tuition, lots of fund-raising and often
Robyn Carr |
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
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But isn't it terrific when you're with someone who can bring out your best self? I think that's the sign of a true friend, when they make you feel better when you're with them than you ever had a chance of feeling without them.
Robyn Carr |
She grabbed a roll of duct tape out of the store. Maggie loved duct tape--it cured almost everything shy of an aneurysm. She'd even seen a maintenance guy slapping it along the leading edge of the wing of a 757 once!
Robyn Carr |
Thunder Point, Oregon, because
Robyn Carr |
hours to get from
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Oregon, because
Robyn Carr |
She stayed there for a moment longer, then he was beside her again. Nick. "I waited," he said. "Oh, Nick. Sorry--but I have to mingle. I'm new in town you know." And off the stool she leaped, beer in her hand, leaving the plate behind. As Nick made to follow, he found his wrist clamped down on the bar. Jack looked into his eyes darkly. "Your wife is waiting for you over there." "Be a sport, Jack," Nick said, laughing. "You'd better behave y..
Robyn Carr |
Know how to make a small fortune?" Sully asked Frank. "Take a large fortune and put it into educating a neurosurgeon who decides to quit and sell picnic supplies."
Robyn Carr |
Peyton, I'm not married and you're not a lesbian. Think of the possibilities.
Robyn Carr |
Mind if I ask how you learned that?" "It was a long time ago--when I was in my last year of college. There had been some rapes around the campus and a bunch of us went to a self-defense instructor together. To tell you the truth, I was never sure that would work in a real situation. I mean, with an instructor, mats on the floor, everything rehearsed and knowing exactly what to expect--that's one thing. But I wasn't sure I could react the sa..
Robyn Carr |
Look, Mel. Look at that sky. You can't find that anywhere else on earth. All those stars, that moon--the clear black sky. That belongs to us." She looked up at the most gorgeous sky imaginable, with more stars than she thought existed. He stepped behind her and with his hands on both of her upper arms, he gently squeezed. "You just can't see this in the city. In any city." "It is beautiful," she said softly. "I admit, this is beautiful coun..
Robyn Carr |
It's so hard," Andy said. "When you don't have anyone." "Yeah, I know," Gerri agreed. "Yet it's harder when you have the wrong one."
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RV. His hands plunged into his pockets, heading toward
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Mothers shouldn't be telling children over thirty how to live.
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make a big deal
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I guess I need a fresh start," she informed him. "I'd like to go back to eighth grade and redo everything."
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my mother--a young woman with a passel of kids and no
Robyn Carr |
Listen to me, Sean--I want my daughter to be happy, but Rosie is the beat of my heart. When Franci told me she was having a baby and having her alone, the first thing I felt was resentment--I was barely fifty! I still feel I have a lot of life left to live! And I'd already raised a child alone, so I knew firsthand how hard it would be for her. Franci was going to need a lot from me, and I didn't really have a lot to give. But I held that ba..
Robyn Carr |
It was less than thirty minutes before her cell phone chimed. She glanced at the phone and saw it was Luke. She let him go to voice mail. Next was Sean, then Patrick and finally Colin. She smiled to herself; it was nice having all five boys in the United States. She let them all leave messages. She would entertain herself later by listening to them. Really, she thought with amusement, how did they think she got to be this old without knowin..
Robyn Carr |