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f1f8708 Fun, fun, fun, got you, got you, and got you again! Here, you're dead, here, I broke your forepaw, here, your blood runs out! Got you, got you, got you! Robin Hobb
cfc731d Take all self-determination from a man's life, and all that is left for him to do is complain. Robin Hobb
c5fc7ee I have known beauties and joys that tried my heart's strength as surely as the tragedies and uglinesses have Robin Hobb
30fd9dc Is it the nature of the world that all things seek a rhythm, and in that rhythm a sort o peace? Robin Hobb
e7b5dc6 People have to attempt to do right, even if they believe they cannot succeed trying Robin Hobb
815d043 I'll be teaching you the nasty, furtive, polite ways to kill people Robin Hobb
c0be966 As you will, King Fitz. Robin Hobb
29a0c95 Little brother, do not treat me as if I am already dead, or dying. If you see me that way, then I would rather truly be dead. You steal the now of my life away, when you constantly fear that tomorrow will bring my death. Your fears clutch cold at me and snatch all my pleasure in the day's warmth from me. As he had not in a long time, the wolf suddenly dropped all the barriers between us. I suddenly perceived what I had been hiding from myse.. Robin Hobb
c80bf67 Too much on my mind. Too many directions to think in all at once. I sometimes feel that if I had time to focus my mind on just one problem, I could solve it. And then go on to solve the others." "Every man believes that. It isn't so. Slay the ones you can as they come to hand, and after a while you get used to the ones you can do nothing about." Robin Hobb
47f3a68 Wait for you? Not likely! I've always had to run ahead of you and show you the way. Robin Hobb
5ee83e8 I am too swift of tongue. But I think that is the best way to talk to a dragon. nettle Robin Hobb
d6c7c8f Fitz, you are angry. I can feel it like storm waves lashing my shores. Robin Hobb
97841f4 The puppet dances, He turns flips and he jigs. His painted red smile looks happy but he is screaming, for he performs on red-hot coals. His wooden feet begin to smoke. A man comes in with a shining axe. He swings it. I think he will cut off the puppet's burning feet, but instead the axe cuts all his strings. But the man with the axe falls just as swiftly as the puppet leaps away, free. Robin Hobb
c78d14d Wintrow's words seemed to echo through his bones. Acceptance of what is. That is the shortest path to peace with yourself. This is wisdom. Does it hurt? Does wisdom hurt? Does peace hurt? Does acceptance hurt? ... He could not answer. He was suffused with the boy's simple faith. It rushed through him, warm and reassuring. Of course, he was right. Acceptance. He could not doubt or deny it." P. 190 Kennit" Robin Hobb
854d53f Se tudo o que eu tivesse feito na vida fosse ter nascido e ser descoberto, ainda assim teria deixado uma marca em toda aquela terra, para todo sempre. Cresci sem pai nem mae, numa corte onde todos me conheciam como um divisor de aguas. E um divisor de aguas eu me tornei. Robin Hobb
d7a3c90 All I ever wanted to do was live my own life. And I'm having damn little success at that." p. 250: Brashen Trell and Amber" Robin Hobb
b772a6b I was sick of strife, and weary of being wary. Robin Hobb
5f59248 This is philosophy, Fool. I have never had time to study such things.' 'No, Fitz, this is life. And no one has time not to think of such things. Each creature in the world should consider this thing, every moment of the heart's beating. Otherwise, what is the point of arising each day? philosophy robin-hobb royal-assassin thoughts Robin Hobb
bbd54d5 acho que Zar aprendeu a licao. Uma vez queimado, duas reservado. - Hmf. Uma vez deitado, sempre esfomeado seria um ditado melhor para este caso. Robin Hobb
2bf0069 Um homem armado com a palavra certa pode fazer o que um exercito de espadachins nao pode. Robin Hobb
85648d7 Even now. Even when I feel like most of me is dead, life breaks through sometimes. Food tastes good. Or something Per says makes me laugh. A hot cup of tea when I'm cold and wet. I've thought of ending my life, Fool. I admit it. But always, no matter the damage to it, the body tries to go on. And if it manages to, then the mind follows it. Eventually, no matter how I try to deny it, there are bits of my life that are still sweet. A conversa.. Robin Hobb
1fd7cbb Bastard," she spat at him, and she thought he had moved closer. She swung at him, and then suddenly he was where he had been standing all along, the coward." Robin Hobb
88f226d proigryvat' boi? - vse eshche zadykhaias' sprosil on. - Boi ne zakanchivaetsia, poka ty ego ne vyigral, Fitts. Eto ochen' prosto zapomnit'. Nezavisimo ot togo, chto schitaet drugoi chelovek. Robin Hobb
c3b4cf3 Vim a saber mais tarde que muitos homens veem sempre a boa fortuna dos outros como uma desfeita contra si proprios. Robin Hobb
fbeec90 Nenhum inimigo, bem sabia, e mais temivel do que aquele que ferimos gravemente. Robin Hobb
d50a1c4 Depois daquilo comecei a desejar esclarecer as coisas com o Bobo. Como um dente doloroso, remoi uma e outra vez o que lhe queria dizer. Robin Hobb
1282e66 Tinha andado a manter um silencio amuado para com ele, esperando avidamente que me perguntasse que bicho me tinha mordido. O problema era que ele nao o fazia. Havera alguma coisa mais provocadora do que esperar que alguem comece uma discussao? Robin Hobb
78d0fff Nao reconheci a minha voz quando perguntei ao mundo: 'Como pode a coisa mais dificil que ja fiz na vida ser tambem a mais cobarde? Robin Hobb
ae17009 Estamos aqui', respondi, e soltei uma gargalhada. Nunca pensara que a ira e o desespero pudessem fazer um homem rir. Robin Hobb
780f9f3 E tudo porque eu fora demasiado tolo para ver que aquele que caminha sem saber por entre os segredos de um homem pode mesmo assim ter outros segredos seus. Robin Hobb
b78ee69 e estranho, nao e, como nao se sabe ate que ponto alguem faz parte de nos ate esse alguem ser ameacado? E depois achas que nao ha possibilidade de sobreviveres se alguma coisa lhes acontece, mas a pare mais assustadora e que, na verdade, sobrevives, tens de sobreviver, com eles ou sem eles. Simplesmente nao ha maneira de saberes em que te tornaras. Robin Hobb
5613756 De que serve uma vida vivida como se nao fizesse qualquer diferenca para a grande vida do mundo? Nao consigo imaginar coisa mais triste. Porque nao haveria uma mae de dizer de si para si, se criar bem esta crianca, se a amar e proteger, ela trara alegria aos qye a rodeiam e assim terei mudado o mundo? Porque nao haveria o lavrador que planta uma semente de dizer ao vizinho, esta semente que planto hoje ira alimentar alguem, e e assim que ho.. Robin Hobb
72becec I've just been living from day to day. Waiting for something or someone else to change the situation." His eyes studied her face, looking for a reaction to his next words. "I think I need to make a real decision. I believe I need to take action on my own." Robin Hobb
3e0876e He has had his wish. He will not bow his head. Robin Hobb
8129ed5 The fire of my burning past sent odd shadows snaking ahead of us as we made our way into the storm's resurgence. Robin Hobb
b131232 Claro que nao sabes (...) E nem sequer queres ver o que esta posto na mesa a tua frente. Homens. Se estivesse a chover sopa, estarias la fora com um garfo. Robin Hobb
a9b13c7 Boys, I decided, simply have a given amount of rudeness they must express. Robin Hobb
6f809da But all know that a woman cannot give her word to anyone, for women cannot possess honor. Women promise, and later they say, 'I did not understand, I did not mean it that way, I thought those words meant something else.' So a woman's word is without worth. She can break it, and always she does, for she has no honor to defile. Robin Hobb
9942057 I don't think they're coming. Why must I stand here in the wind and rain?' 'Because it pleases me', Kennit snapped at him. Wintrow thought to intervene. 'You can have my cloak, if you like'. he offered. The Satrap scowled. 'It's dripping wet. What good would that do me?' 'You could be wetter', Kennit snarled. Robin Hobb
08ccbe3 I'll be glad to get out on the water again, and gladder still to see Divvytown. I knew it was my home port that first time I saw it.' 'The pirate town? Sa save us all. Does someone wait for you, dearie?' Ophelia asked. Jek laughed aloud. 'They all wait for me. They just don't know it yet. Robin Hobb
154369c The betrayal of a friend differs from the treachery of a lover only in the degree of pain, not the kind. Robin Hobb
c583fe2 I'll never miss a chance to remind you of what a brat you were. A gloriously beautiful and very spoiled brat. I was utterly charmed by your complete self-absorption. It was rather like courting a cat. brat cat chance charm court courtship glorious joke like love narcissim narcissistic narcissus poke-fun pursue remind reminiscence self-absorption spoled tease woo wooing Robin Hobb
d9b4deb Oh, and you accuse me of flattery! Here I waddle about like a fat old duck and you try to tell me I'm lovely. compliment duck fat flattery lovely pregnancy pregnant waddle Robin Hobb
792fde4 Passed through fire and plunged through salt water and offered to the winds of the air; thus were names sealed to these chosen children. Robin Hobb