Taryn patted his back. "Look at it this way. She was coming to town for a signing. There was no way she was going to leave without seeing you. At least you can be prepared." He nodded. "I was going to come up with a plan." "There you go. Forewarned and all that. You'll get through it. I know your folks are difficult for you. But they're sweet people. I still remember when your mom explained to me how to do deep-throated fella--" He rose and..
Susan Mallery |
Funny how worried you are that Dani's not a Buchanan when you're not one yourself. If I remember my history correctly, you married into this family. You were a poor nobody. What? A hotel chambermaid?" Gloria stiffened. Penny allowed herself a slight smile. "Oh, yeah. I did my research on you years ago. I know all about your affair with Ian Buchanan and how when that ended, you married his son. Tell me, Gloria. Were you still banging Daddy w..
Susan Mallery |
I promised myself no regrets," she whispered into the darkness. "No what-ifs, no second guessing. I promised myself that I was going to live my life, instead of always taking the safe route."
Susan Mallery |
The women had one of their get-togethers last night. From what I heard, it was lots of margaritas and ice cream and calling you a bastard. They're all hungover this morning, so
Susan Mallery |
women had one of their get-togethers last night. From what I heard, it was lots of margaritas and ice cream and calling you a bastard. They're all hungover this morning, so I'd stay clear if I were you." He"
Susan Mallery |
Zane Nicholson believed in listening to his gut. At nine fifty-five that morning, it was telling him that today wasn't going to be a good day. He glanced out the window at the rolling hills that made up the Nicholson Ranch and wondered if being a farmer would have been easier. Crops didn't break through fences in the night and wander away. Crops didn't try to be born breech. He could be growing corn. Or wheat. Wheat was patriotic. All those..
Susan Mallery |
How upset are you?" Phoebe smiled ruefully. "There's a half-pound box of butterscotch squares from See's in my car. I'm also planning to stop by the grocery store on my way home and buy a bottle of wine." "Liquor and sugar. That's pretty bad." "It's as close as I'll come to a life of crime."
Susan Mallery |
But as he explored her mouth, she felt heat pouring through her.
Susan Mallery |
Sorry," he said. "I don't like her. No one in my family does. She's a manipulative bitch who will do anything to get her way." She"
Susan Mallery |
equivalent of a supermodel. It was kind of intimidating. Larissa's
Susan Mallery |
It's not getting it right the first time--it's learning to do it right and then not getting lazy.
Susan Mallery |
If you want to know, you need to ask her. Speculation will only lead to trouble.
Susan Mallery |
He was funny and charming, but also kind. It seemed the older she got, the more she appreciated kindness in people.
Susan Mallery |
We view the world on a molecular level. The building blocks, not the end results.
Susan Mallery |
Winemaking should be a mystery with a hint of magic.
Susan Mallery |
some quality time with a good book. Trying to
Susan Mallery |
Instead he looked dark and dangerous, a man on the sexual edge.
Susan Mallery |
Everyone made mistakes. The measure of a person was what happened afterward. Later,
Susan Mallery |
The sliding doors opened, and a man entered the baggage area. A tall, dark-haired man with incredibly broad shoulders, a cowboy hat and a gaze so penetrating Phoebe knew he could probably tell what color her panties were. He moved with the kind of stride and purpose of someone who was never indecisive, confused or anything other than in charge. He was gorgeous. Adam Levine gorgeous. Of course. Any small shred of confidence she might have cu..
Susan Mallery |
The sliding doors opened, and a man entered the baggage area. A tall, dark-haired man with incredibly broad shoulders, a cowboy hat and a gaze so penetrating Phoebe knew he could probably tell what color her panties were.
Susan Mallery |
Buchanan," she said as she smiled at the small, white-haired woman lying in the hospital bed. "I'm Lori Johnston. I'll be your day nurse while you're convalescing." Gloria put down the book she'd been reading and glanced at Lori over her glasses. "I doubt that. Reid was going to be choosing the nurses who would care for me. I'm sure he found the idea hilarious. He only likes beautiful women with large breasts. Unfortunately they have IQs sm..
Susan Mallery |
Eres un hombre, lamento decirtelo. Y es una pena que no haya ningun anciano de mal aliento, porque seria mejor que tener que casarme contigo. No puedo creer como he sido tan estupida de llegar a tomarte carino. Pero puedes estar seguro de que no volvere a cometer el mismo error. En cuanto encuentre la forma de dejar de quererte, te aseguro que voy a hacerlo.
Susan Mallery |
She said the wrong thing or sounded like a space alien with bad programming, when all she wanted was to be just like everyone else. "I meant are you okay now,"
Susan Mallery |
and demand an answer." "She didn't have as good a time"
Susan Mallery |
Bailey Voss smiled at her daughter. Being
Susan Mallery |
Darlin', if we only married who we deserved, then the world would be filled with single women," an older woman said."
Susan Mallery |
I like that you're emotionally broken," she said cheerfully. "It keeps the playing field level." "I'm not broken. I'm quirky." "Is that what we're calling it?" she asked."
Susan Mallery |
Sarcasm is like Jell-O. It's always the right time and there's always room.
Susan Mallery |
How was she supposed to find a man and fall in love when she couldn't even get asked out on a date?
Susan Mallery |
Hi," she managed to answer, then told herself she had to let go of the door handle. At some point he would be expecting her to walk into the restaurant with him and wouldn't that be awkward with her dragging a car behind? Jairus"
Susan Mallery |
Weddings Out of the Box.
Susan Mallery |
If you're not happy, it's all on you. If you want to find your way, be your own compass.
Susan Mallery |
wants a second chance.
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like a castle and from the other, it seemed to be a villa. The
Susan Mallery |
You were right." "I usually am." His mouth twitched. "And modest." She shrugged. "I live with the burden."
Susan Mallery |
Better to keep trying until you find something that makes you happy rather than choose something now and hate your job for the next twenty years.
Susan Mallery |
Sometimes life was hard, she thought, walking across the grass to be with her friends. Just when you least expected it, you had to start over. There was pain in that, but also satisfaction. With or without her wanting it to, life moved on. And she would, too.
Susan Mallery |
Men get over things. Women remember forever.
Susan Mallery |
People have trouble admitting when they act for purely selfish reasons. Telling the truth about something like that forces them to redefine their sense of self. So they make up a story. We all do it. Tell stories to explain the unexplainable. To get by. Sometimes the stories even help us survive that which would otherwise
Susan Mallery |
On her worst days, she feared she was actually less. And that truth had defined the rest of her life.
Susan Mallery |
I thought I loved him, nut know I am questioning that. Love is supposed to be a positive thing. With him, my world got smaller, not bigger. I made so many bad choices. I don't know if I want to. So I'm thinking on it... I hate that I was that girl. The one who built her life around a man. I thought I was smarter than that.
Susan Mallery |
Be comfortable saying no, Pamela. At the same time, be comfortable saying yes. Every now and then life gives us an unexpected opportunity. How sad to walk away without sampling what is offered.
Susan Mallery |
She had the sudden need to bake. To sink her fingers into warm dough, to smell yeast and create crusty rolls slathered with sweet butter. Or maybe a tart. Quiche with a flaky crust and filling of eggs, cheese and garlic and nuts. Or a brisket. She was back in Texas now. Something falling-apart tender with tang and spice. Grilled potatoes that tasted like heaven.
Susan Mallery |
If you were going to be pulling your to-hundred-square-foot tiny home all over the place,
Susan Mallery |