A theologically "thick" view of sin, by contrast, sees it as a compulsive drive of the heart to produce idols. This view should lead neither to withdrawal nor to uncritical consumption, but rather to humble, critical engagement with culture. 178"
Timothy J. Keller |
God does not love us because we are serviceable; He loves us simply because He loves us. This is the only kind of love we can ever be secure in, of course, since it is the only kind of love we cannot possibly lose. This is grace.
Timothy J. Keller |
So we can see all cultural production (and remember, everything we do at work is some form of cultural production) as a dialogue between our innate, affirming response to God's common grace and the idolatrous, rebellious nature of our hearts. Therefore, human culture is an extremely complex mixture of brilliant truth, marred half-truths, and overt resistance to the truth. "Loss of faith in a given religion does not by any means imply the er..
Timothy J. Keller |
Vietnamese/American co-production Three Seasons, a collection of four intertwining vignettes.
Timothy J. Keller |
Change from Change to 1. Individual salvation The gospel changes everything (hearts, community, and world) 2. Being good Being saved 3. Cheap grace Costly grace (awareness of our sin) 4. Heaven is "up there" Christ will come again--to this earth 5. God is value-add to us In God's providence, we could contribute to his work on earth 6. Idols of this world Living for God 7. Disdain of this world Engaged in this world 8. "Bowling alone" Acce..
Timothy J. Keller |
A focus on being good distracts us from coming to terms with our sin; and it is because of our sin that Christ needed to die.
Timothy J. Keller |
Life is filled with hard choices, and it is childish to think you can avoid them.
Timothy J. Keller |
To insist that death is nothing to be frightened of is simply another illusion muffling the obscenity of death. We live in denial of it, but like all repressed facts, it keeps disturbing us, haunting us, and quietly (or not so quietly) draining our hope.
Timothy J. Keller |
Death was not part of God's original design. We were not created to age, weaken, fade, and die. We were not created for love relationships that end in death. Death is an intrusion, a result of sin and our human race's turning away from God. Our sense even now that we were made to last, that we were made for love without parting, is a memory trace of our divine origins. We are trapped in a world of death, a world for which we were not design..
Timothy J. Keller |
Si nuestro valor viene de la aprobacion de los companeros, o del dinero en el banco, o de nuestra reputacion por el exito, entonces estas cosas son nuestros tesoros. No obstante, Jesus senalaba con razon cuan radicalmente inseguros estamos si atesoramos tales cosas. Pueden ser llevadas o robadas.203 Y entonces nuestras vidas pueden desmoronarse.
Timothy J. Keller |
Charles Taylor explains why modern people are far more likely to lose their faith over suffering than those in times past. He says it is because, culturally, our belief and confidence in the powers of our own intellect have changed. Ancient people did not assume that the human mind had enough wisdom to sit in judgment on how an infinite God was disposing of things. It is only in modern times that we get "the certainty that we have all the e..
Timothy J. Keller |
If I was saved by my good works, then there would be a limit to what God could ask of me or put me through, I would be like a tax payer with rights, I would have done my duty, and now I would deserve a certain quality of life. But if I am a sinner saved by sheer grace, then there is nothing he cannot ask of me.
Timothy J. Keller |
English minister David Clarkson preached one of the most comprehensive and searching sermons on counterfeit gods ever written.113 About idolatry he said, "Though few will own it, nothing is more common." If we think of our soul as a house, he said, "idols are set up in every room, in every faculty." We prefer our own wisdom to God's wisdom, our own desires to God's will, and our own reputation to God's honor. Clarkson looked at human relati..
Timothy J. Keller |
Lord, "Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray--I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee."
Timothy J. Keller |
Marriage is a major vehicle for the gospel's remaking of your heart from the inside out and your life from the ground up.
Timothy J. Keller |
Jesus did not merely weep for us; he died for us. Jonah went outside the city, hoping to witness its condemnation, but Jesus Christ went outside the city to die on a cross to accomplish its salvation.
Timothy J. Keller |