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1c27385 what we believe about ourselves and our purpose has a powerful impact on how we live, how we love, and what we learn. Stephen R. Covey
63d49bc THE URGENCY ADDICTION Some of us get so used to the adrenaline rush of handling crises that we become dependent on it for a sense of excitement and energy. How does urgency feel? Stressful? Pressured? Tense? Exhausting? Sure. But let's be honest. It's also sometimes exhilarating. We feel useful. We feel successful. We feel validated. And we get good at it. Whenever there's trouble, we ride into town, pull out our six shooter, do the varmint.. Stephen R. Covey
941938a This power of choice means that we are not merely a product of our past or of our genes; we are not a product of how other people treat us. They unquestionably influence us, but they do not determine us. We are self-determining through our choices. If we have given away our present to the past, do we need to give away our future also? Stephen R. Covey
aa80fa3 Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like a mother bringing a newborn into the world... Love is a value that is actualized through loving actions. Proactive people subordinate feeling to values. Love, the feeling, can be recaptured. Stephen R. Covey
d3606de Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm, the what to do and the why. Skill is the how to do. And desire is the motivation, the want to do. In order to make something a habit in our lives, we have to have all three Stephen R. Covey
418b43b By accepting people you're not condoning their weakness or agreeing with their opinion; you're simply affirming their intrinsic worth. Stephen R. Covey
7602228 No matter how long we've walked life's pathway to mediocrity, we can always choose to switch paths. Always. It's never too late. We can find our voice. Stephen R. Covey
401b63b Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible." Personal responsibility, or proactivity, is fundamental to the first creation. Returning to the computer metaphor, Habit 1 says, "You are the programmer." Habit 2, then, .. Stephen R. Covey
80dcd60 I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday, habits self-improvement Stephen R. Covey
2d5b2a5 Best way to predict your future is to create it. Stephen R. Covey
2cd43d1 Ironically, you'll find that as you care less about what others think of you, you will care more about what others think of themselves and their worlds, including their relationship with you. You'll no longer build your emotional life on other people's weaknesses. In addition, you'll find it easier and more desirable to change because there is something--some core deep within--that is essentially changeless. Stephen R. Covey
8a7cd33 While we must learn from good examples and keep always in mind the bigger goal, we must compare ourselves only with ourselves. We can't focus or base our happiness on another's progress; we can focus only on our own. Stephen R. Covey
c9e81fe For those filled with regret, perhaps the most needful exercise of proactivity is to realize that past mistakes are also out there in the Circle of Concern. We can't recall them, we can't undo them, we can't control the consequences that came as a result. Stephen R. Covey
b50ed6b Think about taking a trip on an airplane. Before taking off, the pilot has a very clear destination in mind, which hopefully coincides with yours, and a flight plan to get there. The plane takes off at the appointed hour toward that predetermined destination. But in fact, the plane is off course at least 90 percent of the time. Weather conditions, turbulence, and other factors cause it to get off track. However, feedback is given to the pil.. Stephen R. Covey
5e64661 Show me someone who is humble enough to accept and take responsibility for his or her circumstances and courageous enough to take whatever initiative is necessary to creatively work his or her way through or around these challenges, and I'll show you the supreme power of choice. Stephen R. Covey
eb83fcb I have seen the consequences of attempting to shortcut this natural process of growth often in the business world, where executives attempt to "buy" a new culture of improved productivity, quality, morale, and customer service with strong speeches, smile training, and external interventions, or through mergers, acquisitions, and friendly or unfriendly takeovers. But they ignore the low-trust climate produced by such manipulations. When thes.. Stephen R. Covey
d0e09ba Suddenly I saw things differently, and because I saw differently, I thought differently, I felt differently, I behaved differently. Stephen R. Covey
8462405 Most believe that the key to influence is communication--getting your point across clearly and speaking persuasively. In fact, if you think about it, don't you find that, while others are speaking to you, instead of really listening to understand, you are often busy preparing your response? Stephen R. Covey
7350f18 The way you spend your time is a result of the way you see your time and the way you really see your priorities. Stephen R. Covey
43f64c7 The little-understood concept of interdependence appears to many to smack of dependence, and therefore, we find people, often for selfish reasons, leaving their marriages, abandoning their children, and forsaking all kinds of social responsibility--all in the name of independence. Stephen R. Covey
13a0f28 The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. Stephen R. Covey
a1aea1c It's not enough to dream. It's not enough to try. It's not enough to set goals or climb ladders. It's not enough to value. The effort has to be based on practical realities that produce the result. Only then can we dream, set goals, and work to achieve them with confidence. Stephen R. Covey
502e87a My friend, love is a verb. Love--the feeling--is a fruit of love, the verb. So love her. Serve her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that? love marriage Stephen R. Covey
ac5fdce Basing our happiness on our ability to control everything is futile. While we do control our choice of action, we cannot control the consequences of our choices. Stephen R. Covey
a228ff8 The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. EZRA TAFT BENSON, Stephen R. Covey
ed68b62 Search your own heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life. Stephen R. Covey
32dcc92 That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods. Stephen R. Covey
20936b2 If I am intellectually interdependent, I realize that I need the best thinking of other people to join with my own. Stephen R. Covey
856c838 Urgency addiction is a self-destructive behavior that temporarily fills the void created by unmet needs. And instead of meeting these needs, the tools and approaches of time management often feed the addiction. They keep us focused on daily prioritization of the urgent. Stephen R. Covey
ce65ab0 But you can't change the fruit without changing the root. Stephen R. Covey
c1f9f77 The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be Stephen R. Covey
9fe0cfd The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves. Stephen R. Covey
619abd4 The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do," he observed. "They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose." Stephen R. Covey
a1042a1 as Marilyn Ferguson observed, "No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal." Stephen R. Covey
287d6d1 It is the habit that enables people to stay fit for today's world in four critical areas--physical, social-emotional, mental, and spiritual. You will recognize those four areas as rooted in the four basic needs that allow young people--all people--to feel greater peace of mind. Stephen R. Covey
00970e7 captain then called to the signalman, "Signal that ship: We are on a collision course, advise you change" Stephen R. Covey
1f35207 Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. Stephen R. Covey
9a72d7e In the midst of the most degrading circumstances imaginable, Frankl used the human endowment of self-awareness to discover a fundamental principle about the nature of man: Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose. Stephen R. Covey
7371c62 It is possible to be busy--very busy--without being very effective. Stephen R. Covey
32d7087 If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you give your life to? If you knew you didn't have to work for a living, what would you give your life to? Stephen R. Covey
cda2f60 Because the struggle continues, I retire frequently to the solitude of my own inner self to recommit to win my battles privately, to get my motives straight. reading Stephen R. Covey
f2086fc When we talk about time management, it seems ridiculous to worry about speed before direction, about saving minutes when we may be wasting years. Stephen R. Covey
90cec51 The term paradigm shift was introduced by Thomas Kuhn in his highly influential landmark book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn shows how almost every significant breakthrough in the field of scientific endeavor is first a break with tradition, with old ways of thinking, with old paradigms. Stephen R. Covey
1d74ebe People often find themselves achieving victories that are empty, successes that have come at the expense of things they suddenly realize were far more valuable to them. Stephen R. Covey
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