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fbc67ed Then you can blame it on your parents,' I said, smiling. 'Won't that be a relief? rage ted decker jones taunt stephen-king Richard Bachman
b3136c8 Lunacy is when you can't see the seams where they stitched the world together anymore. Stephen King as Richard Bachman
7551d4d Craziness is only a matter of degree, and there are lots of people besides me who have the urge to roll heads. They go to stock-car races and the horror movies and the wrestling matches they have in Portland Expo. Maybe what she said smacked of all those things, but I admired her for saying out loud, all the same--the price of honesty is always high. She had an admirable grasp of the fundamentals. Besides, she was tiny and pretty. rage stanner charlie richard grace decker stephen king Richard Bachman
b9717e1 You're on, Ted," I told him. "Your big chance, boy. Don't blow it. Folks, this kid is going to dance his balls off before your very eyes." rage stephen-king Richard Bachman
4aa7eb3 Are you decent?" Richards asked. Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
a37f1de The apartment was haunted by the ghost of long-departed cabbage. Richard Bachman
fe0cdd2 You've got a shitty habit, you know it? I've noticed it on all those TV drive-safely pitches that you do. You breathe in people's ears. You sound like a stallion in heat, Philbrick. That's a shitty habit. You also sound like you're reading off a teleprompter, even when you're not. You ought to take care of stuff like that. You might save a life. rage philbrick charlie richard decker stephen king Richard Bachman
2ff2fe8 aber es gab keine Razzien in den Lasterhohlen mehr. Jedermann wusste, dass Lasterhohlen jedem wirklich revolutionaren Klima abtraglich waren. richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
6f49ec3 Wahnsinn ist, wenn man nicht mehr die Nahte sehen kann, mit denen die Welt zusammengenaht ist. rage richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
d03e6f3 They walked on, somehow in step, although all three of them were bent forever in different shapes by the pains that pulled them. Richard Bachman
ed306be Pienso que llega un momento en que la voluntad sencillamente se agota.No importa lo que yo piense ?entiendes?. Richard Bachman
af48c3f That was Dad's life, and I was the birdshit on his windshield. rage Richard Bachman
67e7ec4 Vielleicht gab es nicht mal einen Regenbogen, geschweige denn einen Topf mit Gold. richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
2d8b90a So sind die Dinge manchmal. Wenn alles am schlimmsten ist, dann wirft der Verstand alles in einen Papierkorb und geht fur eine Weile nach Florida. Da ist ein Was-zur-Holle-soll's?-Gefuhl in einem, wahrend man da-steht und uber die Schulter zu der Brucke zuruckblickt, die man soeben niedergebrannt hat. rage richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
32d8447 we are going to understand all about the difference between people and pieces of paper in a file, and the difference between doing your job and getting jobbed... Richard Bachman (Pseudonym) Stephen King
853413c The reason all of this is so horrible," McVries said, "is because it's just trivial. You know? We've sold ourselves and traded our souls on trivialities." Richard Bachman
e2de053 Peccato che non avessero niente di piu preciso da esporre, come ad esempio un cartello con la scritta : RALLENTARE! PAZZO IN CORSO. Richard Bachman
b1a4722 Ain't none of you ever been stuck in the mud and needed a push? I won't ask you how you can be for this and still call yourselves Christians, because one of you would have some kind of answer out of what I call the Holy-Joe-Do-It-My-Way Bible. But, Jeezly-Crow! How can you read the parable of the Good Samaritan on Sunday and then say you're for a thing like this on Monday night? Richard Bachman
a02e92d This," I said pleasantly, "is known as getting it on." Richard Bachman
58ab846 If people just took it a day at a time, they'd be a lot happier. Richard Bachman
0378ca7 Mr. Grace sounded like a very small child, helpless, hopeless. I had made him fuck himself with his own big tool, like one of those weird experiences you read about in the Penthouse Forum. I had taken off his witch doctor's mask and made him human. But I didn't hold it against him. To err is only human, but it's divine to forgive. I believe that sincerely. rage charlie richard grace decker stephen king psychology Richard Bachman
bab785d Sanity: You can go through your whole life telling yourself that life is logical, life is prosaic, life is sane. Above all, sane. And I think it is. I've had a lot of time to think about that... I think; therefore I am. There are hairs on my face; therefore I shave. My wife and child have been critically injured in a car crash; therefore I pray. It's all logical, it's all sane. ...there's a Mr. Hyde for every happy Jekyll face, a dark face.. Richard Bachman (Pseudonym) Stephen King
5fd288c None of us really has anything to lose. That makes it easier to give away. Richard Bachman
3b1265f We'll all be glad to see you die. No one's going to miss you, Gary. Maybe I'll walk behind you and spit on your brains after they blow them all over the road. Maybe I'll do that. Maybe we all will." It" Richard Bachman
d8f0b16 The sea at the horizon was yet unchanged. It glittered blue and ageless, full of dancing points and nets of light in the late afternoon sun. Richard Bachman
10a30d1 places are the same unless your mind changes. There's no magic place to get your mind right. If you feel like shit, everything you see looks like shit. I know that. Richard Bachman
5e7220d To hell with you. You just don't want to admit it. Those people, they're animals. They want to see someone's brains on the road, that's why they turn out. They'd just as soon see yours." "That isn't the point," McVries said calmly. "Didn't you say you went to see the Long Walk when you were younger?" "Yes, when I didn't know any better!" "Well, that makes it okay, doesn't it?" McVries uttered a short, ugly-sounding laugh. "Sure they're anim.. Richard Bachman
a119c14 Love is a fake!" Olson was blaring. "There are three great truths in the world and they are a good meal, a good screw, and a good shit, and that's all!" reality insanity Richard Bachman
8f5f937 The dead are orphans. No company but the silence like a moth's wing. An end to the agony of movement, to the long nightmare of going down the road. The body in peace, stillness, and order. The perfect darkness of death. Richard Bachman
2e4d9d6 He was a heavy breather. You could hear him puffing and blowing into the mike up there like some large and sweaty animal. I don't like that, never have. My father is like that on the telephone. A lot of heavy breathing in your ear, so you can almost smell the scotch and Pall Malls on his breath. It always seems unsanitary and somehow homosexual. rage charlie richard decker stephen breathing king Richard Bachman
1e58e3d Wenn man sich fur jemanden verantwortlich fuhlt, kann es sein, dass man ihn schliesslich hasst. rage richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
d408869 Wenn die Intelligenten einen schlechten Charakter haben, so zeigt sich das, und wenn sie keinen schlechten Charakter haben, dann sind sie so leicht auszurechnen wie Quadratwurzeln. rage richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
a2678f8 Sus rostros eran absolutamente similares en un detalle: parecian extremadamente incompletos, como cuadros con agujeros por ojos o como un rompecabezas al que le faltase una pieza nimia. Y eso que echaba en falta, penso Richards, era el aire de desesperacion. En sus estomagos no aullaban los lobos. Sus mentes no estaban llenas de suenos viciados, de esperanzas insensatas. stephen-king Richard Bachman
38ec3a6 His eyes were as blank and bright as doorknobs. Richard Bachman
2d3523a Another time, another place. goodbyes Richard Bachman
8b074e1 sie wurden Christus personlich uberfallen, um ein Pfund Salami zu ergattern. richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
cd50768 Pero era evidente que le habia dolido. Le habia dolido antes, de la peor manera, al advertir que el dejaria de existir mientras el universo seguiria girando igual que siempre, intacto e insensible. Richard Bachman
852c559 If you think someone is seriously on the prod for your ass, it keeps you awake. pessimism Richard Bachman Stephen King
415834c Sie wurden ihm helfen, ihn heilen. Arzneien und Arzte. Eine Anderung der Einstellung. Dann Frieden. Seine Streitsuchtigkeit wurde wie Unkraut aus ihm herausgejatet werden. richard-bachmann stephen-king Richard Bachman
f665818 Atencion -decia Bobby Thompson-. Este es uno de los lobos que camina entre ustedes. stephen-king Richard Bachman
8456c64 Herk threw up the mouse, the hamburger he'd eaten for lunch, and some pasty glop that looked like tomato soup. He was just starting to ask his mother what was going on when she threw up. And there, in all that puke, that old dead mouse didn't look bad at all. It sure looked better than the rest of the stuff. rage charlie disgusting richard vomit decker stephen king Richard Bachman
591a182 having stormed the German nuclear base in Santiago nearly single-handed back in 1953. Richard Bachman
b3e7a1a Blaze himself was pretty sure he himself was going to hell, as were most other people. It was a dirty world, and the longer you lived, the dirtier you got. Richard Bachman
821863d The definition of an asshole is a guy who doesn't believe what he's seeing. humanity Richard Bachman