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9502b44 I've seen a film in which Dr Lorenz pointed out the difference between two colonies of cattle egrets, one free and one caged. The free ones, who had to provide for themselves, were monogamous and energetic and kept their numbers within ecologically reasonable limits. The captive egrets were promiscuous, idle, overbreeding and presumably going to hell fast. Russell Hoban
a0a27ba Here below the surface one studies the depths of TO BE, as manifest in AM, IS, and ARE. And if you don't hold up your end of the conversation I may very well snap you in two. Russell Hoban
9a0dcf1 Who can know anybody?' said the bookshop owner. 'Every person is like thousands of books. New, reprinting, in stock, out of stock, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, rubbish. The lot. Different every day. One's lucky to be able to put his hand on the one that's wanted, let alone know it. knowledge-of-people Russell Hoban
713cf7f I said, "That souns like the end of the song. What about the beginning?" He said, "Thats jus it you see thats why he wer too late he never come in to it at the beginning." I said, "You never sung no beginning if youd sung it he cudve come in to it." He said, "I never sung no beginning becaws you wont never fynd no beginning its long gone and far pas. What ever youre after youwl never fynd the beginning of it thats why youwl all ways be too .. Russell Hoban
fd1d79d We've tried the other way; we've tried making both things and people It, and we've seen the results. Russell Hoban
5d1f4a7 I said, 'Then whered the other story come from? . . .' He said, 'It come in to my mynd.' Russell Hoban
c1cc745 Stoans want to be lissent to. Them big brown stoans in the formers feal they want to stan up and talk like men. Some times youwl see them lying on the groun with ther humps and hollers theywl say to you, Sit a wyl and res easy why dont you. Then when youre sitting on them theywl talk and theywl tel if you lissen. Theywl tel whats in them but you wont hear nothing what theyre saying without you go as fas as the stoan. You myt think a stoan i.. atoms molecules stones Russell Hoban
7fbe407 Time's arrow points one way only. Even the moment just past cannot be returned to. Russell Hoban
51f2fe3 Shamans wear bird costumes and they fly. Somehow they experience flying. Russell Hoban
d081378 But more and more I think that madness is the world's natural condition and to expect anything else is madness compounded. Russell Hoban
8c882e3 Stil it takes you strange walking in your old foot steps like that. Putting your groan up foot where your chyld foot run nor dint know nothing what wer coming. Russell Hoban
dc13bfd He's taken half of our savings,' said his mother. 'If we lived without using the savings before,' said Boaz-Jachin, 'we can live without the half that he has taken. Russell Hoban
5f7560d Before the motorcar replaced the horse, and for some years after there were many illustrators who drew horses with the same authority with which they drew the human figure; now there are very few who can do that. Most modern illustraters fudge a horse the best they can and hope to get on by the technique. Russell Hoban
a3ebb94 He grew morose, and felt himself half overcome by funk Russell Hoban
3d9ce07 Yes thats what I done you sorry sods I over the fents and off with the dogs... Russell Hoban
4dbd7a1 Before the motorcar replaced the horse, and for some years after there were many illustrators who drew horses with the same authority with which they drew the human figure; now there are very few who can do that. Most modern illustraters fudge a horse the best they can and hope to get on by the technique." Russell Hoban also says in the introduction to Household Tales, "It isn't at all suprising that horses figure in so many diffrent ways i.. Russell Hoban
1487659 Before the motorcar replaced the horse, and for some years after there were many illustrators who drew horses with the same authority with which they drew the human figure; now there are very few who can do that. Most modern illustraters fudge a horse the best they can and hope to get on by the technique." "It isn't at all suprising that horses figure in so many diffrent ways in myth - there is such power in them beyond the physical. The pr.. Russell Hoban
a06ccad Navigare necesse est. Vivere non est necesse.' I've Russell Hoban
bf33d60 Eusa 13. Eusa was angre he was in rayj & he kep pulin on the Littl Man the Addoms owt strecht arms. The Littl Man the Addom he begun tu cum a part he cryd, I wan tu go I wan tu stay. Eusa sed, tel mor. The Addom sed, I wan tu dark, I wan tu lyt, I wan tu day I wan tu nyt. Eusa sed, tel mor. The Addom sed, I wan tu woman, I wan tu man. Eusa sed, tel mor. The Addom sed, I wan tu plus I wan tu minus, I wan tu big, I wan tu littl, I wan tu aul,.. Russell Hoban
46c9159 It isn't at all suprising that horses figure in so many diffrent ways in myth and story-there is such power in them beyond the phsyical. The prehistoric life in them seems whole and intact. Any horse you meet seems to have in it a knowing that is deeper, older, more primal than our own; they seem witnesses to something lost to the sight of humankind. There is something important about horses. See a great dark carthorse in the rain steam com.. Russell Hoban
4ffebbc sharna pax and hed on a poal when the ardship of Cambry come out of his hoal post-apocalyptic Russell Hoban
5787526 We make fiction because we are fiction ... It lived us into being and it lives us still. collective-unconscious consciousness fiction macrocosm microcosm virtual-reality wisdom Russell Hoban
6c18063 I stil aint qwite said how it wer. Not like a diffrent country. It wer mor like I wer behynt the back clof in a show. Thats how it wer. Thru the clof I cud see the other figgers moving I cud see the peopl watching only no 1 cud see me. If I wer a figger in a show what hand wer moving me then? I cudnt be bothert to think on that right then. Theres all ways some thingwl be moving you if it aint 1 thing its a nother you cant help that. life Russell Hoban
09fad7c Seeds blow in the wind and what is earf but a deadness with life growing out of it? Russell Hoban
371c931 How do the turtles find Ascension Island? There are sharks in the water too. Some of the turtles get eaten by sharks. Do the turtles know about sharks? How do they not think about the sharks when they're swimming that 1,400 miles? Green turtles must have the kind of mind that doesn't think about sharks unless a shark is there. That must be how it is with them. I can't believe they'd swim 1,400 miles thinking about sharks. Russell Hoban
ae92d17 This is the real thing,' said Caroline. 'It's the deepest, the profoundist. It's the big bazonga, it's really existential.' "OK," I said, watching a distant sweeper with a faulty program banging again and again into the information kiosk, 'just don't tell me it's a metaphor, OK?" -- Russell Hoban
32aad9b Lots of noise but behind the hiss of purple rain the silence is cruising like a shark. Russell Hoban
3d8a1d3 People ask me how I got from St Eustace to Riddley Walker and all I can say is that it's a matter of being friends with your head. Things come into the mind and wait to hook up with other things; there are places that can heighten your responses, and if you let your head go its own way it might, with luck, make interesting connections. On March 14th, 1974 I got lucky. Russell Hoban
964b144 Dont you know if you keap getting a head of your self youwl jus only fall over your self when you get to where youre going? Russell Hoban
33088e9 All of this comes out of what is now an empty space. There are depths to this. It's a lot to think about. From an empty space the future. If there's no empty space where can one put the future? It all figures if you take the time to think it out. Russell Hoban
14420f2 If the way is diffrent the end is diffrent. Becaws the end aint nothing only part of the way its jus that part of the way where you come to a stop. The end cud be any part of the way its in every step of the way thats why you bes go ballsy. Russell Hoban
91cb66a I have forgotten more of my life than I remember, and with my forgetting I have lost my being. memory Russell Hoban
9cbaff1 The silence sat down with them like an invisible creature with its finger to its lips. Russell Hoban
93886a6 How was I to be a scientist, father Lion?' Science is knowing. What could I have known? Others always did the knowing, knew what was in me, what should come out of me, what was best for me. I didn't know who I was, what I wanted. I know less now, and I am afraid. self-knowledge Russell Hoban
790233b There were times when it seemed the different parts of him where not all under the same management. Russell Hoban
9c64e2e People who for years had not looked for things in booked found new appetites for knowledge when they spoke to him. To someone who came in asking for the latest novel he might sell not only the novel but a biological treatise on the life of ants, an ecological study of ancient man, a philosophical work, and a history of small sailing-craft. knowledge Russell Hoban
319c16a It may happen to me at any time that everything will be just what it is, with no stories in anything. Russell Hoban
865786e Life as a umanbeing should be this wayAlone and blind and endlessly voyaging [said the Head of Orpheus] I think constantly of fidelity. Fidelity is a matter of perception; nobody is unfaithful to the sea or to mountains or to death: once recognised they fill the heart. In love or terror or in loathing one responds to them with the true self; fidelity is not an act of the will: the soul is compelled by recognitions. Anyone who loves, anyone .. Russell Hoban
a0a22c7 Jachin-Boaz was at the age called middle life, but he did not believe that he had as many years ahead of him as he had behind him. middle-aged Russell Hoban
c7c1f8f His eyes look as if he's pawned his real ones and is wearing paste. Russell Hoban