The differential phrasing might seem minor, but it is critical to achieving the company's unitization goal. Providing advice puts a person in a merging state of mind, which stimulates a linking of one's own identity with another party's.
Robert B. Cialdini |
If a gift, favor, or service incorporates all three features of meaningfulness, unexpectedness, and customization, it can become a formidable source of change.
Robert B. Cialdini |
Ustune gelinmis, stresli, kararsiz, umursamaz, akli baska yerde veya yorulmus oldugumuz zaman eldeki bilgilerin en azina yogunlasiriz. Bu sartlar altinda karar verirken ilkel fakat gerekli tek kanit yaklasimina doneriz. Butun bunlar urkutucu bir anlayisa dayanir: Dunyanin doruguna yerlesmek icin sofistike akil duzenimizle oylesine kompleks, ilerlemis ve bilgiyle dolu bir cevre yarattik ki bununla basa cikmak icin soylarindan geldigimiz hayv..
Robert B. Cialdini |
I can live for two months," confessed Mark Twain, "on a good compliment."
Robert B. Cialdini |
So by my lights,
Robert B. Cialdini |
La respuesta tiene que ver, en parte, con un principio de la comunicacion que, aunque es esencial, generalmente no se tiene demasiado en cuenta: aquello que mostramos primero modifica la forma en la que la gente percibe lo que presentamos despues.
Robert B. Cialdini |
numerosas investigaciones demuestran que reducir la distancia ante un objeto hace que parezca que este merece mas la pena.
Robert B. Cialdini |
One study found that the reading scores of students in a New York City elementary school were significantly lower if their classrooms were situated close to elevated subway tracks on which trains rattled past every four to five minutes. When the researchers, armed with their findings, pressed NYC transit system officials and Board of Education members to install noise-dampening materials on the tracks and in the classrooms, students' scores..
Robert B. Cialdini |
But more telling for me as a persuasion scientist attuned to pre-suasive approaches was how Mr. Buffett began that all-important section.
Robert B. Cialdini |