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48bb2f4 the Vigenere cipher belongs to a class known as polyalphabetic, because it employs several cipher alphabets per message. The polyalphabetic nature of the Vigenere cipher is what gives it its strength, but it also makes it much more complicated to use. The additional effort required in order to implement the Vigenere cipher discouraged many people from employing it. Simon Singh
1d8b28f Major General Howard Conner, "without the Navajos, the marines would never have taken Iwo Jima." Simon Singh
568e6ab had the cipher machines been used properly--without repeated message keys, without cillies, without restrictions on plugboard settings and scrambler arrangements, and without stereotypical messages which resulted in cribs--it is quite possible that they might never have been broken at all. Simon Singh
69d8463 Proof is what lies at the heart of maths, and is what marks it out from other sciences. Other sciences have hypotheses that are tested against experimental evidence until they fail, and are overtaken by new hypotheses. In maths, absolute proof is the goal, and once something is proved, it is proved forever, with no room for change. Simon Singh
b3ec3b8 I told Ron to take my name off the paper," recalls Adleman. "I told him that it was his invention, not mine. But Ron refused and we got into a discussion about it." Simon Singh
d7a2038 I recall thinking that this paper would be the least interesting paper that I will ever be on." Adleman could not have been more wrong. The system, dubbed RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) as opposed to ARS, went on to become the most influential cipher in modern cryptography." Simon Singh
5ed8174 copies were passed to the cryptanalysts, who sat in little kiosks, ready to tease out the meanings of the messages. As well as supplying the emperors of Austria with invaluable intelligence, the Viennese Black Chamber sold the information it harvested to other powers in Europe. In 1774 an Simon Singh
8a8dc2f Stat, ktery veri, ze neni spravne cist cizi dopisy, casem zacne verit i tomu, ze jeho korespondenci take nikdo necte... Simon Singh
44b7768 baseball is a game played by the dexterous, but only understood by the Poindexterous."9" Simon Singh
cce6c71 Nastesti nahore nevedeli, ze Turing je homosexual, jinak bychom take mohli prohrat valku. Simon Singh
aa91b93 Kazdy, kdo premysli o kvantove mechanice, aniz by se mu zatocila hlava, ji nerozumi. Simon Singh
307eed7 que p Simon Singh
31a5fc1 One of the features of the Enigma machine was its inability to encipher a letter as itself, which was a consequence of the reflector. The letter a could never be enciphered as A, the letter b could never be enciphered as B, and so on. Simon Singh
fb10039 Turing needed more staff, but his requests had been blocked by Commander Edward Travis, who had taken over as Director of Bletchley, and who felt that he could not justify recruiting more people. On October 21, 1941, the cryptanalysts took the insubordinate step of ignoring Travis and writing directly to Churchill. Simon Singh
50b95de war, instead of finishing in 1945, would have ended in 1948 had the Government Code and Cypher School not been able to read the Enigma cyphers and produce the Ultra intelligence." During this period of delay, additional lives would have been lost in Europe, and Hitler would have been able to make greater use of his V-weapons, inflicting damage throughout southern England. The historian David Kahn summarizes the impact of breaking Enigma: "I.. Simon Singh
f183060 Even the Vatican, probably the second most active center of cryptanalysis, would send Soro seemingly impenetrable messages that had fallen into its hands. In 1526, Pope Clement VII sent him two encrypted messages, and both were returned having been successfully cryptanalyzed. Simon Singh
afa9e87 imagined a machine whose internal workings could be altered so that it could perform all the functions of all conceivable Turing machines. The alterations would be made by inserting carefully selected tapes, which transformed the single flexible machine into a dividing machine, a multiplying machine, or any other type of machine. Turing called this hypothetical device a universal Turing machine because it would be capable of answering any q.. Simon Singh
a8b84f3 Turing knew of Babbage's work, and the universal Turing machine can be seen as a reincarnation of Difference Engine No. 2. In fact, Turing had gone much further, and provided computing with a solid theoretical basis, Simon Singh
2ad6c5f A large amount of identically encrypted material provides a cryptanalyst with a correspondingly larger chance of identifying the key. Simon Singh
679f8e0 the Germans therefore took the clever step of using the day key settings to transmit a new message key for each message. Simon Singh
1dd7bef The fundamental weakness of the Vigenere cipher is its cyclical nature. If the keyword is five letters long, then every fifth letter of the plaintext is encrypted according to the same cipher alphabet. If the cryptanalyst can identify the length of the keyword, the ciphertext can be treated as a series of five monoalphabetic ciphers, and each one can be broken by frequency analysis. However, consider what happens as the keyword gets longer... Simon Singh
70840ab Rejewski had vastly simplified the task of finding the day key by divorcing the problem of finding the scrambler settings from the problem of finding the plugboard settings. On their own, both of these problems were solvable. Originally, we estimated that it would take more than the lifetime of the universe to check every possible Enigma key. However, Rejewski had spent only a year compiling his catalogue of chain lengths, and thereafter he.. Simon Singh
e8e5817 the First World War was the chemists' war, because mustard gas and chlorine were employed for the first time, Simon Singh
97ea716 Second World War was the physicists' war, because the atom bomb was detonated. Simon Singh
7b6d346 it can be mathematically proved that it is impossible for a cryptanalyst to crack a message encrypted with a onetime pad cipher. In other words, the onetime pad cipher is not merely believed to be unbreakable, just as the Vigenere cipher was in the nineteenth century, it really is absolutely secure Simon Singh
430c3be the Third World War would be the mathematicians' war, because mathematicians will have control over the next great weapon of war--information. Mathematicians have been responsible for developing the codes that are currently used to protect military information. Simon Singh
ba0308b The fate of the Polish nation had depended on Rejewski, and he did not disappoint his country. Rejewski's attack on Enigma is one of the truly great accomplishments of cryptanalysis. Simon Singh
f76f6ed it requires a great deal of time, effort and money to create a random key. The best random keys are created by harnessing natural physical processes, such as radioactivity, which is known to exhibit truly random behavior. The cryptographer could place a lump of radioactive material on a bench, and detect its emissions with a Geiger counter. Sometimes the emissions follow each other in rapid succession, sometimes there are long delays--the t.. Simon Singh
1a71040 Histaiaeus shaved the head of his messenger, wrote the message on his scalp, and then waited for the hair to regrow. This was clearly a period of history that tolerated a certain lack of urgency. Simon Singh
654fa63 Secret communication achieved by hiding the existence of a message is known as steganography Simon Singh
7b3fc37 the hotline between the presidents of Russia and America is secured via a onetime pad cipher. Simon Singh
ad68d3f When Hermann Goring visited Warsaw in 1934, he was totally unaware of the fact that his communications were being intercepted and deciphered. As he and other German dignitaries laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier next to the offices of the Biuro Szyfrow, Rejewski could stare down at them from his window, content in the knowledge that he could read their most secret communications. Simon Singh
ecfa2f8 the enemy of security: repetition leads to patterns, and cryptanalysts thrive on patterns. Simon Singh
ec83a01 By depriving Rejewski of the keys, Langer believed he was preparing him for the inevitable time when the keys would no longer be available. He knew that if war broke out it would be impossible for Schmidt to continue to attend covert meetings, and Rejewski would then be forced to be self-sufficient. Langer thought that Rejewski should practice self-sufficiency in peacetime, as preparation for what lay ahead. Simon Singh
26e46e4 quantum cryptography is a system that ensures the security of a message by making it hard for Eve to read accurately a communication between Alice and Bob. Furthermore, if Eve tries to eavesdrop then Alice and Bob will be able to detect her presence. Quantum cryptography therefore allows Alice and Bob to exchange and agree upon a onetime pad in complete privacy, and thereafter they can use this as a key to encrypt a message. Simon Singh
596e846 Babbage's successful cryptanalysis of the Vigenere cipher was probably achieved in 1854, soon after his spat with Thwaites, but his discovery went completely unrecognized because he never published it. The discovery came to light only in the twentieth century, when scholars examined Babbage's extensive notes. In the meantime, his technique was independently discovered by Friedrich Wilhelm Kasiski, a retired officer in the Prussian army. Eve.. Simon Singh
e9c24aa the development of a fully operational quantum computer would imperil our personal privacy, destroy electronic commerce and demolish the concept of national security. A quantum computer would jeopardize the stability of the world. Simon Singh
9298a35 It is quite possible that British Intelligence demanded that Babbage keep his work secret, thus providing them with a nine-year head start over the rest of the world. Simon Singh
9e42146 French listening posts learned to recognize a radio operator's fist. Once encrypted, a message is sent in Morse code, as a series of dots and dashes, and each operator can be identified by his pauses, the speed of transmission, and the relative lengths of dots and dashes. A fist is the equivalent of a recognizable style of handwriting. Simon Singh
3933961 Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon were guilty of unjustified wiretaps, and President John F. Kennedy conducted dubious wiretaps in the first month of his presidency. Simon Singh
ca3f16c During a security briefing at the White House, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld breaks some tragic news: "Mr President, three Brazilian soldiers were killed yesterday while supporting U.S. troops." "My God!" shrieks President George W. Bush, and he buries his head in his hands. He remains stunned and silent for a full minute. Eventually, he looks up, takes a deep breath, and asks Rumsfeld: "How many is a brazillion?" Simon Singh
50ee699 The three Britons had to sit back and watch as their discoveries were rediscovered by Diffie, Hellman, Merkle, Rivest, Shamir and Adleman over the next three years. Simon Singh
176e40d Chinese wrote messages on fine silk, which was then scrunched into a tiny ball and covered in wax. The messenger would then swallow the ball of wax. Simon Singh
a08cf13 He was a rather quirky worker, and he didn't really fit into the day-to-day business of GCHQ. But in terms of coming up with new ideas he was quite exceptional. You had to sort through some rubbish sometimes, but he was very innovative and always willing to challenge the orthodoxy. Simon Singh
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