And speaking of friendships, make sure you keep them in constant repair. A person with three solid friends is very wealthy indeed.
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Man must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind him to the fact that each moment of his life is a miracle and a mystery.
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ROBIN SHARMA DAILY INSPIRATION from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
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He tenido suenos y he tenido pesadillas. Supere mis pesadillas gracias a mis suenos.>>
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las personas realmente esclarecidas nunca buscan ser como otros, sino que persiguen ser superiores a su propio yo.
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Chinese define image in these terms: there are three mirrors that form a person's reflection; the first is how you see yourself, the second is how others see you and the third mirror reflects the truth.
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Tek kad duboko i emocionalno spoznamo da je zivot kratak i da nam je vrijeme ograniceno, tek tada mozemo zivjeti punim plucima i potpuno se predati sadasnjosti. Da ti je preostala samo jedna godina zivota, kladim se da bi je prozivio drugacije no sto sada zivis. Pripazio bi da zivis bez zaljenja, prihvacao bi rizike i otvorio bi svoje srce ljubavi, zivio bi strastveno, sa uzitkom, usredotocen na ono sto je vrijedno.
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vecina ljudi zivi kao da je pred njima cijela vjecnost. Uskracujemo si svoje strasti i odgadamo svoje snove. No, zivot je zapravo krhak dar koji valja zivjeti odmah. Nitko od nas ne zna koliko mu je dana preostalo. U to mozes biti siguran.
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Uopce ne sumnjam da smo se susreli s odredenim razlogom. Zivot to tako uredi. Svi koji su usli u tvoj zivot, dosli su upravo u trenutku kada ti je njihova pouka bila najpotrebnija.
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Shvatio sam da su nasi zivoti zapravo niz trenutaka - ako ih propustite, propustili ste zivjeti.
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Un tiempo bien organizado es la senal mas clara de una mente bien organizada. SIR ISAAC PITMAN
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happiness is not a place you reach but a state you create.
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Vidis, Jack, zivot ima svoje uspone i padove. Vecina ljudi zaplete se u tu dramu. Kada je sve dobro, sretni smo. Kada dozivimo nesto lose, tuzni smo. To je jadan pristup zivotu. Covjek postaje nalik komadu drveta kojega nosi rijecna struja. Okrece se u skladu sa strujom: u jednom trenutku ide u jednom smjeru, a zatim u drugom. Mnogo je mudrije suzdrzavati se od svakog osudivanja. Prestani ocjenjivati svoja zivotna iskustva i jednostavno ih ..
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Potom moras uvidjeti da je zivot zapravo skola i da je svako tvoje iskustvo prelijepo.
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Svakoga se dana otputis u svijet, no zapravo odlazis u skolu.I,jednako kao i tradicionalna skola, zivot ima svoj nastavni plan sastavljen od predmeta koji obuhvacaju razlicite pouke. Kada, usvojivsi njegovu pouku, svladas neki predmet, prelazis na sljedeci." "A ako ne usvojim pouku?" "Ah, tada ponavljas gradivo - naravno", ozbiljno je rekao. "To se naziva ponavljanje.Svako iskustvo tvojega zivota donosi ti pouku koja ti je najpotrebnija da ..
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Time slips through our fingers like grains of sand, never to return again. Today, live boldly, with passion, excellence and love. Run towards the things that frighten you. Champion those around you. And dig deeper to allow more of who you truly are to see the light of day." Robin"
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Da, budi dosljedan, budi iskren i budi ono sto jesi. Kada to uspijes, tvoje ce samopostovanje znatno porasti i osjetit ces veliko samopouzdanje.
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Ali upamti da strah nije nista drugo doli osjecaj - nije stvaran. Nikada nemoj bjezati od svojih strahova; uvijek hrli prema njima. Mjesto na kojemu prebivaju tvoji najveci strahovi ujedno je i mjesto najveceg razvoja. A buduci da je razvoj smisao ljudskog zivota, prihvati sjajnu mogucnost koju ti nudi strah. Kao sto sam vec rekao, ono cega se plasis nudi ti vrlo plodno tlo za samospoznaju.
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Here's a big lesson: The secret of passion is purpose. Once you find your calling--that compelling cause that you can give your life over to--your heart will begin to sing, and you'll have more passion, power, and inner peace than you ever could have imagined. Discovering
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Vecina ljudi neprestano stremi prema toj bajkovitoj zemlji u kojoj ce, prema njihovom misljenju, svi njihovi problemi biti rijeseni, a oni ce biti ispunjeni radoscu. Oni sami sebi govore: 'Kad ostvarim ovo ili ono, bit cu sretan'. Ali, ja smatram da sreca nije odrediste na koje stizemo, vec unutarnje stanje koje sami stvaramo. Svatko moze biti sretan - sreca je svima na raspolaganju, i to ovog trenutka. -52- Moramo se samo zaustaviti i vise..
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it. No matter what happens to you in your life, you alone have the capacity to choose your response to " When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions. This is one of the greatest of all the natural laws."
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Carl Jung escribio que <>.
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administrar la mente es administrar la vida.
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Controlando los pensamientos y la manera de reaccionar a los acontecimientos de la vida, uno empieza a controlar su destino.
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las cosas son creadas dos veces: primero en el taller de la mente y despues en la realidad.
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Self-knowledge is the stepping stone to self-mastery. Step
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Kako glase ta jutarnja pitanja?" "Prvo glasi: 'Kako bih prozivio ovaj dan kada bih znao da mi je posljednji?' Drugo je: 'Za sto u svojem zivotu moram biti zahvalan?' "To je dobro pitanje jer bi mi pomoglo izgraditi stav zahvalnosti", odgovorio sam. "Tocno. Trece glasi: 'Sto danas mogu uciniti da bi moj zivot bio izniman?' Cetvrto je: 'Sto mogu uciniti da bi mi danasnji dan bio jako zabavan?' I peto pitanje glasi: 'Kako danas mogu ne- kome p..
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fatigue is a creation of the mind. Fatigue dominates the lives of those who are living without direction and dreams. Let
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Las escuelas solo son un complemento de la ensenanza de los padres. En
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Da nije nasih ljudskih mana, ne bismo imali sto raditi na sebi.
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debes asumir la responsabilidad del desarrollo moral de tus hijos. No esperes a que la escuela se haga cargo de todo. No
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Focus only on your priorities, those activities that are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful. This
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It seemed to me that both Julian and Gao Ming had found something that most very rich people will never have: a feeling that they have enough.
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alive, your life will be transformed. You see, the words you say to yourself affect your self-image and your self-image determines what actions you take. For
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Albert Camus dijo una vez que <>. Pues bien, eso hice yo.
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You can accomplish anything in life, provided that you do not mind who gets the credit." Harry S. Truman"
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Happiness comes through good judgment, good judgment comes through experience, and experience comes through bad judgment.
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It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is what are you so busy about?
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The secret of success is constancy of purpose.' The
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And never regret what has happened in the past?" "Exactly. There is no chaos in this universe. There is a purpose for everything that has ever happened to you, and everything that will happen to you. Remember what I told you, John. Every experience offers lessons. So stop majoring in minor things. Enjoy your life."
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we are shaped and fashioned by what we love.' Maybe
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La vida tenia que destruirte para que tu pudieras reconstruirte mejor.
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Develop a lust for learning. Read regularly. Reading for 30 minutes a day will do wonders for you. Do not read just anything. Be very selective about what you put into the garden of your mind. It must be immensely nourishing. Make it something that will improve both you and the quality of your life. Something that will inspire and elevate you.
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worrisome thought is like an embryo: it starts off small but grows and grows. Soon it takes on a life of its own.
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