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d8dbdac Don't cry stop," he murmured, caressing and stroking me, "all my life I've had nothing but frustrations. I try to love others, but it's always you . . . you, whom I can never have! Cathy . . . leave Julian! Come away with me! We'll go to some distant place, where no one knows us, and together we can live as man and wife. We won't have any children . . . I'll see to that. We can adopt babies. You know we make good parents . . . you know we .. V.C. Andrews
2e18621 I could have slapped him from the way he moved backward, abandoning the sweet ecstasy of kissing forbidden places that had aroused me. He sat up on the side of the bed and bowed his head into his hands. Then he sobbed, "Always you manage to defeat me, Cathy! First Paul, then Julian . . . and now a baby." Then suddenly he faced me. "Come away and let me be the father to that child! Julian isn't fit! If you never let me touch you, let me live.. V.C. Andrews
a5bef6d No. I wasn't there. I was back in Gladstone, Pennsylvania, and I was twelve years old. Two state troopers were in the driveway, with a white car parked . . . and swiftly they were striding to interrupt a birthday party to tell us all that Daddy was dead. Killed in an accident on Greenfield Highway. "Chris! Chris!" I screamed, terrified he might have gone. "I'm here. I'm coming. I knew you'd need me." chris V.C. Andrews
05efcb3 His name is Julian Janus Marquet, but I'm going to call him Jory." Both Chris and Paul heard my thin whisper. I was so tired, so sleepy. "Why would you call him Jory?" asked Paul, but it wasn't me who had the strength to answer. It was Chris who understood my reasoning. "If he had been blond, she would have named him Cory--but the J will stand for Julian, and the rest for Cory." Our eyes met and I smiled. How wonderful to be understood, an.. chris paul V.C. Andrews
cb15651 My heart jumped. "Yes. Yes I do. Chris, go on to the Mayo Clinic without me. I'll make out fine, and I swear not to marry anyone until you are back and give your approval. Worry about finding someone yourself. After all, I'm not the only woman who resembles our mother." He flared. "Why the hell do you put it like that? It's you, not her! It's everything about you that's not like her that makes me need and want you so! "Chris, I want a man I.. chris V.C. Andrews
46c4518 I jumped then. It seemed I heard a child laugh. My imagination, of course. And then, when I should have known better, I headed for the closet and the high and narrow door at the very back end and the steep and narrow dark stairs. A million times I'd ascended these stairs. A million times in the dark, without a candle, or a flashlight. Up into the dark, eerie, gigantic attic, and only when I was there did I feel around for the place where Ch.. cathy V.C. Andrews
bea7184 When I hurt, and I hurt often, I raced for the music, the costumes, the ballet shoes on which I could spin and twirl and dance away my troubles. And somewhere in that crimson-colored never-never land where I pirouetted madly, in a wild and crazy effort to exhaust myself into insensibility, I saw that man, shadowy and distant, half-hidden behind towering white columns that rose clear up to a purple sky. In a passionate pas de deux he danced .. V.C. Andrews
76ab3a7 Pragmatic, blithe, the eternal, cockeyed optimist, Chris sings when he works in the gardens. When he shaves in the mornings he hums some ballet tune, feeling no trepidations, no regrets, as if long, long ago he had been the man who danced in the shadows of the attic and had never, never let me see his face. Did he know all along that just as he had won over me in all other games it would be him in the end? Why hadn't I known? Who had shut m.. V.C. Andrews
d2e5b7f In the gloom of early evening Chris spoke my name hesitatingly. No more, just my name. I didn't answer, I didn't need him--I didn't need anybody. He had let me down by not understanding, and I didn't need him, not now. V.C. Andrews
fa8ad3a So, the dreams of perfection, of fame, of fortune, of undying, ever-abiding love without one single flaw, like the toys and games of yesteryears, and all other youthful fantasies I have outgrown, I have put away. Often I look at Chris, and wonder just what it is he sees in me. What is it that binds him to me in such a permanent way? I wonder too why he isn't afraid for his future and the length of it, since I am better at keeping pets alive.. chris V.C. Andrews
f91b93c Fool! Never wait on a man! Let him wait on himself! relationships love man-and-woman grandmother V.C. Andrews
8bad27d In the dark, the little live Christmas tree, two feet tall, sparkled with tiny colored lights, like the tears I saw glistening in my brother's eyes. V.C. Andrews
2847f1b That night I no longer believed that God was the perfect judge. So, in a way, I lost God too. V.C. Andrews
e7c7d90 He estado demasiado tiempo en la medicina para no saber que la justicia no esta distribuida con equidad V.C. Andrews
291ccd6 Dear Mrs. Winslow, How well I remember the summer of your honeymoon. It was a wonderful summer, so refreshingly pleasant in the mountains in a locked room with windows that were never opened. Congratulations and my very best wishes, Mrs. Winslow, and I do hope all your future summers, winters, springs and falls will be haunted by the memory of the kind of summers, winters, springs and falls your Dresden dolls used to have. Not yours anymor.. V.C. Andrews
68b8b2d While I thought my vengeful thoughts and made my plans to ruin her life when I could, Chris was tenderly kissing me. I hadn't even noticed. "Stop!" I cried when I felt his lips pressing down on mine. "Leave me alone! You don't love me like I want to be loved, for what I am. You love me because my face is like hers! Sometimes I hate my face!" He looked terribly wounded as he backed toward the door. "I was only trying to comfort you," he sa.. chris V.C. Andrews
1de3571 someday I'm going to dance in the arms of a husband who loves me, and if he really wants a baby, then I might agree to have one. V.C. Andrews
45f05f8 To my lady Catherine, I give you gold with a diamond you can barely see, But the gem would be castle-sized if it expressed all I feel for thee. I give you gold because it endures, and love like the eternal sea. Only your brother, Christopher. V.C. Andrews
b282f06 Some toy you give," he said, gritty-voiced, and now the two tears in the corners of his eyes began to slide down his cheeks. "You remembered the day Daddy said he would give me this when I became a doctor." "How could I forget? That little catalog was the one thing you took of yours that wasn't clothes, when we went to Foxworth Hall. And every time he swatted a fly, or killed a spider, Paul, Chris would long to have a John Cuff microscope. .. chris paul V.C. Andrews
15f1889 He caught my hand and drew me closer to his side. "Well, should I begin to list them one by one, and by name? If I did it would take several hours. If there had been someone special, all I would do is name one--and I can't do that. I liked them all . . . but I didn't like any well enough to love, if that's what you want to know." Yes, that was exactly what I wanted to know. "I'm sure you didn't live a celibate life, even though you didn't.. chris V.C. Andrews
bc99a30 I don't like the tone of your voice. Speak respectfully when you speak to me." "La-dee-da, and ho-ho-ho! The day I speak respectfully to you, Christopher, will be the day you earn my respect - and that will be the day you stand twelve feet high, and the moon is at noon, and a blizzard blows in a unicorn ridden by a gallant knight wearing pure white shining armor, with a green dragon's head perched on the point of his lance!" -- V.C. Andrews
cd022e3 there are three kinds of people. One, those who serve others. Two, those who give to the world by producing those who serve others. Three, the last kind, those who can't be satisfied unless they achieve on their own, not by serving others but by their own merits and talents, producing, and not through their children, either. V.C. Andrews
c41cc90 Look at me," she said, throwing wide her arms, appearing vulnerable, beautiful, helpless. "Do you know what I am? I am a pretty, useless ornament who always believed she'd have a man to take care of her." V.C. Andrews
a7b2bce someone, V.C. Andrews
3b70e69 But daydreams were merely cobwebs, easily torn into shreds, and I'd quickly be dropped back into reality. V.C. Andrews
1d9d5c7 De pronto, me di cuenta de lo que el pretendia y, agarrando mi bolso, empece a golpearle con el en la cara. -!Basta!!Ya te dije la otra vez que ibas demasiado de prisa! -!Tu te lo has buscado!-grito furioso-. Me incitas y despues me rechazas. Me repugna este juego. Pense en Chris y me eche a llorar. V.C. Andrews
5a51556 La feminidad dulce y pasiva era muy apreciada en el sur. Ropas finas, voces dulzainas, ojos timidos y bajos, manos delicadas y moviles para expresas importancia y, sobre todo, no formular opiniones contrarias a las de los varones,y nunca mostrarle a un hombre que una tenia un cerebro que podia ser mejor que el suyo. V.C. Andrews
609817a Dios impuso a los hombres el deber de dominar a las mujeres que son, fundamentalmente, debiles y estupidas. religion si-hubiera-espinas V.C. Andrews
8454470 Six: you are never to be idle. You will devote five hours each day to studying, and use the remainder of your time to develop your abilities in some meaningful way. If you have any skills, abilities or talents, you will seek to improve upon them, and if you have no abilities, or talents, or skills, you will read the Bible; and if you cannot read, then you will sit and stare at the Bible, and try to absorb through the purity of your thoughts.. V.C. Andrews
11372cc La oscuridad era como estar ciego o muerto V.C. Andrews
faa9a82 Estais aqui, pero en realidad no existis V.C. Andrews
25c9cb0 Habiamos perdido a nuestro padre, nuestro hogar, nuestros amigos y nuestras cosas, y aquella noche deje de creer que Dios era el juez perfecto, de modo que tambien perdi a Dios, en cierto modo. V.C. Andrews
1938def El pelo crece donde tiene que crecer, de modo que lo mejor sera que lo dejes en paz y no pienses mas en tener el cuerpo liso como el de una nina pequena y te des cuenta de que ese pelo es atractivo. V.C. Andrews
fda83d0 We gotta appreciate Grandpa while he's still with us, an not save our caring for his funeral day. V.C. Andrews
661d28f probably be-- V.C. Andrews
30a91d0 me to see the contents. Was she giving me a gift, like she gave Bart anything he wanted? He was the V.C. Andrews
2925823 Los mas bravos son, sin duda, aquellos que tienen la vision mas clara de lo que se avecina, de gloria y peligro por igual, y aun asi salen a su encuentro. V.C. Andrews
7632b06 Truth is comfortable in your eyes, but falsehood looks for ways to escape and clearly shows itself in the way you look at the person to whom you are lying. V.C. Andrews
d476f34 There were shadows in the corners and whispers on the stairs and time was as irrelevant as honesty. V.C. Andrews
d72588d She was wearing shoes with V.C. Andrews
c7fba8c El dia quedo tenido de negrura y, a partir de entonces, todos mis dias han sido negros V.C. Andrews
98f07e1 Queria desgarrar la Tierra, destruir el suelo hasta que no quedase nada V.C. Andrews
4e44faa room confirmed the view I had of myself. I always felt as if I had been placed in storage in this house. However, regardless of what it was and what it had been, the room had to be kept as immaculate as any other. My grandmother was fully convinced that cleanliness was next to godliness and was fond of chanting it at me whenever she ordered me to polish or wash V.C. Andrews
b7ab55b They saw me as someone who lived entirely within herself, like some creature who moved in an impenetrable bubble, emerging only when it was absolutely necessary to say anything to anyone or do anything with anyone. But family did matter to me. It always had, and always would. V.C. Andrews
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