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03a49f0 Americans had to choose between permitting them to become democracies or maintaining power over them. It was an easy choice. Stephen Kinzer
33b72f1 Expansion presented the United States with a dilemma that has confronted many colonial powers. If it allowed democracy to flower in the countries it controlled, those nations would begin acting in accordance with their own interests rather than the interests of the United States, and American influence over them would diminish. Stephen Kinzer
a5f8f0a American leaders clamored for this policy because, they said, the country desperately needed a way to resolve its "glut" of overproduction. This glut, however, was largely illusory. While wealthy Americans were lamenting it, huge numbers of ordinary people were living in conditions of severe deprivation. The surplus production from farms and factories could have been used to lift millions out of poverty, but this would have required a form .. Stephen Kinzer
39caeae According to historian Ellen Hammer, he (Pres. Kennedy) was, 'shaken and depressed.' to realize that, 'the first Catholic ever to become a Vietnamese chief of state was dead, assassinated as a direct result of a policy authorized by the first American Catholic president.' At one point an aide tried to console him by reminding him that Diem and Nhu had been tyrants. 'No," he replied. "They were in a difficult position.' They did the best th.. vietnam vietnam-war Stephen Kinzer
63e2a95 On December 4, 1972, President Salvador Allende of Chile told the United Nations General Assembly that his country would "no longer tolerate the subordination implied by having more than eighty percent of its exports in the hands of a small group of large foreign companies." Stephen Kinzer
c39eeb4 We based our government on the doctrine promulgated in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created free and equal and are by nature entitled to certain inalienable rights, which are mentioned in the declaration. We did not say that all men in the United States were born free and equal, but we said that all men, wherever they are born, stand on terms of equality.... Stephen Kinzer
3f047f2 Nationalists reflexively rebel against governments they perceive as lackeys of foreign power. In the twentieth century, many of these rebels were men and women inspired by American history, American principles, and the rhetoric of American democracy. They were critical of the United States, however, and wished to reduce or eliminate the power it wielded over their countries. Their defiance made them anathema to American leaders, who crushed.. Stephen Kinzer
f02a314 To kill weeds, you must pull them up at the roots, Stephen Kinzer
c41a35e The emergence of markets abroad put Americans to work, but it distorted the economies of poor countries in ways that greatly increased their poverty. As American companies accumulated vast sugar and fruit plantations in the Pacific, Central America, and the Caribbean, they forced countless small farmers off their land. Many became contract laborers who worked only when Americans needed them, and naturally came to resent the United States. A.. Stephen Kinzer
6ad6be6 Oscar-winning triumph. The New York Times called it "a disturbing revelation of the savagery that prevailed in the hearts of the old gun-fighters, who were simply legal killers under the frontier code." It was that and more. The hero acts precisely as many Americans believe their country acts in the world. He is an enforcer of morality and a scourge of oppressors; he comes from far away but knows instinctively what must be done; he brings p.. Stephen Kinzer
503b6aa Life is not shaped by what happens to you but by how you react to what happens to you. Stephen Kinzer
d5388dc the thirteenth-century mystic Jelaluddin Rumi, reject orthodoxy of any kind: I hold to no religion or creed, am neither Eastern nor Western, Muslim or infidel, Zoroastrian, Christian, Jew or Gentile. I come from neither land nor sea, am not related to those above or below, was not born nearby or far away, do not live either in Paradise or on this Earth, claim descent not from Adam and Eve or the Angels above. I transcend body and soul. My h.. Stephen Kinzer
a750a31 The day's most vivid exchanges were about a delicate but serious matter: the extreme foreignness of native Hawaiians. Both sides used racial arguments. Annexationists said the islanders' evident savagery made it urgent for a civilizing force to take their country and uplift them. Opponents countered that it would be madness to bring such savages into union with the United States, where they could corrupt white people. Stephen Kinzer
54c05df The main concern in Chile is that [Allende] can consolidate himself, and the picture projected to the world will be his success. . . . If we let the potential leaders in South America think they can move like Chile and have it both ways, we will be in trouble. Stephen Kinzer
238264a The revolution of 1893 and the annexation that followed undermined a culture and ended the life of a nation. Compared to what such operations have brought to other countries, though, this one ended well. hawaiian-islands overthrow-of-hawaii Stephen Kinzer
da61db7 Weyler, the brute, the devastator of haciendas, and the outrager of women . . . is pitiless, cold, an exterminator of men," ran one such account. "There is nothing to prevent his carnal, animal brain from running riot with itself in inventing tortures and infamies of bloody debauchery." Stephen Kinzer
f9889e8 The riots that shook Abadan led many Iranians to rally to the workers' cause, partly out of instinctive sympathy but also because of the grossly unequal terms under which the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company operated. In 1947, for example, the company reported an after-tax profit of PS40 million-the equivalent of $112 million dollars-and gave Iran just PS7 million. To make matters worse, it never complied with its commitment under the 1933 agreeme.. Stephen Kinzer
dd9e9f0 My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." In" Stephen Kinzer
c7cde73 In a ravenous fifty-five-day spasm during the summer of 1898, the United States asserted control over five far-flung lands with a total of 11 million inhabitants: Guam, Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Never in history has a nation leaped so suddenly to overseas empire. At Stephen Kinzer
26cf65d There are those who believe that if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them. You come to us and tell us that the great cities are in favor of the gold standard; we reply that the great cities rest upon .. Stephen Kinzer
1357d6d She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work. Trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons. The government was irrevocably in the hands of the prodigiously rich and their hangers-on, the suffrage was become a mere machine,.. Stephen Kinzer
8543fca There was no response. Soon afterward, a skiff flying the Spanish flag approached the Charleston. Two Spanish officers came aboard and apologized for not having returned the American "salute" because they had no gunpowder left in their arsenal. It turned out that they had not been resupplied for months and did not know the United States and Spain were at war. The next morning an American lieutenant went ashore. At 10:15 he handed the Spanis.. Stephen Kinzer
a3fd0d1 No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent. Stephen Kinzer
5d2d913 It is cheering to find a newspaper of the great influence and circulation of the Journal that tells the facts as they exist, and ignores the suggestions of various kinds that emanate from sources that cannot be described as patriotic or loyal to the flag. Stephen Kinzer
b43d82d He was, as the novelist and muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair wrote, "willing by deliberate and shameful lies, made out of whole cloth, to stir nations to enmity and drive them to murderous war." Stephen Kinzer
017344b The coup bound the United States to South Vietnam in an embrace that proved disastrous to them both. In a very real sense, it was Dulles's final legacy. Stephen Kinzer
d0e8dac Acheson immediately understood the urgency of this message. He summoned Ambassador Franks and told him that the United States resolutely opposed "the use of force or the threat of the use of force" against Iran, and that Truman himself had "stressed most strongly that no situation should be allowed to develop into an armed conflict between a body of British troops and the Persian forces." Stephen Kinzer
67d4e1a was brought into the firm, but his network of global contacts quickly paid off. Within the firm he became known as "the little minister." Although he often worked in Europe, he also became the firm's key man for deals in Latin America. During his first year as an associate, with help from former colleagues" Stephen Kinzer
92a729f nations just as it breaks the will of human beings. Stephen Kinzer
a057918 About 90 percent of the one billion Muslims in the world today identify with the Sunni tradition. Of the remainder, most are Shiites, the largest number of whom are in Iran. Stephen Kinzer
27e194e General Federico Tinoco, Stephen Kinzer
055cc7e Exceptionalism"--the view that the United States has a right to impose its will because it knows more, sees farther, and lives on a higher moral plane than other nations--was to them not a platitude, but the organizing principle of daily life and global politics." Stephen Kinzer
62f3921 Diem complained about "all these soldiers I never asked to come here." Stephen Kinzer
c0580af In the mid-1950s Winston Churchill advised his American friends to recognize that Ho Chi Minh was unbeatable, accept his victory, and try to make the best of it. This the Dulles brothers could not do--because they were Americans. Stephen Kinzer
dec72f9 the former colony itself becoming colonialist. Stephen Kinzer
5a5388d McKinley could not believe that Aguinaldo's insurgents would be so stupid as to resist the power and benevolence of the United States. Stephen Kinzer
941dcb5 Opponents denounced the treaty as an imperialist grab of a distant land that shamed American ideals Stephen Kinzer
cc3e3ee That strengthened the planters' opposition to democracy, since universal suffrage would most likely have produced a government dominated by nonwhites. Stephen Kinzer
72d73f8 When her brother turned Pearl Harbor over to the Americans in 1887, she wrote in her diary that it was "a day of infamy in Hawaiian history." Stephen Kinzer
e24ad2c Imbued as he was with the idea that only whites could rule the islands efficiently, he was able to consider this a form of patriotism. Stephen Kinzer
a5e7f6d Bernays was one of the first masters of modern mass psychology. He liked to describe himself as the "father of public relations," and no one disagreed. His specialty was what he called "the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses." Stephen Kinzer
97e55f6 What is remarkable about the discussion on October 29, 1963, is that a broad array of top officials voiced doubts about the coup, including JFK himself, without any actual effect on the course of events, Stephen Kinzer
d735d70 President Kennedy does not announce a clear decision, but the group proceeds as if the United States does support the coup. Stephen Kinzer
7cbda70 siblings ran the overt and covert arms of foreign policy. Stephen Kinzer