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7cec57d Couldn't he have checked his shoelaces BEFORE entering a dark, super-creepy cave? Sarah Mlynowski
e65b2db I'm dreaming Sarah Mlynowski
6c34dcc Why?" Pi asked. "What are your secret thoughts?" "Nothing," Mackenzie blurted out. Don't think about it, don't think about it. Tess shook her head. She doesn't want the whole school knowing she cheated on Cooper. Aha. "Tess!" Mackenzie yelled. Tess clamped her hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to think it!" Sarah Mlynowski
e4050c2 MISTAKE! Sarah Mlynowski
4ffbc77 I'm going to Sarah Mlynowski
c971e4d We find our way to the marble kitchen, open the fancy silver fridge, and serve ourselves a heaping plate of coleslaw and chicken fingers. "Mmm," I say. Prince makes sloppy eating sounds. "Delicious," says Jonah. He smiles at Frederic. "Tastes just like frog legs." I laugh so hard I snort coleslaw out of my nose." Sarah Mlynowski
9e877a9 We were not always freaks. Sure, most of us occasionally exhibited freakish behavior. But that's not the same thing. This is the story of how we became freaks. It's how a group of Is became a we. Sarah Mlynowski
b5b81be Really?" I say. "Hmm. I guess it's possible that she's not home. It's not nighttime yet. The original story doesn't take place until tomorrow, so she might not even be around right now. She could be out luring children with bubble gum or something." Sarah Mlynowski
c618173 Power is the ability to influence and control. Sarah Mlynowski
389fb59 safe and then sneak over to the Sarah Mlynowski
7a2ab24 her horse, Basil. Sarah Mlynowski
2c08ad3 She named her horse Basil? That's the worst name for a horse I ever heard. Sarah Mlynowski
6f11389 something. Pi Sarah Mlynowski
06de327 her lips Sarah Mlynowski
aa65504 We found a puppy. In the ... um ... backyard. Yes! The backyard! And then we ... went to see if any of our neighbors lost a puppy. That's why we didn't hear you calling earlier. We were outside. Sarah Mlynowski
2f8d1a2 You're also kind of a Hufflepuff, don't you think?" Leela asks. "Hardworking, loyal . . . Although last night you were a total Gryffindor. So brave." "Maybe I'm Divergent," I say." Sarah Mlynowski
64f12e4 Oh!" Karimah says. "It's one minute to midnight. You and Jonah and Prince had better hurry to the room of mirrors. One, two --" Sarah Mlynowski
79ba5e1 After Sarah Mlynowski
260baf4 I spot my jewelry box on my dresser and think about Lana. I had wanted her to accept her life as is, but she wanted to fight for her dreams. Sure, sometimes you have to get what you get and not get upset. But maybe other times, you have to follow your heart and go after what you really want. Take a risk. Be brave. I guess part of growing up is learning when to do which. Sarah Mlynowski
5c2d359 if Robin or Frankie wanted to sleep for a hundred years my feelings Sarah Mlynowski
5f68bfe Jonah has that strange look on his face. He must have another of Maryrose's memories. Probably that she once sang a lullaby on a windy day. OR SOMETHING ELSE TOTALLY USELESS. "Is it about canoeing?" I ask, trying to be positive. He scratches his head. "It is! Maryrose was good at canoeing!" Oh! Yay! "Did she ever stop a boat?" "Yes!" he exclaims. Great! "How?" I ask. "With paddles!" he says. Argh. "Thanks for nothing, Maryrose's memories!" .. Sarah Mlynowski
d21fa4d Do you know I ate frog legs once?" Jonah asks. Uh-oh. "You what?" screams a horrified Frederic. "It's true!" Jonah says, clearly not catching the stop talking look I'm shooting him. "We went to a French restaurant for our dad's birthday and he ordered an appetizer of frog legs. Remember, Abby? We tried them! Both of us did!" "It was before I knew you," I tell Frederic apologetically. "They tasted like chicken!" Jonah exclaims. He's right. T.. Sarah Mlynowski
463b570 Well, there are other versions of the story," I say, thinking out loud. "Besides the throwing and the kissing." "Like what?" Frederic asks. I bite my lip. This is going to be worse than the frog-legs conversation. "Well, there's the one where the princess chops off the frog's head, and then he turns into a prince," I say all in a rush. Frederic's eyes almost pop out of his head. "I do not wish to try that one." Sarah Mlynowski
803e467 comes up from the basement. He has a folder in his hands. "I can barely hear myself think." He looks over at the broken lamp. Then at me. Then at Jonah, standing with his arms" Sarah Mlynowski
62fe244 In the reflection I see my shoulder-length curly brown hair. My lime-green pajamas. My striped slippers. Sarah Mlynowski
ef9601e He knew he was sounding a little Holden Caulfield-esque calling everyone a phony, but he really did think everyone was a phony. sarah-mlynowski mgg holden-caulfield phony Sarah Mlynowski
851cc86 watches we wear from home Sarah Mlynowski
ba00274 Frances puts down her cane. Tara tugs on her braid. Bob tugs on his beard. Jon continues to look handsome. Alan nods. "I guess we owe you a thank-you." "Thank" Sarah Mlynowski
27e1aa0 Did that girl really use up my spell? Sarah Mlynowski
e6d61cc I'm still irritated at the end of the day when my brother, Jonah, and I are standing outside school, waiting for our dad to pick us up. It doesn't help when Brandon says, "Bye, Crabby Abby," as he strolls past me. He walks home from school by himself. Either his parents trust him to make his way home alone or they think he's awful, too, and are hoping he gets kidnapped." Sarah Mlynowski
719d23d Party, party, party!" Mr. Butler yells." Sarah Mlynowski
debe403 Oh, beans. Sarah Mlynowski
7dc7f37 I got my hair soaked! This is a heart attack! The earthworms say: You should love me back! Sarah Mlynowski
1d4ee23 Let's call the prince --" "Ruff, ruff!" "Pickles!" Jonah cries gleefully. My brother is so weird." Sarah Mlynowski
f8174f0 You'll get hurt!" But she doesn't listen. She jumps straight out the window. "Wheeee!" she yells as she flies down. She lands on the Frau-Monster, knocking her down, and then bounces into the thorns by the tower as though Frau were a trampoline." Sarah Mlynowski
3e061f6 Is it my imagination or is the flying carpet going a little faster today?" Jonah asks as we coast through the desert. I'm sitting up front with him. Aladdin and Prince are behind us. Prince's ears flap in the breeze. There was no ear flapping yesterday. "It is!" I say. "And a little higher, too. You're definitely getting the hang of magic-carpet flying." We only bumped into two people on the way. "So since I mastered that, can I wear the ri.. Sarah Mlynowski
d1a69cd I like to be in charge of my destiny. free-will dont-even-think-about-it sarah-mlynowski think-twice mgg Sarah Mlynowski
cb19c7e SUPER SPECIAL: Sarah Mlynowski
7c416fc Behind the man's back Jonah and I give each other a high five. Sarah Mlynowski
62cbec6 Wait," Dracul says. "You must listen carefully to my instructions." Now he's giving instructions? He had the whole long walk to give us instructions!" Sarah Mlynowski
db81cd4 Whaddaya know? I didn't even win the read-a-thon and the two books I want most will still be ordered. And maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to uncurse Maryrose. Sarah Mlynowski
79e2200 I hesitate. I feel like we forgot something. But what? Sarah Mlynowski
8d9db78 Good-bye," he says. "Bring back the lamp." Not going to happen, mister." Sarah Mlynowski
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