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efde3bb But there is another statistic, much harder to measure, that I think is even more important and revealing: Does your society have more memories than dreams or more dreams than memories? Thomas L. Friedman
335fdc2 Every computing device today has five basic components: (1) the integrated circuits that do the computing; (2) the memory units that store and retrieve information; (3) the networking systems that enable communications within and across computers; (4) the software applications that enable different computers to perform myriad tasks individually and collectively; and (5) the sensors--cameras and other miniature devices that can detect moveme.. Thomas L. Friedman
02bdc0a What makes America unique is not that it built MIT, or that its grads are generating economic growth and innovation, but that every state in the country has universities trying to do the same. "America has 4,000 colleges and universities," said Allan E. Goodman, president of the Institute of International Education. "The rest of the world combined has 7,768 institutions of higher education." Thomas L. Friedman
2047c67 Nobody works harder at learning than a curious kid. parenthood passion Thomas L. Friedman
1af74a6 You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. sovereignty-of-god Thomas L. Friedman
11e6470 That is why, I explained to Bojia, as a columnist, "I am either in the heating business or the lighting business." Every column or blog has to either turn on a lightbulb in your reader's head--illuminate an issue in a way that will inspire them to look at it anew--or stoke an emotion in your reader's heart that prompts them to feel or act more intensely or differently about an issue. The ideal column does both. But" Thomas L. Friedman
02c369d column writing is an act of chemistry--precisely because you must conjure it up yourself. A column doesn't write itself the way a breaking news story does. A column has to be created. This act of chemistry usually involves mixing three basic ingredients: your own values, priorities, and aspirations; how you think the biggest forces, the world's biggest gears and pulleys, are shaping events; and what you've learned about people and culture--.. Thomas L. Friedman
04a2adb Most lost jobs are outsourced to the past. modernization Thomas L. Friedman
dbebc7b This ain't no cloud, folks! And so, instead of calling this new creative energy source "the cloud," this book will henceforth use the term that Craig Mundie, the computer designer from Microsoft, once suggested. I will call it "the supernova"--a computational supernova. The" Thomas L. Friedman
7696f24 What comes from the heart enters the heart." What doesn't come from your heart will never enter someone else's heart. It takes caring to ignite caring; it takes empathy to ignite empathy." Thomas L. Friedman
4782bfa But the ancients believed that there was wisdom in patience and that wisdom comes from patience ... Patience wasn't just the absence of speed. It was space for reflection and thought. Thomas L. Friedman
536007b The emergence of intelligent algorithms and networks such as LaunchCode, which can be used by employers as trusted validators to sow people into the system and not weed them out of it, holds the promise of unlocking a lot of wasted talent. Says Lewis: "If you can do the job, you should get the job." Fortunately," Thomas L. Friedman
6d90364 As I noted in Chapter 14, "The Earthquake," there was a supermarket in Jerusalem where I shopped for fruits and vegetables almost every day. It was owned by an Iraqi Jewish family who had immigrated to Israel from Baghdad in the early 1940s. The patriarch of the family, Sasson, was an elderly curmudgeon in his sixties. Sasson's whole life had left him with the conviction that the Arabs would never willingly accept a Jewish state in their mi.. Thomas L. Friedman
e9c3a91 Theo Segaller, Timlinson chinh la nguoi sang tao chu @ [a cong] de phan biet nguoi viet mail va noi lam viec hay dia chi cua nguoi nay. Khi nhung nha nghien cuu thay duoc cong dung cua email thi viec su dung chung bung chay ngay, cac mang xuat hien va hang loat the loai thong so khac nhau duoc truyen qua lai giua cac truong dai hoc, co quan chinh phu, cong ty va cac hang nghien cuu. Nhieu mang dien toan ra doi, nhung nhu Segaller cho biet, .. Thomas L. Friedman
4faa97a A Mexican newspaper recently ran a story about how the Converse shoe company was making tennis shoes in China using Mexican glue. "The whole article was about why are we giving them our glue," said Zedillo, "when the right attitude would be, How much more glue can we sell them? We still need to break some mental barriers." Thomas L. Friedman
04f6dbc Individual cities that now do the same thing can reap the benefits. So this isn't complicated: the most educated people who plug into the most flows and enjoy the best governance and infrastructure win. They will have the most data to mine; they will see the most new ideas first; they will be challenged by them first and able to respond and take advantage of them first. Being in the flow will constitute a significant strategic and economic .. Thomas L. Friedman
573262f Historically, noted James Manyika, one of the authors of the McKinsey report, companies kept their eyes on competitors "who looked like them, were in their sector and in their geography." Not anymore. Google started as a search engine and is now also becoming a car company and a home energy management system. Apple is a computer manufacturer that is now the biggest music seller and is also going into the car business, but in the meantime, w.. Thomas L. Friedman
6a327ff Our current long-term vision at LinkedIn is to extend this professional graph into an economic graph by digitally manifesting every economic opportunity [i.e., job] in the world (full-time and temporary); the skills required to obtain those opportunities; the profiles for every company in the world offering those opportunities; the professional profiles for every one of the roughly 3.3 billion people in the global workforce; and subsequentl.. Thomas L. Friedman
45c6b4f President Obama gave voice to exactly this sentiment in the speech he delivered as the first American president to visit Hiroshima, on May 27, 2016: "Science allows us to communicate across the seas and fly above the clouds, to cure disease and understand the cosmos, but those same discoveries can be turned into ever more efficient killing machines," said Obama. "The wars of the modern age teach us this truth. Hiroshima teaches this truth. .. Thomas L. Friedman
2ce6523 A Nobel Prize winner was asked how he became a scientist. He said that every day after school, his mother would ask him not what he learned but whether he asked a good question today. That, he said, was how he became a scientist. openness parenthood questioning Thomas L. Friedman
5ea666e Theo duoi su thinh vuong hay dong nghia voi su truy tim thong tin va ung dung thong tin vao cac phuong tien san xuat. Luat le, tap quan, ky nang va tai nang can thiet de tim kiem, thu nhap, san xuat, bao ton va khai thac thong tin hien dang la nhung tai san quan trong nhat cua nhan loai. Cuoc canh tranh de tim cho ra loai thong tin tot nhat da thay the cho cuoc canh tranh de chiem duoc nhung canh dong hay mo than giau co nhat Thomas L. Friedman
9075206 Companies are now experimenting not just with ways to change the pulse or the color of light to create more capacity, but also with new ways of shaping that light that can deliver more than one hundred trillion bits per second down their fiber lines. Thomas L. Friedman
74cfb32 There is nothing called 'underprivileged' anymore," said Yildiz. "All you need is a working brain, some short training, and then put your idea into a fantastic business from any part of the world!" Thomas L. Friedman
ed40016 The rabbi stated: When you look into the face of the person who is beside you, and you can see that person is your brother or your sister, then finally the night has ended, and the day has begun. Hastening that heavenly day, is the moral work of our generation. Thomas L. Friedman
3f74860 Teller tells his teams: "I don't care how much progress you make this month; my job is to cause your rate of improvement to increase--how do we make the same mistake in half the time for half the money?" In sum, said Teller, what we are experiencing today, with shorter and shorter innovation cycles, and less and less time to learn to adapt, "is the difference between a constant state of destabilization versus occasional destabilization." Thomas L. Friedman
c3e7afe We are generating more information and knowledge than ever today, "but knowledge is only good if you can reflect on it." And" Thomas L. Friedman
6f44d8c Looking back on all my interviews for this book, how many times in how many different contexts did I hear about the vital importance of having a caring adult or mentor in every young person's life? How many times did I hear about the value of having a coach--whether you are applying for a job for the first time at Walmart or running Walmart? How many times did I hear people stressing the importance of self-motivation and practice and taking.. Thomas L. Friedman
1775ed3 GE's lab is like a mini United Nations. Every engineering team looks like one of those multiethnic Benetton ads. But this was not affirmative action at work; it was a brutal meritocracy. When you are competing in the global technology Olympics every day, you have to recruit the best talent from anywhere you can find it. Thomas L. Friedman
2a699ec Qua trinh so hoa la kien thuc trong tam de hieu ve qua trinh toan cau hoa ngay nay va ve nhung dieu lam cho no tro nen doc dao Thomas L. Friedman
27a3caa Cuu chu tich Hang Truyen Hinh NBC Lawrence Grossman tom tat gon gang qua trinh dan chu hoa cong nghe nhu the nay: "In an bien chung ta thanh doc gia. Photocopy bien chung ta thanh nhung nha xuat ban. Truyen hinh bien chung ta thanh khan gia. Va cong nghe so hoa cho phep chung ta tro thanh cac hang truyen thong." Thomas L. Friedman
a5097c2 Tong thong Mexico co the da bay sang New York, quy tu hon 20 ngan hang lon da cho dat nuoc cua ong vay tien va tuyen bo nhu sau: "Thua cac quy vi, chung toi da bi khanh tan. Va quy vi co biet cau ngan ngu nay khong: neu mot nguoi vay cua ban 1000 USD thi do la van de cua anh ta. Nhung neu mot nguoi vay ban 10 trieu USD, thi do la van nan cua ban. Vang, chung toi chinh la van nan cua quy vi. Chung toi khong the thanh toan cho quy vi duoc. Va.. Thomas L. Friedman
5ee5303 Because "pluralism is not diversity alone, but the energetic engagement with diversity," explains the Pluralism Project at Harvard on its website, "mere diversity without real encounter and relationship will yield increasing tensions in our societies." A society being "pluralistic" is a reality (see Syria and Iraq). A society with pluralism "is an achievement" (see America)." Thomas L. Friedman
dfcd8be I would go a step further and say that the ROI--return on investment--on pluralism in the age of accelerations will soar and become maybe the single most important competitive advantage for a society--for both economic and political reasons. Politically, Thomas L. Friedman
6b23b1e But a growing number of studies, including my own research, suggest that geographic proximity and cultural diversity--a place's openness to different cultures, religions, sexual orientations--also play key roles in economic growth. Skeptics Thomas L. Friedman
ac12b7a Chinh vi the, ngay nay khong con khai niem the gioi thu nhat, thu nhi hay thu ba nua. Ngay nay chi con la the gioi phat trien nhanh, va the gioi phat trien cham chap - the gioi cua nhung nguoi bi dao thai sang ben le hay cua nhung nguoi tu chon theo loi song biet lap khong muon nhap vao canh dong rong lon noi tren. Nhung nguoi do co the cho rang, cai the gioi ay di qua nhanh, dang so qua, dong hoa nhieu qua hay doi hoi nhieu qua. Thomas L. Friedman
625fca3 John Doerr, the legendary venture capitalist who backed Netscape, Google, and Amazon, doesn't remember the exact day anymore; all he remembers is that it was shortly before Steve Jobs took the stage at the Moscone Center in San Francisco on January 9, 2007, to announce that Apple had reinvented the mobile phone. Doerr will never forget, though, the moment he first laid eyes on that phone. He and Jobs, his friend and neighbor, were watching .. Thomas L. Friedman
6d80308 We go to school for twelve or more years during our childhoods and early adulthoods, and then we're done. But when the pace of change gets this fast, the only way to retain a lifelong working capacity is to engage in lifelong learning. There is a whole group of people--judging from the 2016 U.S. election--who "did not join the labor market at age twenty thinking they were going to have to do lifelong learning," added Teller, and they are no.. Thomas L. Friedman
e7a5d06 But there was a pulling back in the Middle East, and it had two major consequences: it abetted the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria, and it contributed to the massive outflow of refugees from that region into Europe. That outflow in turn helped to create the anti-immigration backlash that fueled the British withdrawal from the European Union and the rise of populist/nationalist politics inside almost every EU member state... Thomas L. Friedman
7388235 never, ever say to someone in need: "Call me if you need help." If you want to help someone, just do it. Our" Thomas L. Friedman
f9cfde7 Intelligent assistance involves leveraging artificial intelligence to enable the government, individual companies, and the nonprofit social sector to develop more sophisticated online and mobile platforms that can empower every worker to engage in lifelong learning on their own time, and to have their learning recognized and rewarded with advancement. Intelligent assistants arise when we use artificial intelligence to improve the interfaces.. Thomas L. Friedman
638ae5a Average is officially over. When I graduated from college I got to find a job; my girls have to invent theirs. I attended college to learn skills for life, and lifelong learning for me afterward was a hobby. My girls went to college to learn the skills that could garner them their first job, and lifelong learning for them is a necessity for every job thereafter. Thomas L. Friedman
88c418e To be sure, there will always be evil in the world, there will always be criminality, there will always be swindlers who use the fruits of technological progress or the freedom of cyberspace to cheat the community or their neighbor or a stranger. To talk about how to better govern such realms is always, at best, to talk about increasing the odds of restraining more bad behaviors than not--because they will never be eliminated. The Thomas L. Friedman
a0d667b Our democracy can work only if voters know how the world works, so they are able to make intelligent policy choices and are less apt to fall prey to demagogues, ideological zealots, or conspiracy buffs who may be confusing them at best or deliberately misleading them at worst. As I watched the 2016 presidential campaign unfold, the words of Marie Curie never rang more true to me or felt more relevant: "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is.. Thomas L. Friedman
716ab02 Middle East and Africa is a product of failed states unable to keep up with the age of accelerations and enable their young people to realize their full potential. But these trends are exacerbated by climate change, population growth, and environmental degradation, which are undermining the agricultural foundations that sustain vast African and Middle Eastern populations on rural lands. The combination of failing states and failing agricult.. Thomas L. Friedman
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