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e2e35f1 Cause I don't think we ever really get over our childhood. It's always there, waiting. Ted Dekker
2af5c54 People reveal their true character when they're off center. Ted Dekker
695fc47 The sun began to set behind Bethlehem and the beams were breaking through some white and gray clouds. There was a slight and beautiful chill from the autumn air. I gave thanks for that beautiful day and for the fact that the sun does not know Palestinian from Israeli, Christian from Muslim or Jew, and Asian from American or African, and I asked myself: If the sun shines on all of us as one, how much more does the sun's Creator see and love .. religions spirituality Ted Dekker
202b01a Nothing was worse than reading too late and falling asleep two or three pages into a novel. Ted Dekker
0a3d418 Valerik spit to one side. "We laugh at religion's brand of love, forms and rules that keep the poor feeding from the church's coffers. It is in deed." "I agree. That kind of love is porcelain-coated balls of dung. But what of true affection?..." Ted Dekker
856e01a The people of this world make a god for themselves in their own image, and in doing so they make God far, far, far, too small. Ted Dekker
a52d78c Austin cleared his throat. Given the choice between being with books or people, he'd always choose books. You could always tell what a book thought without needing to have a confrontation. People, on the other hand, defensively clung to their need to be right no matter how flawed their thinking. Ted Dekker
5f6b839 Always remember you have been given the power to forgive any offense, and in so doing, remove it from your awareness as far as the east is from the west. True Vision is his gift, allowing you to see no blame; forgiveness is your truest purpose in the life. Seventy times seven, always leaving the old self in a watery grave and rising to find no fault. That's grace, that's true baptism and that's good news... Ted Dekker
e8a1f90 These were his people--a strange thought. Maybe not his very own people, as in father, mother, brother, sister, but people just like him. He was lost but not so lost after all. Ted Dekker
4d77cdf The world didn't like to look at the dark underside very often. But that didn't change the ugliness; it only ensured that those who perpetuated the ugliness were left alone to kill and maim and rape. Ted Dekker
108eb01 In the end you will be your own undoing. You can't escape you. Ted Dekker
4788ecb You cannot love anything or anyone more than you love yourself and you can't love yourself unless you see yourself whole. If you secretly disapprove of any part of yourself, you will secretly hate part of the One who made you. Can you understand that? Ted Dekker
25a35e4 My beloved, you have chosen me. You have been courted by my adversary, and you have chosen me. You have answered my call to the Circle, and today I call you my bride. Ted Dekker
7bba766 Your lives have always been about the Great Romance, and in the days to come you will understand that like never before. Your love will be tested. Others will join you. Some will leave the circle. Some will die. All of you will suffer. The Horde will hate you because their hearts have been stolen and their eyes have been blinded by the Shataiki. But if you keep your eyes on me until the end...the lake will seem tame compared to what awaits .. Ted Dekker
76759c5 I believe in God because only an idiot can look at the complex balance of nature and believe that has not been designed. Believe it or not, but some people still believe that a watch can make itself out of sand if you just give it enough time. That's what they call evolution. And you wonder why I am cynical. From my point of view you have to be a fool not to be cynical. evolution Ted Dekker
1109fda I have a confession." "Oh?" Ted Dekker
df2c3e7 And then... And then Thomas Hunter dreamed, and the world would never be the same. thomas-hunter Ted Dekker
94325d7 Let go of your right to take offense at all that ever threatened you and all that threatens you still. Release the fear your understanding shows you in this storm. Turn even the other cheek. Ted Dekker
79f7524 Love can only be found in freedom of choice. And for choice to exist, there must be an alternative to choose. Something as compelling as love. Ted Dekker
b46b7f6 Their lust to win the love of mortals away from God knows no bounds. Ted Dekker
6ec9436 We become so used to the familiar that we begin to doubt the unfamiliar, until our eyes are opened and we . Ted Dekker
4618bc9 The only barrier to apprehending the truth is our own unwillingness to see the world as it is instead of how we prefer it to be. Ted Dekker
4ef9381 I'm here to say that you can't make the troubled waters of life go away by defending yourself against them. You can only walk over those troubled waters if you offer peace to them and leave the safety of your boat. Ted Dekker
d7603b8 You are not your mind. You are not your body. You are not even your beliefs-these are only of this world, mere flesh and blood and a few electrochemical reactions. You, my friend, are far greater than this. Be still and know, not with your mind, but with that which is beyond your mind. Are these words true to you? Ted Dekker
d598afd My name is Gerhard Braun, and I am God. obsessed ted-dekker Ted Dekker
18014f2 The Great Romance is for you. If only one of you would have followed me, the heavens would not have been able to contain my cries of joy. Ted Dekker
5c82f6c If you look to anyone to satisfy your longing, you will think you need something more than him and what he has made you to be complete and at peace. The expectation of fulfillment in relationships will always fail you, and you will hold grievances that darken your world. You will become blind to the light that guides to the narrow path. You were taught this on the mountain alone, and yet among others you forget. Ted Dekker
1bb698c Women could be quite crafty, he knew that much. His father said it often. Smarter than men, too, most of the time. You had to know your way around if you wanted to fall in love with a woman. Ted Dekker
7dd3727 It is. And yet so few really are free. Nearly all people live in prisons of their own making, regardless of their faith, creed, sex or race. Ted Dekker
e96ca8d I'm a skeptic of religious systems, not of the faith. Someday I will be happy to discuss the difference with you. Ted Dekker
a239565 There was nothing he could ever do that would cause him to be loved less than he was in that moment - or in any moment of his existence. Nor could he possibly be loved more. Nor could he disappoint the One who'd breathed him into being. Austin was fully known in ways that he couldn't understand, and yet he was fully, completely accepted and treasured." "How was it possible that such unfathomable perfections would love him so completely? He .. Ted Dekker
79726d7 Elyon was restoring the Great Romance. Teeleh had stolen his first love, but now Justin had reclaimed her. The price had been his own life. He'd taken her disease on himself and he'd drowned with it, inviting them to embrace his invitation to the Romance by following him into the lake to drown with him. To live as his bride! Ted Dekker
4298e97 Love can only be found in freedom of choice. Ted Dekker
58332ce But if you look to your Maker, you'll find enough power to kill a thousand Slaters - Dr. John Francis divinity Ted Dekker
1df6d23 Tears flooded her eyes and her heart beat heavily, but she knew it would be all right, because she knew that in the end the kind of power that was in these Books would never let her down. Ted Dekker
b3c3bcf We call our religion the Great Romance, but really it feels more like a list of rules than anything similar to the Great Romance we once had. But now I think the knowledge of Elyon is starting to work its way into me again--in both realities...If Elyon's real there, surely God must be real here. Ted Dekker
95075dd Another world. Another life. And for me it was much longer than five measly years. A world with more darkness and less hope than I care to remember. Bleak and starless, full of diseased men. It's inside them there. In some ways it makes it worse. You don't know who's diseased and who isn't. You don't know when you've become a Scab. Ted Dekker
0964481 What we see may deceive us - the skin may be deceptive - but there has to be one truth, right? It can't all just be a jumble of perceptions. So what really exists out there, beyond what we can see? We're so dependent on the surfaces of what we see. But if we could see past the skin of this world... Ted Dekker
b031239 Only a woman could make so much out of so little. Give them a single fact and they'd fashion it into a story before taking a single breath. Ted Dekker
bf387fb What a terrible thing it is for children to see death, you say. We have it all wrong. If you make a child terrified of death, he won't embrace it so easily. And death must be embraced if you wish to follow Christ. Listen to His teaching. 'Unless you become like a child...and unless you take up your cross daily, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.' One is not valuable without the other. Janjic Jovic, The Dance of the Dead, 1959 death following-christ Ted Dekker
cc7193b There is my first insight, young woman. Always downplay the value of money; it will make it much easier for him to hand it over. money relationships Ted Dekker
c00f512 When the storms of life rise and threaten to swamp you, can you quiet the waves? Can you leave that cherished boat behind and walk on the troubled waters, or do you cling to your boat like the rest of the world, certain you will drown if you step on the deep dark seas that surround you? Ted Dekker
6beafbe There was no better way to understand life than to live it--if not through your own life, then through another's. There was once a man who owned a field. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Not to read was to turn your back on the wisest minds. Ted Dekker
7595559 Release any offense, not only against others but against the world. Find no offense in the waves. Trust Yeshua instead. Ted Dekker
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