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10630c8 You can't ever have my books. fahrenheit-451 mgg ray-bradbury Ray Bradbury
20542f4 When any worthwhile thing is done in the world, it's usually done by somebody weird. mgg michele-cook outrage the-singular-menace weird John Sandford
39666bd You're afraid of making mistakes. Don't be. Mistakes can be profited by. mgg mistakes ray-bradbury Ray Bradbury
9a46e8f But that's the wonderful thing about man; he never gets so discouraged or disgusted that he gives up doing it all over again, because he knows very well it is important and worth the doing. fahrenheit-451 life life-goes-on mgg perserverence ray-bradbury Ray Bradbury
e75e7ce Happiness is important. Fun is everything. fun happiness mgg ray-bradbury Ray Bradbury
4aa2ec1 I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. crazy fahrenheit-451 mgg ray-bardbury seventeen teenagers Ray Bradbury
537a863 We all do what we do. life mgg ray-bradbury Ray Bradbury
e77a2bd I am not so afraid that I cannot see the truth. fenfang john-sandford mgg michele-cook outrage the-singular-menace truth John Sandford
e6cb711 A singular disadvantage of the sea lies in the fact that after successfully surmounting one wave you discover that there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective in the way of swamping boats. life mgg stephen-crane the-open-boat trials waves Stephen Crane
ab5fcb2 Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine. mgg ray-bradbury time Ray Bradbury
8f4763f None of them knew the color of the sky. mgg sky stephen-crane the-open-boat Stephen Crane
8496f0b Everything we're doing is freakin' iffy. That's what makes it so much fun. fun havoc iffy john-sandford mgg michele-cook outrage the-singular-menace John Sandford
17f9292 The trouble with him was that he was without imagination. jack-london mgg to-build-a-fire Jack London
7954f64 Normal is boring. Who wants that? mgg normal sarah-mlynowski Sarah Mlynowski
1393e84 Volvos are fundamentally invisible. funny humor invisible john-sandford mgg michele-cook outrage the-singular-menace volvos John Sandford
81453d1 Let whoever can win glory before death. death glory mgg seamus-heaney Seamus Heaney
2fd0730 Like the NRA says, it's better to have a machine gun and not need it than to need a machine gun and not have it. guns humor john-sandford mgg michele-cook nra outrage the-singular-menace John Sandford
89813a4 If I get killed, put my boots back on me. death funny harmon humor john-sandford killed mgg michele-cook outrage the-singular-menace twist John Sandford
4e477f9 If a Martian were watching our television shows, he'd conclude that guns were more common than hammers. They're not evil themselves--they're tools--but everywhere you go, bad people have them. It behooves the righteous to at least know how they work. harmon john-sandford mgg michele-cook outrage shay the-singular-menace John Sandford
c3ef1ba Why bother to go through life if you can't do interesting shit? john-sandford mgg michele-cook rampage the-singular-menace yolo John Sandford
2499db7 Each morning, despite the unknowns, they made their legs move. mgg the-things-they-carried tim-o-brien vietnam-war Tim O'Brien
b54a081 Everyone should have a hippie painter anarchist in their lives. It's the guys in silvered aviators with guns that you've got to be wary of. harmon john-sandford mgg michele-cook rampage the-singular-menace twist John Sandford
9f11fad She liked the words; they satisfied her famine for phrases. mgg william-dean-howells words William Dean Howells
05a6c3a I wish you to believe whatever you think is true, at any and every cost. editha george mgg truth william-dean-howells William Dean Howells
e47a320 I haven't done anything--yet. editha mgg william-dean-howells William Dean Howells
e2c9770 It's astonishing how well the worse reason looks when you try to make it appear the better. editha george mgg paradox realitivity william-dean-howells worse-reason William Dean Howells
4a52998 I am yours, for time and eternity--time and eternity. love mgg time-and-eternity william-dean-howells William Dean Howells
ef9601e He knew he was sounding a little Holden Caulfield-esque calling everyone a phony, but he really did think everyone was a phony. holden-caulfield mgg phony sarah-mlynowski Sarah Mlynowski
82855e7 Fa quod faciendum est. mgg the-shallow-graves Jennifer Donnelly
42b6eb1 Don't throw away luck on little stuff. Save it up. mgg the-things-they-carried tim-o-brien vietnam-war Tim O'Brien
d1a69cd I like to be in charge of my destiny. dont-even-think-about-it free-will mgg sarah-mlynowski think-twice Sarah Mlynowski