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e9f0d30 The facts are unmistakably plain, for those who bother to check the facts. In 1921, when the tax rate on people making over $100,000 a year was 73 percent, the federal government collected a little over $700 million in income taxes, of which 30 percent was paid by those making over $100,000. By 1929, after a series of tax rate reductions had cut the tax rate to 24 percent on those making over $100,000, the federal government collected more .. Thomas Sowell
72e7762 were now not only affluent themselves but were also able to help family members-hut only so long as they stayed in office.'- Thomas Sowell
23f5deb A Yoruba governor, defeated through vote fraud, was later found by a court to have won in fact by a million votes. Thomas Sowell
5b67c57 Foreign workers, attracted to Nigeria from other African countries during boom times, were deeply resented during hard times-and were brutally expelled en masse, largely to Ghana.1N Thomas Sowell
c7523e8 The tsetse fly infests more than half the mainland,"' making cattle and draft animals impracticable in the infected regions." Thomas Sowell
8342ee9 Some years ago, in my syndicated column, I challenged anyone to name any economist, of any school of thought, who had actually advocated a "trickle down" theory. No one quoted any economist, politician or person in any other walk of life who had ever advocated such a theory, even though many readers named someone who claimed that someone else had advocated it, without being able to quote anything actually said by that someone else. 2" Thomas Sowell
6437e02 If there is an optimistic aspect of preferential doctrines, it is that they may eventually make so many Americans so sick of hearing of group labels and percentages that the idea of judging each individual on his or her own performance may become more attractive than ever. Thomas Sowell
61ac151 The reality of an historic struggle for civil rights has degenerated into the hustling rhetoric of Newspeak. "Equal opportunity" now means preferential treatment. "Voting rights" now include preferential chances to win. School desegregation no longer means the right to attend any public school, regardless of race, but being forced to attend where you are told, according to race. "Equal justice for all" now means compensatory benefits for so.. Thomas Sowell
6b42040 that does not distinguish Germans from Europeans in general--or from human beings in general, when it comes to vile or vicious things being said or done to any number of ethnic or other minorities in countries around the world. Thomas Sowell
1e2102a But, as the late Nobel Prize-winning economist George Stigler put it, "the typical university catalog would never stop Diogenes in his search for an honest man."25" -- Thomas Sowell
9ce5d10 Under these escalating wartime income tax rates, the number of people reporting taxable incomes of more than $300,000-- a huge sum in the money of that era-- declined from well over a thousand in 1916 to fewer than three hundred in 1921. The total amount of taxable income earned by people making over $300,000 declined by more than four-fifths during those years.[11 Thomas Sowell
037839d In other words, it is the amount of money that colleges and universities can get--from tuition, endowment income, donations, etc.--which determines how much their spending or costs will go up, not the other way around, as they represent it to the public. To say that costs are going up is no more than to say that the additional intake is being spent, rather than hoarded. When Thomas Sowell
9826205 Far from being a national crisis of affordable housing, outrageous rents and astronomical home prices are largely confined to a relatively few places along the east and west coasts. Rent per square foot of apartment space in San Francisco is more than double what it is in Denver, Dallas, or Kansas City, and nearly three times as high as in Memphis. Home prices show even greater disparities. Thomas Sowell
a873771 The availability of federal grants and loans to help students meet rising tuition costs virtually ensures that those costs will rise. A college which kept tuition affordable could forfeit millions of dollars annually in federal money available to cover costs over and above what students can afford, according to a financial aid formula. Arguments Thomas Sowell
021d18b The ideological component of multiculturalism can be summarized as a cultural relativism which finds the prominence of Western civilization in the world or in the schools intolerable. Behind this attitude is often a seething hostility to the West, barely concealed even in public statements designed to attract wider political support for the multicultural agenda. Thomas Sowell
8868ab0 Moreover, even at elite colleges, the personnel attracted to college admissions are seldom themselves part of the intellectual elite. Yet their job is to select students unlike themselves, to be taught by professors unlike themselves, for careers unlike theirs. It can hardly be surprising that admissions personnel are drawn toward non-intellectual criteria and toward ideas not unlike the notion of judging "the whole person," as found among .. Thomas Sowell
1d7366f financial transactions that produced both wealth and unpopularity. Thomas Sowell
1b7f3b6 stability of government and dependability of laws which attracted foreigners. Thomas Sowell
b42b6a5 Between 50,000 and 100,000 Huguenots fled to Britain from France in the seventeenth century, particularly after revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which had previously guaranteed religious freedom to Protestants.67 Thomas Sowell
cf2e7b4 What the British had earlier than many other peoples was a framework of law and government that facilitated economic transactions. Thomas Sowell
34add4c Complex and time-consuming international economic transactions, including long-term investments, are particularly dependent on a reliable framework of law, so that changes of government policy or of individuals in power, do not create large uncertainties as to whether commitments will be honored or foreigners treated on an equal plane with the natives involved in commercial and financial transactions. Thomas Sowell
25de928 British kings could not repudiate national debts-and this in turn made Britain a more attractive country for lenders.71 Thomas Sowell
272a938 It was in the wake of these erosions of economic controls that intellectual challenges were then made to the role of government in the economy, first by the Physiocrats in France, who coined the term "laissez-faire," and then by Adam Smith in Britain, who became its leading champion." Thomas Sowell
1823e70 It would be impossible to understand the persistence and vehemence of these arguments against test scores without understanding the political purpose they serve. Arguments that test scores under-estimate the subsequent academic performance of minority students (1) serve to justify preferential admissions of minority students and (2) permit denial that these are in fact preferential policies, by enabling the claim to be made that different a.. Thomas Sowell
aaca39d Moreover, the reasons for proposing such tax cuts are often verbally transformed from those of the advocates-- namely, changing economic behavior in ways that generate more output, income and resulting higher tax revenues-- to a very different theory attributed to the advocates by the opponents, namely "the trickle-down theory." No such theory has been found in even the most voluminous and learned histories of economic theories, including J.. Thomas Sowell
ab0644c Civilization is an enormous device for economizing on knowledge. Thomas Sowell
168c3f6 Knowledge may be enjoyed as a speculative diversion, but it is needed for decision making. Thomas Sowell
76e8595 One of the grand fallacies of our time is that something beneficial should be subsidized. Thomas Sowell
e4317c6 Understanding the limitations of human beings is the beginning of wisdom. Thomas Sowell
c08ec68 Most problems do not get solved. They get superseded by other concerns. Thomas Sowell
c87de1a If you don't believe in the innate unreasonableness of human beings, just try raising children. Thomas Sowell
f103bb9 Time was when people used to brag about how old they were -- and I am old enough to remember it. Thomas Sowell
2bc7f76 Right after liberal Democrats, the most dangerous politicians are country club Republicans. Thomas Sowell
8217dbc If there is one thing that is bipartisan in Washington, it is brazen hypocrisy. Thomas Sowell
5e62c48 Envy is always referred to by its political alias, 'social justice'. Thomas Sowell
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