I didn't know that once you've proven yourself useful to the wrong people, you'll never be free again.
Steve Hamilton |
Somewhere in the ocean, a shark was missing its cold eyes because this man had them.
Steve Hamilton |
Leon, no offense, but you don't exactly look like a hockey player." "I told 'em I was a goalie. That's where they put the guy who can't skate, right? Just like in baseball when they put the worst player at catcher."
Steve Hamilton |
It was a lesson I had taken most of my life to learn. Sometimes you have to let things go.
Steve Hamilton |
Once you freeze all the way through to your soul, you will never feel warm again.
Steve Hamilton |
Whoever's job it was to keep the room clean was clearly not an overachiever.
Steve Hamilton |
So there it was. My big lesson of the day, something I'd take with me and never forget. The whole legal system - if you think it's just a big set of rules, you're dead wrong. It's really a bunch of people sitting around and talking to each other, deciding what they want to do with you. When they make their decision, then they pull out whatever rule they need to make it happen.
Steve Hamilton |
This could be your big ticket," he said. "You know what happens to you at art school?" I shook my head. "All that good natural technique you have? All that detail? They'll beat it right out of you. They'll be so threatened by it, they'll make you start throwing paint at the canvas like a monkey. By the time you graduate, the only thing you'll be able to do is teach art to high school kids." Okay, I thought. I'm glad he's excited for me. "On..
Steve Hamilton |
I'm the undisputed champion of keeping my mouth shut and just sitting there like a piece of furniture.
Steve Hamilton |
The greatest puzzle in the world, young man, the greatest challenge a man can face, is solving the riddle of a woman's heart.
Steve Hamilton |
I've noticed how most people don't know how to listen.
Steve Hamilton |
You touch a safe the way you touch a woman," he"
Steve Hamilton |
said. "Now that he's found me again. Or he'd come himself. . . ." "Maria, why don't you just sign away the full partnership money? Tell him you'll take the twenty percent and forfeit the rest?" She looked at me. "You could stop running," I said. "I don't know," she said. "Maybe"
Steve Hamilton |
These are the methods of crude men. They can't face the challenge that a safe presents to them. They can't face the safe on its own terms. So they do what? Same thing men have been doing for thousands of years, right? They resort to violence." He grabbed the dolly and tucked it under the safe. "No patience. No skill. No intelligence. Just brute strength. They have to break something. It's the only way they know."
Steve Hamilton |
This isn't freedom. This is mobility. Don't get those two things confused.
Steve Hamilton |
He made that same turn down that same road. The train station loomed above us. Here's where time slows down for me. It stretches out like a long rubber band, and every single event is stretched out with it.
Steve Hamilton |
No patience. No skill. No intelligence. Just brute strength. They have to break something. It's the only way they know.
Steve Hamilton |
understand our situation.
Steve Hamilton |
It's not nearly far enough if you've already become famous for something you want to forget forever.
Steve Hamilton |
Nobody is safe. Ever. Anywhere. I
Steve Hamilton |
I'll out-quiet anybody, in any venue for any stakes.
Steve Hamilton |
Halliday put up his hand to stop him. He'd been taught long ago to trust his own instincts, the same instincts that went all the way back to the brief time in his career when he'd worked with the agents who had invented a new way to track serial killers. These agents studied them; they interviewed them; they took them through every case, going over every detail. They got inside their heads, even if that was the last place you'd ever want to..
Steve Hamilton |
Unless you're a hairdresser, you can't have a ponytail and call yourself Kenny when you're forty. Not in Michigan, anyway.
Steve Hamilton |
promise you that, mister!
Steve Hamilton |