me either way. But you had to abuse me, throw coffee in my face, and use yo..
Raymond Chandler |
The tragedy of life, is not that the beautiful things die young, but that they grow old and mean.
Raymond Chandler |
We were very much in love--the wild, mysterious, improbable kind of love that never comes but once.
Raymond Chandler |
There is nothing tougher than a tough Mexican, just as there is nothing gentler than a gentle Mexican, nothing more honest than an honest Mexican, and above all nothing sadder than a sad Mexican.
Raymond Chandler |
I'm a weak character, without guts or ambition. I caught the brass ring and it shocked me to find out it wasn't gold. A guy like me has one big moment in his life, one perfect swing on the high trapeze. Then he spends the rest of his time trying not to fall off the sidewalk into the gutter.
Raymond Chandler |
Authenticity is boring, credibility is important
Raymond Chandler |
Ohls showed the motor-cycle officer his badge and we went out on the pier, into a loud fish smell which one night's hard rain hadn't even dented.
Raymond Chandler |
seventy-two moves to a draw, a prize specimen of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object, a battle without armor, a war without blood, and as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you could find anywhere outside an advertising agency.
Raymond Chandler |
California, the department-store state. The most of everything and the best of nothing. Here we go again.
Raymond Chandler |
She was a cute as a washtub.
Raymond Chandler |
If I had a razor, I'd cut your throat - just to see what ran out of it." "Caterpillar blood," I said."
Raymond Chandler |
I didn't have anything really exiting to drink, like nitroglycerin or distilled tiger breath.
Raymond Chandler |
Dames lie about anything - just for practice.
Raymond Chandler |
Well, George Anson Phillips is a kind of pathetic case... He was the sort of cop who would be likely to hang a pinch on a chicken thief, if he saw the guy steal the chicken and the guy fell down running away and hit his head on a post or something and knocked himself out. Otherwise it might get a little tough and George would have to go back to the office for instructions.
Raymond Chandler |
It's goddamned funny in this police racket how an old woman can look out of a window and see a guy running and pick him out of a line-up six months later, but we can show hotel help a clear photo and they just can't be sure.' 'That's one of the qualifications for good hotel help,' I said.
Raymond Chandler |
From thirty feet away she looked like a lot of class. From ten feet away she looked like something made up to be seen from thirty feet away.
Raymond Chandler |
She'd make a jazzy weekend, but she'd be wearing for a steady diet.
Raymond Chandler |
There is a very simple statement to be made about all these stories: they do not really come off intellectually as problems, and they do not come off artistically as fiction. They are too contrived, and too little aware of what goes on in the world. They try to be honest, but honesty is an art. The poor writer is dishonest without knowing it, and the fairly good one can be dishonest because he doesn't know what to be honest about. He thinks..
Raymond Chandler |
What did it matter where you lay once you were dead? In a dirty sump or in a marble tower on top of a high hill? You were dead, you were sleeping the big sleep, you were not bothered by things like that. Oil and water were the same as wind and air to you. You just slept the big sleep, not caring about the nastiness of how you died or where you fell. Me, I was part of the nastiness now. Far more a part of it than Rusty Regan was. But the old..
Raymond Chandler |
I walked to the windows and pulled the shades up and opened the windows wide. The night air came drifting in with a kind of stale sweetness that still remembered automobile exhausts and the streets of the city. I reached for my drink and drank it slowly. The apartment house door closed itself down below me. Steps tinkled on the quiet sidewalk. A car started up not far away. It rushed off into the night with a rough clashing of gears. I went..
Raymond Chandler |
What rattled and thumped was a knotted towel full of melting ice cubes. Somebody who loved me very much had put them on the back of my head. Somebody who loved me less had bashed in the back of my skull. It could have been the same person. People have moods.
Raymond Chandler |
She approached me with enough sex appeal to stampede a businessmen's lunch
Raymond Chandler |
Una tipa que sonaba a borracha perdida cantaba ''Frankie and Johnny'' en version marinera, con una voz que ni el whisky habia logrado mejorar.
Raymond Chandler |
He explained civilization to me. I mean how it looks to him. He's going to let it go on a little while longer. But it better be careful and not interfere with his private life. If it does, he's apt to make a phone call to God and cancel the order.
Raymond Chandler |
Mr. Cobb was my escort," she said. "Such a nice escort, Mr. Cobb. So attentive. You should see him sober. I should see him sober. Somebody should see him sober. I mean, just for the record. So it could become a part of history, that brief flashing moment, soon buried in time, but never forgotten--when Larry Cobb was sober."
Raymond Chandler |
Permaneci sentado, muy quieto, escuchando como iba aquietandose la tarde por las ventanas abiertas. Y, muy lentamente, fui aquietandome con ella.
Raymond Chandler |
The voice on the telephone seemed to be sharp and peremptory, but I didn't hear too well what it said, partly because I was only half awake and partly because I was holding the receiver upside down
Raymond Chandler |
The subject was as easy to spot as a kangaroo in a dinner jacket
Raymond Chandler |
The next hour was three hours long
Raymond Chandler |
I was doing a cheap sneaky job for people I didn't like, but that's what you hire out for, chum. They pay the bills, you dig the dirt.
Raymond Chandler |
I did it for you. I took in a pint of bourbon with me. She's a charming middle-aged lady with a face like a bucket of mud and if she has washed her hair since Coolidge's second term, I'll eat my spare tire, rim and all.
Raymond Chandler |
Well, all he did was kill a Negro," I said. "I guess that's only a misdemeanor."
Raymond Chandler |