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40a660d ZEUS SUX and TYPHOEUS WUZ HERE. Rick Riordan
9314cd0 Grand buildings made her feel better--maybe because being in a place so permanent made her feel more permanent. Rick Riordan
8884111 I tried to look confused, which is one of my most convincing expressions. Rick Riordan
a0cc16f In that moment, he chose Greek. He threw in his lot with Camp Half-Blood-and the horses changed. The storm clouds inside burned away, leaving nothing but red dust and shimmering heat, like mirages on the Sahara. the-house-of-hades greek heroes-of-olympus jason-grace rick-riordan Rick Riordan
6787b08 I kind of liked that, actually. You couldn't multitask while talking to him. The dialogue required one hundred percent focus. If all conversations were like that, I imagined people wouldn't say so much stupid garbage. Rick Riordan
509038f He had a crush on a blueberry bush once. juniper Rick Riordan
5927864 Frank: "I wish I was ADHD or dyslexic. All I got is lactose intolerance." Rick Riordan
426d9ff A note from Annabeth." Piper shook her head in amazement. "I don't see how that's possible, but if it is--" "She's alive," Leo said. "Thank the gods and pass the hot sauce." Frank frowned. "What does that mean?" Leo wiped the chip crumbs off his face. "It means pass the hot sauce, Zhang. I'm still hungry." Rick Riordan
4331ebc At the ed of the hall stood a walnut door with a bronze plaque: ASCLEPIUS MD, DMD, DME, DC, DVS, FAAN, OMG, EMT, TTYL, FRCP, ME, IOU, OD, OT, PHARMD, BAMF, RN, PHD, INC., SMH There may have been more acronyms in the list, but by that point Leo's brain had exploded. greek-gods rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
b997961 Imitation is flattery Rick Riordan
2c406f3 Chocolate must be savored, not rushed.) Rick Riordan
6c4dec7 Meg looked at me with something resembling respect. "What did you do to them?" "Nothing," I said. "Half the trick to being a god is knowing how to bluff." humor meg-mccaffrey Rick Riordan
844d3e1 Look, lady, we're not going to go all HUNGER GAMES on each other. Isn't going to happen. hungergames leovaldez valdez nike Rick Riordan
045c6be Let's have a good clean three-legged death race. Rick Riordan
e3ba142 During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth's feelings. They'd grown painfully intense-like she'd been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn't sure which was more excruciating-living with that horrible absence, or being with him again. Rick Riordan
7b3af6e The wand ricocheted through the swarm, thumping six, seven, eight of the little monsters before returning to Carter's hand. "Not bad," I said. "Keep it up!" Rick Riordan
d7892f9 Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't it be a happily-ever-after ride-into-the-sunset feeling all the time? love jason piper percy Rick Riordan
74377d8 The Olympians were a reminder that there was always someone better than you, so you shouldn't get a big head. Rick Riordan
619d881 You have a humming dodo bird," I said stupidly." Rick Riordan
3769736 I was wondering how you got all that out of a single moooooo percy-jackson Rick Riordan
331b867 I plucked a ruby off the nearest plant and threw it at Hades. Rick Riordan
2309f6b He is driven by bitterness and anger. You can understand that.' Nico wanted to yell, Like you know what I feel? Rick Riordan
05c42e9 I'm scared," Nico mumbled. He was fiddling with something--a little metal toy soldier of some kind. "Stop talking!" Dr. Thorn said. "Face me!" nico-diangelo nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
c375ead Just don't ask me to deliver any more satyr babies and we'll get along great. humor joke Rick Riordan
31f4a36 Khei! - izvika Grouv'r. - Tia mai pripadna! - Grrr! - obadi se Meduza. - E, mai ne e - popravi se toi i otnovo vdigna klona. the-lightning-thief the-olympians Rick Riordan
a987165 Like your zodiac sign? Percy asked. 'I'm a Leo. 'No, stupid,' Leo said. I'm a Leo. You're a Percy. the-blood-of-olympus heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson rick-riordan leo-valdez Rick Riordan
3038b7d The House is in the house" Chapter 38" Rick Riordan
164672b Thanks for everything." "As you wish," the captain said. If axes could frown, I'm sure he would have. "Stay sharp," Carter told him." Rick Riordan
764e9c0 How flattering," I grumbled. "My soul glows." Rick Riordan
1131966 Frank Zhang: lumbering klutz, child of Mars, part-time pachyderm. Rick Riordan
68d3764 Sure, Nico had mixed emotions about the camp. He'd felt rejected there, out of place, unwanted and unloved ... but now that it was on the verge of destruction, he realized how much it meant to him. This was the last place Bianca and he had shared as a home - the only place they'd ever felt safe, even if only temporarily. home territory Rick Riordan
255eb08 Most of the time, Alex identified as female, but today he was definitely male. Sometimes I slipped up and used the wrong pronouns for him/ her, so Alex liked to return the favor by teasing me mercilessly. Because friendship. Rick Riordan
b909c93 Annabeth's hand slipped into mine. Under different circumstances I would've been embarrassed, but here in the dark I was glad to know where she was. It was about the only thing I was sure of. Rick Riordan
73b1456 Entertain me, heroes of Olympus. Give me a reason to do more." Bacchus to Percy and Jason" Rick Riordan
c7fceeb We need our goats!" I yelled. I waded through the crowd until I reached our chariot. I grabbed Otis's face and pressed my forehead against his. "Testing," I whispered. "Is this goat on? Thor, can you hear me?" "You have beautiful eyes," Otis told me." norse-myth Rick Riordan
7ff9a86 Zoe threw up her hands in exasperation. "I hate this language. It changes too often!" zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
ec4e1c4 I want a room decorated with bones!" Dan said. "Where'd they come from?" "Cemeteries," Amy said. "Back in the 1700s, the cemeteries were getting overcrowded, so they decided to dig up tons of old bodies-all their bones-and move them into the Catacombs. The thing is...look at the dates. See when they started moving bones into the Catacombs?" Dan squinted at the screen. He didn't see what she was talking about. "Is it my birthday?" humor catacombs cahill dan the39clues bones Rick Riordan
bdbdffd I had nightmares about what Poseidon might turn me into if I were on the verge of death-plankton maybe." -Percy Jackson" Rick Riordan
d13778f That's because we keep weapons int the attic, silly boy. Do you think this is the first time monsters have attacked our family?" "Weapons," Frank grumbled. "Right. I've never handled weapons before." Grandmother's nostrils flared. "Was that sarcasm, Fai Zhang?" "Yes, Grandmother." "Good. There may be hope for you yet." Rick Riordan
02b8f34 Fair... You'd be amazed how often I hear that word, Frank Zhang,and how meaningless it is. Is it fair your life will burn so short and bright? Was it fair when I guided your mother to the Underworld? No, not fair. And yet it was her time. There is no fairness in Death. If you free me, I will do my duty. thantos life-and-death Rick Riordan
9123322 Texting, even browsing the Internet - all these things can attract monsters. Rick Riordan
b55c41a You are one freaking awesome baboon. Rick Riordan
fc2d5a4 Knowledge isn't always good for you. Rick Riordan
c869351 Yeah." He took one last look at the cityscape of Rome, turning bloodred in the sunset. "Festus, raise the sails. We've got some friends to save." -- Rick Riordan