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7850a46 Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime. W. E. B. Du Bois
5c218f1 But the chief problem in any community cursed with crime is not Punishment of the criminals, but the preventing of the young from being trained to crime. W E B Du Bois
eac2e73 Arms in the hands of the Negro aroused fear both North and South. Not that the Negroes could not and would not fight, for these same blacks, largely under their own officers, had beaten back Louisiana whites at Port Hudson and Milliken's Bend. But, it was the silent verdict of all America that Negroes must not be allowed to fight for themselves. They were, therefore, dissuaded from every attempt at self-protection or aggression by their fri.. reconstruction self-defense W E B Du Bois
cc07507 The espousal of the doctrine of Negro inferiority by the South was primarily because of economic motives and the inter-connected political urge necessary to support slave industry; but to the watching world it sounded like the carefully thought out result of experience and reason; and because of this it was singularly disastrous for modern civilization science and religion, in art and government, as well as in industry. The South could say .. racism slavery american-blindspot W E B Du Bois
614f8ca I insist that the question of the future is how best to keep these millions from brooding over the wrongs of the past and difficulties of the present, so that all their energies may be bent toward a cheerful striving and cooperation with their white neighbors toward a larger, juster, and fuller future W E B Du Bois
6d27e64 Now, early in 1865, the war is over. The North does not especially want free Negroes, it wants trade and wealth. The South does not want a particular interpretation of the Constitution. It wants cheap Negro labor and the political and social power based on it. Had there been no Negroes, there would have been no war. Had no Negroes survived the war, peace would have been difficult because of hatred, loss and bitter fried. But its logical pat.. reconstrution capital class civil-war W E B Du Bois
d3ef99a Let us have peace." But there was the black man looming like a dark ghost on the horizon. He was the child of force and greed, and the father of wealth and war. His labor was indispensable, and the loss of it would have cost many times the cost of the war. If the Negro has been silent, his very presence would have announced his plight. He was not silence. He was in usual evidence. He was writing petitions, making speeches, parading with ret.. racism reconstruction class race W E B Du Bois
966b82e As negroes moved from unionism toward political action, white labor in the North not only moved in the opposite direction from political action to union organization, but also evolved the American Blindspot for the Negro and his problems. It lost interest and vital touch with Southern labor and acted as though the millions of laborers in the South did not exist. Thus labor went into the great war of 1877 against Northern capitalists unsuppo.. racism working-class solidarity W E B Du Bois
73c8713 C] an any sane man imagine that they will lightly lay aside their yearning and contentedly become he were of wood and drawers of water? W E B Du Bois
3d5287c Discriminating and broad-minded criticism is what the South needs,--needs it for the sake of own white sons and so daughters, and for the insurance of robust, healthy mental and moral development. W E B Du Bois
a178c77 Although industry was now in control of the national government, the Republican party which represented it was a minority party; and Northern and Southern Democrats, especially Southern Democrats with increased power by counting the full Negro population, together with Western malcontents, could easily oust the Republicans. It was because of this thought that Northern industry made its great alliance with abolition-democracy. The consummati.. two-party reconstruction W E B Du Bois
9b1f629 There is but one coward on earth, and that is the coward that dare not know. W. E. B. Du Bois
b312a22 The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line. W. E. B. Du Bois
f662861 The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression. W. E. B. Du Bois
c2e4a25 Liberty trains for liberty. Responsibility is the first step in responsibility. W. E. B. Du Bois
24cc346 The cause of war is preparation for war. W. E. B. Du Bois
a64da03 In my own country for nearly a century I have been nothing but a nigger. W. E. B. Du Bois