every time you make a decision to be less than what God wants for you, you're denying yourself some of God's blessings. It's up to you. You can live a life with God's blessings, or just exist with all the consequences of choosing wrong.
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time wasted is not always a waste of time.
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In her glamorous quest for the darkest light and the lowest high, she now found herself wallowing on the bottom of a filthy garbage bin.
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Being from a Christian family doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage --
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This life is not about our comfort. We have an eternity for that. I really think this is about training and testing. We will have work to do in Heaven, work that is fulfilling and perfect for us. God needs to develop certain skill sets in us before that time. That may be what this life is about.
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Our job is to stand up for our beliefs, cling to them no matter what, and wait for our redemption. Jesus will not let us down.
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Instead of worrying, we need to be seeking His kingdom and His righteousness.
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No, no, not at all. I'm a professional. If I can't take criticism, how will I ever grow?
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But living in fear is no kind of life. We have to trust God. That doesn't mean bad things won't happen. But we know He's in charge.
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So could it be that good can come out of suffering? That God uses it to build things into us? Things we might need?
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But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
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They send you to places where bombs explode like jack-in-the-boxes, blowing your friends to pieces before your eyes. Then they punish you when you can't stop thinking about it.
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You can't just check out and think it will all be over. It won't be over for anyone who loves you. You'll only leave them to run after the pieces that scatter in the angry wind. You'll leave them desperately trying to solve the problems you wouldn't . . . all while plugging their own wounds. Even if you're like me, single without children, you could impact generations.
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every expression of gratitude is a prayer, which means the practice of intentional gratitude leads directly to a life lived in continual worship." He"
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What about you, Ian? Why don't you come too? Can't. I'm Jewish. You are not Jewish! You're Italian. I was thinking of converting.
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Thank goodness God is still faithful even when we're faithless.
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Don't disappear on me, Dylan." I hope I don't disappear on myself."
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We -- you and I -- are fearfully and wonderfully made. His works are wonderful (Psalm 139:1 - 5, 13 - 14).
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my guilt? Can
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Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.
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With the practice of intentional gratitude, there is no time for regrets about the past, or worries about the future. There is only thankfulness for the here and now.
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She had always asked him what, exactly, he was training for. Now she knew.
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Ben's chances in the campaign.
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one of her friends who posts from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed at night. I don't know her, but I have friends like her, friends who miss their lives as they stay glued to their phones, letting everyone know of every thought they have and every bite they eat. I wonder if this girl ever interacts much with real friends--people who are truly present in her life. She probably never enjoys a meal, because she's too busy posting ..
Terri Blackstock |
See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
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one of her friends posts from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed at night. I don't know her, but I have friends like her, friends who miss their lives as they stay glued to their phones, letting everyone know of every thought they have and every bite they eat. I wonder if this girl ever interacts much with real friends--people who are truly present in her life. She probably never enjoys a meal, because she's too busy posting pict..
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God wouldn't exist just because she forced herself to believe, any more than Cade would be all right just because she wanted him to be.
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Believing in God had to do with a system of convictions, deep faith, things that her parents and her sister and Jonathan had, things that had never come easily to Blair.
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There were benefits to working with addicts. They didn't even realize they were slaves.
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What are we, Charlie's Angels?
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It's time to start storing up our treasures in heaven, instead of hoarding them on earth.
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This town has so many blessings from God, but if we do something stupid out of greed, we could destroy those blessings.
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God will help you," Maggie said. "He's just waiting to be asked."
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She pulls upright, wiping her face 'But that's another one of those cliches I don't get. The light. I feel it sometimes. It makes sense that you have to beat back the darkness, but I just don't understand why there's darkness in the first place. Sometimes I feel like the world has fractured into a million pieces and they're closing in on me, and I have to push each piece back with my hands and my feet and my head to keep it from squeezing m..
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she had wondered if any of his Christianity was true. Had it all been a cover? A way to network and look honest? Or had he truly loved Jesus, but found ways to compartmentalize the sin in his life as so many others did?
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He was bitter about many things, but not about God. He still prayed constantly. Still went to church. Still reminded her that God loved her and was watching.
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It wouldn't be worth going on." The words caught in her throat, and tears sprang to her eyes. "I know it all sounds far-fetched. I've thought that too. That my mistakes ... and there are an awful lot of them ... couldn't possibly be erased clean. That Jesus couldn't possibly forgive them. But I think that's the whole point of why he came."
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Starting immediately, thank God for every gift He gives, from those as small as a whiff of honeysuckle or jasmine in your backyard, to the realization that you just had a few moments without back pain, to really big things like the fact that [people you love] are in the next room safe and sound. "I'm"
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For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
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Our job is to stand up for our beliefs, cling to them no matter what, and wait for our redemption. Jesus will not let us down. I
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loved to go and make fun of the homecoming
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Someone really wise once told me that even Christians aren't immune to tragedy. That we can't use this fallen world to gauge our value to God.
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Is quick relief worth it? No, it isn't. I'd rather take the pain myself so they won't have to.
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His tears reached deep inside and tore great chunks from what was left of his heart.
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