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501abda to love means to realize there is a time to let the beloved one go Tony Parsons
80fbe70 It's painful and it's messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again. letting-go starting-over Tony Parsons
921e865 Love means knowing when to let go. Tony Parsons
abd2d93 Sometimes we are only aware of how happy we are when the moment has passed. But now and again, if we are very lucky, we are aware of happiness when it is actually happening. Tony Parsons
abcfe72 It's funny. You love something and one day it's suddenly gone or changed or lost forever. But somehow that doesn't stop your loving. Maybe that's how you know it's the real thing. Tony Parsons
e24f0e1 I once read somewhere that, in any relationship, the one who cares the least is the one with all the power. Tony Parsons
79382d8 Learn to trust your instincts. Only something dead goes with the tide. Only something living can go against it. twitter Tony Parsons
b94ae93 It can't always be a honeymoon Tony Parsons
37a58b7 She wasn't the kind who cared about signs, she moved through the world as if she had a right to be there - anywhere, everywhere. Like a woman in a book, like a girl in a song. Tony Parsons
e351816 I love you but I'm not in love with you Tony Parsons
8fab365 If you are always craving, always wanting, never satisfied, never happy with what you've got, you end up even more lost and lonely than you do... Tony Parsons
a6f3647 I'm not saying it's what I would have wanted. But don't you see? We fuck up our lives again and again and it's always our children who pick up the bill. We move on to new relationships, always starting over, always thinking we've got another chance to get it right, it's the kids from all these broken marriages who pay the price. They - my son, your daughters, all the millions like them - are carrying around wounds that are going to last a l.. man family Tony Parsons
6d689e3 Everything ends. It does. Sooner or later. This - all this - it has to end sometime. Tony Parsons
201ff2e Sometimes I think that love is a case of mistaken identity. Tony Parsons
2d39c86 Rouz je bila na mojoj strani onako kako niko nikada nije bio na mojoj strani. Rouz je bila dobrovoljac. Bilo joj je stalo do mene. Voleci me, ona me je oslobodila. Bio sam slobodan da budem ono sto jesam. Nije u meni videla samo coveka kakav jesam, nego i coveka kakav bi mogao da budem. Voleci me, ucinila je da poverujem da bi moji snovi mogli da postanu stvarnost. Tony Parsons
3699cf5 Sometimes the fog in his eyes would clear, that fog caused by the pain and the killers of pain, and when it cleared, I saw regret and fear in those eyes swimming with tears and I was convinced that this was it, this was the end, this was surely the end. illness dying Tony Parsons
9859067 What's your name?'Leon said, when waht he meant was - may I love you for ever? And she told him. Tony Parsons
d6d41c5 Don't you see?" he said. "This could go on for another five years, another ten years, and then where would we be? You want to grow old waiting for something that's never going to happen? Is that what you want?" Tony Parsons
261c21d And it felt like every time I turned around, somebody was either dying or walking out. Tony Parsons
4927439 Ne mozhesh da davash na dovedenoto si dete samo nezhnost i odobrenie, zashchoto nikoi roditel ne pravi tova. I vse pak niamash vlastta da poritsavash deteto po nachini, pris'shch za istinskite roditeli. Vtorite roditeli - tezi,koito davat nai-dobroto ot sebe si - iskat da b'dat kharesvani. Istinskite roditeli ne izpitvat nuzhda ot tova. Zashchoto znaiat, che sa obichani. Tova e liubov, koiato se dava bezuslovno i bez rezervi. Edin roditel t.. Tony Parsons
3d4e6d7 Then they lay there in silence for a while, listening to the rain, watching it come straight down, feeling it cool their sweating faces. You couldn't avoid all of it, not with the missing roof, but after being chase by Teds, it was so refreshing that Terry sighed. And he thought how good it was to be still, to be quiet for once, to be with people you knew so well that there was no real need to talk, and to just feel the sweet kick of the su.. Tony Parsons
1bdc599 he was totally in thrall to the face of the girl in front of him. She stunned him. She paralysed him. Just being in the presence of that face made him pause, his tongue tied with self-consciousness. But she made it easy for him Tony Parsons
f3b0ed2 I think that you can use up your love. I think you can blow it all on one person. You can love so much, so deeply, that there is nothing left for anyone else. Tony Parsons
246ba99 Lako je voleti nekoga ko je na vasoj strani. Tony Parsons
9890d7a Love is what's left when being in love has gone, okay? It's when you care about someone and you hope they're happy, but you're not under any illusions about them. Maybe that kind of love is not exciting and passionate and all those things that fade with time. All those things that you're so keen on. But in the end it's the only kind of love that really matters. Tony Parsons
0556048 And then the old man was standing in the doorway, still in his white coat and his French Foreign Legion hat, blinking at his wife and his son and his son's girlfriend, young Misty. "Guess what?" Terry's mum said, as if she had been saving this up for a long time. "Guess what, Granddad?" Yes, his father looked ancient these days. But when he heard the news and it had started to sink in, that kind, exhausted face lit up with a smile, and it .. Tony Parsons
6e5365b But you have learn to let go, my mother said, 'That's part of it, isn't it?' 'Part of what?' Part of what it means to love someone. To really love someone. If you love someone you just don't see them as an extension of yourself. You don't just love them for what's in it for you.' 'Love means knowing when to let go,' she told me. Tony Parsons
1fb30e6 I know what that is, 'he said. 'That's drugs, that is.' 'You're a genius, aren't you?' 'Dad will kill you' 'Then I'll be dead.' Then they were both silent, thinking about the room down the hall that no one was allowed to touch, that no one was allowed to enter, and the brother who you were not alloewd to mention in this house. The brother you could't even fucking mention Tony Parsons
fcef35b Riddle me this - she is my daughter but I am not her father: who am I? I am a step parent. Ah, but I don't really believe in the term step-parent. I don't think the role exists. Not really. For either in the end you are either a child's parent or you are not. And blood does not have a lot do to with it. Tony Parsons
521a553 I have this theory about divorce. I have a theory that is never a tragedy for adults and always a tragedy for children. Adults can lose weight, find someone nicer, get their life back. Divorce gives grown-ups a get-out-of-jail-free card. It is the children who pay the price, and pay it for the rest of their lives. But we can't admit that, all us scarred veterans of the divorce court, because it would mean admitting that we have inflicted wo.. Tony Parsons
5d2d9a7 Dosao sam u New Musical Express s dvadeset i dve godine...Usao sam kao decak, a izasao kao muskarac. A ako ne bas kao muskarac, onda kao decak koji se mnogo drogira i koji je upoznao Debi Hari. No nisam ni mislio da ce to trajati zauvek, pa se i zavrsilo. S dvadeset pet godina bio sam nezaposleni siromasni otac. S dvadeset devet bio sam nezaposleni razvedeni siromasni otac. Kako god da se gleda, sve je islo nizbrdo. ... Najzad sam postao pi.. Tony Parsons
0ab29ee Say what you like about those starry-eyed souls, about the upheaval and destruction they always leave in their wake, but there is one thing about romantics that nobody can deny. They never settle for second best Tony Parsons
bf6d2e1 nightlife. She was more of a dancing shoes kind of girl than a hiking boots kind of girl. There was a pained sweetness about her Tony Parsons
abd5001 telling me how much he loves me and the next Tony Parsons
3d29202 From the doorway I looked back at the street. The car parked outside was Tony Parsons
6386676 Human Remains Pouch. We don't call them body bags and they are not black, like the movies. This one was white with a long black zip. Tony Parsons
0d10a72 from Bar Italia Tony Parsons
32cb83a Love mans knowing when to let go. Tony Parsons
ca073f9 You know what the biggest lie in the world is?' 'Tell me.' 'That everything happens for a reason. It's not true. Some things are totally without reason. Some things - the things that hurt the most - are totally meaningless. Some things make no sense and will never make sense.' I Tony Parsons