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23ce4ff Yeah, well, I guess I feel like all of us misfits need to hang together. At least that way we don't swing along. (Tabitha) Sherrilyn Kenyon
2d59110 Why are you being so cruel? (Kiara) Honestly? Because I believed your bullshit lies when you spewed them and I don't often make that mistake. I should have listened to myself and known that in the end, you're just like every other sanctimonious ass out there who dares to call us callous and unfeeling. (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
060fbd5 No offense but I don't relish being someone's science experiment. Been there, done that, and sold the T-shirt for profit. (Sebastian) Sherrilyn Kenyon
7d32073 Shut up. Asshole. (Shahara) I live for your endearments. (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
9ecd69f I swear if that's a pair of demon horns digging into my belly and stabbing me right now, Ash, I'm going to beat you after it's born." 'Cause face it, horns on the head didn't come from my side of the family or genetic code." tory Sherrilyn Kenyon
3beb128 Mind control won't work on those who are really hardheaded. You know... Creatures like you. Sherrilyn Kenyon
67c4c1f But you're human, aren't you? (Kat) I'm human, except when I first wake up in the morning. Even I don't want to be around myself then. (Kish) Sherrilyn Kenyon
292fe15 And in your world, Captain Scary, that would mean? (Fang) You hit him three times and then you stop. It's in English. Hell, it's in -your- English. You were born then! (Thorn) That was my third hit. (Fang) I have a tumor. I know I have a tumor. I just wish I were mortal so that it could kill me. (Thorn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
7a0b76b Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me they stick you out here where there are no Daimons and you don't have a weak spot? What kind of shit is that? I live in Daimon Central with one hell of an Achilles' heel that no one ever bothered to mention, and you live where there's no danger to you and yet you don't have one? What's not fair with this picture? And then Ash asks me to come up here to save your ass and here we are dropping like flies wh.. Sherrilyn Kenyon
afcdc37 there was a reason why there was only a single stairway to heaven, but an entire highway to hell. Sherrilyn Kenyon
8e01829 Show no fear to your enemies. Only contempt. Never let anyone look down on you. You're just as good as any of them. I don't care who they are. Better in fact. In our world, Dagans are royalty and you, my son, are a prince. no-fear Sherrilyn Kenyon
d857cdd No Daimon gets out of here alive. (They hit the invisible wall and rebounded off it.) Man. It really makes you feel for the bug on the windshield, doesn't it? (Acheron) Sherrilyn Kenyon
f0f3621 Looks like I'm going to ruin your day, Big Boy. I choose to live my crappy life a little longer. (Susan) Sherrilyn Kenyon
7c7e8a3 I'm a goddess of destruction. Tell me honestly that you find nothing exciting about the idea of a billion people screaming out for mercy when there's no one left who cares what befalls them. Of the entire earth being rained on by all manner of demons bent on ultimate torture and sacrifice. Them ripping and shredding human flesh as they claw in a drunken frenzy fueled by their hatred of everything. Drinking blood in an orgy of terror...ahhh,.. Sherrilyn Kenyon
cc5b108 To protect the world as we know it, there were three races of hunters created to police and destroy the Daimons. We are called the Pyramid of Protection. Dark-Hunters pursue those who feed on humans, blood, and souls. Dream-Hunters go after the energy- and dreamsuckers, and Were-Hunters stalk the slayers. (Talon) I guess what I don't understand is why you don't have one group that does it all. (Amanda) Because we can't. If one person or gro.. Sherrilyn Kenyon
2f0197a You're a slave? (Eleni) I was. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here. (Acheron) Take your cloak off and sit, Acheron. You've done nothing to apologize for. I admire you all the more for stopping to help us. It's nothing for a nobleman to do so, yet they seldom bother to help those less fortunate. For a freedman to speak up in defense of another takes great courage and character. What you did is all the more noble and kind, and I would be ho.. Sherrilyn Kenyon
efb4a1e Beautiful. You can be taught. Makes my job so much easier when you're actually intelligent. You'd be amazed at the idiots I've come across." - Death "I try to keep my stupid to a bare minimum, since my mom's always telling me it can be fatal in large doses." - Nick "Oh, she's right. Believe me, I know. For that matter, it can be fatal even in small measures. Remind me sometime to tell you about the woman I claimed who was vacuuming her cat.. Sherrilyn Kenyon
9f0c632 For a woman who can handle herself so well in a fight, I can't believe you got taken out by a defenseless doorjamb. (Ravyn) Given the size of my goose egg, I would argue the defenseless part. That doorjamb has a mean left hook.(Susan) Sherrilyn Kenyon
37b66cb You freaking, flippin', moronic frat boy! Sherrilyn Kenyon
407527d Here we are. Maybe I should warn you before we enter...(Asmodeus) (Jericho stepped past him and threw open the door.) Or maybe not. Let's just barge in and be surprised, shall we? (Asmodeus) Sherrilyn Kenyon
46ecd82 This is where Wulf's people would get drunk and party for a week. All hail the Vikings, forerunners to the frat boys! (Chris) Sherrilyn Kenyon
15745dc You can party, but I better not catch you drunk. (Wulf) (Chris rolled his eyes, then bent down to said to Cassandra's stomach...) Be wise, little guy, stay in there where Lord King Neurotic can't kill all your fun. (Chris) Sherrilyn Kenyon
d376dd7 Goodnight baby, sleep in peace. After you kill that bitch!" "Goodnight mom!" scifi Sherrilyn Kenyon
f930fe6 Rule One, boy: shoot first then ask questions Rulw Two, Double tap just for good measure. Better safe then sorry. -Bubba Sherrilyn Kenyon
eeefd45 You have a lot of faith in luck, don't you? (Shahara) Not at all. She's a vicious bitch who seldom knocks on my door. (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
70f6303 The point is, Sin is now going to try to overthrow me again and take my place. Do you know what that means? (Artemis) There will be much rejoicing? (Kat) Sherrilyn Kenyon
4ccd515 Kitten, when did you get so tall? (Ravyn) I grew while you were in the bathroom. (Erika) Sherrilyn Kenyon
92965c5 Thank you, Shay. (Syn) For what? (Shahara) For looking into the eyes of nothing and seeing a man you could love. (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
5751824 He was Death, and he'd ridden in on a pale horse... Sherrilyn Kenyon
501c0aa Akri hides from no one. He don't need to. Anyone hurt my akri, I eat them. (Simi) Sherrilyn Kenyon
3bd938e That is the beauty of memory, isn't it? Our reality is always clouded by our perceptions of truth. (Mnimi) Sherrilyn Kenyon
4278497 You want me here. (Artemis) Yeah, like an alien rectal probe up my sphincter.' (Acheron) Sherrilyn Kenyon
b0b0ac8 No offense, but I'm getting stir-crazy. Can we please go downstairs and hang in the bar or do anything that keeps me from sitting here bored out of my mind while the three of you watch me grow eyebrow hair? I mean really, I am fine. I'm not going to spontaneously combust or do anything else freaky. Promise. (Tory) Sherrilyn Kenyon
50dc3b1 Where did you find an Andarion? I've never seen one on Gouran before. Aren't you afraid to be with him? (Sales woman) Why no, I'm not afraid. He's already had his daily feeding. (Kiara) What do you feed him? (Sales woman) Babies. Lots and lots of babies. (Kiara) Sherrilyn Kenyon
ee73c6b What fools these mortals be. (Acheron) Sherrilyn Kenyon
0c48697 I never lied to you. (Kiara) Of course you did -you said you could see the real us- that we weren't as bad as we claimed. But you didn't and, just like everyone else, so long as we risk our lives to protect and save you, we're okay. But the moment we have to make a choice not ours, the moment you see what our pasts have made us, you're horrified by the truth and hate us for it like we had some kind of choice in what we are. (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
30f9566 Every life, no matter how isolated, touches hundred of others. It's up to us to decide if those micro connections are positive or negative. But whichever we decide, it does impact the ones we deal with. Sherrilyn Kenyon
1721898 Please, by all the blessed saints and their bladders, tell me you two didn't...Have you lost all semblance of intelligence? (Syn) Sherrilyn Kenyon
385cf3b Holy green guacamole! (Selena) Sherrilyn Kenyon
8fe95a1 Were-Hunters are different from humans. (Ravyn) You mean other than the fact that you live for several hundred years, can turn into animals, time travel, and wave your hand to make freaky stuff happen? (Susan) Sherrilyn Kenyon
73ea59c But it was for your own good." - Nick "So's the spanking I'm about to give you." - Cherise "I'm too big to spank." - Nick "Fine, you're grounded until your grandkids are old." - Cherise "Kind of hard to do. How am I supposed to have grandkids if I'm grounded?" - Nick "Precisely my point, you demon spawn. You're never going to get off restriction." - Cherise" Sherrilyn Kenyon
619c262 You do what you have to do or a bigger demon eats out your liver and uses your spine to pick its teeth. (Caleb) Sherrilyn Kenyon
d0e1975 Damn, I need eye bleach. Sherrilyn Kenyon
861d0f8 You punk asshole. What was this? A game for you? This is my life's work you just annihilated and for what? Shits and giggles? Or was this nothing more than a fraternity prank? Please tell me that you didn't just ruin my integrity to get some kind of drinking points. This is something I've been working for since before you were born. How dare you make a mockery of me. I hope to God that one day someone degrades you like this so that you'll k.. Sherrilyn Kenyon