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0ef3796 Did you ever want to set someone's head on fire, just to see what it looked like? Did you ever stand in the street and think to yourself, I could make that nun go blind just by giving her a kiss? Did you ever lay out plans for stitching babies and stray cats into a Perfect New Human? Did you ever stand naked surrounded by people who want your gleaming sperm, squirting frankincense, soma and testosterone from every pore? If so, then you're t.. comics humor Warren Ellis
0208c23 By four o'clock, I've discounted suicide in favor of killing everyone else in the entire world instead. optimism suicide Warren Ellis
afb5a97 I want a tattoo over my heart that reads TRY HARDER YOU LAZY PARAMEDIC SHITBAG OR I WILL HAUNT YOUR BEDROOM FOREVER first-aid inspirational tattoos Warren Ellis
bb46c51 Tradition:' one of those words conservative people use as a shortcut to thinking. Warren Ellis
79a8355 Dance like you're stamping on a human face forever, love like you've been in a serious car crash that minced the front of your brain, stab like no one can arrest you, and live like there's no such thing as God. comics inspirational mad Warren Ellis
30383e0 The book is almost always better than the movie. You could have no better case in point than FROM HELL, Alan Moore's best graphic novel to date, brilliantly illustrated by Eddie Campbell. It's hard to describe just how much better the book is. Warren Ellis
62afe28 Be authentic to your dreams. Be authentic to your own idea about yourself. Grind away at your own minds and bodies until you become your own invention. Be Mad Scientists. Warren Ellis
9470f02 There's one hole in every revolution, large or small. And it's one word long-- PEOPLE. No matter how big the idea they all stand under, people are small and weak and cheap and frightened. It's people that kill every revolution. revolution Warren Ellis
0fb3b7d Journalism is just a gun. It's only got one bullet in it, but if you aim right, that's all you need. Aim it right, and you can blow a kneecap off the world. Warren Ellis
ecd4ff7 You want to know about voting. I'm here to tell you about voting. Imagine you're locked in a huge underground night-club filled with sinners, whores, freaks and unnameable things that rape pitbulls for fun. And you ain't allowed out until you all vote on what you're going to do tonight. You like to put your feet up and watch "Republican Party Reservation". They like to have sex with normal people using knives, guns, and brand new sexual org.. voting Warren Ellis
f28b5f1 He'd always liked women who'd talk back to him just a little bit. "Girls with balls" were good. Women with an actual mind of their own who could prove him wrong in something were, of course, castrating bitches who should be drowned in bottomless wells." hypocrisy sexism women Warren Ellis
b0c93bb My grandfather had died, and my mother was trying to explain it to me. . . .Grandpa isn't coming back? No, she said. Not ever again. . . . And I remember saying, hold everything right fucking there. You went to all the trouble of conceiving me, and giving birth to me, and raising me and clothing me and all . . . and you make me cry and things hurt so much and disappointments crush my heart every day and I can't do half the things I want to .. Warren Ellis
7667e96 So this Zealot comes to my door, all glazed eyes and clean reproductive organs, asking me if I ever think about God. So I tell him I killed God. I tracked God down like a rabid dog, hacked off his legs with a hedge trimmer, raped him with a corncob, and boiled off his corpse in an acid bath. So he pulls an alternating-current taser on me and tells me that only the Official Serbian Church of Tesla can save my polyphase intrinsic electric fie.. Warren Ellis
50dda62 Listen to the Chair Leg of Truth! It does not lie! Warren Ellis
3729477 Hi. I'm Spider Jerusalem. I smoke. I take drugs. I drink. I wash every six weeks. I masturbate constantly and fling my steaming poison semen down from my window into your hair and food. I'm a rich and respected columnist for a major metropolitan newspaper. I live with two beautiful women in the city's most expensive and select community. Being a bastard works. Warren Ellis
ce23f5c You're probably wondering why there's never any good news. I mean, I've been doing this job a few months now. I've been soaking up the paper every week, same as you, and watching the same newsfeeds as you. I got the same list burned into the front of my head as you. Death. Horror. Bad sex. Living nightmares. Each day a little further down the spiral. There's never any good news because they know you. I mean, here's the top of today's col.. Warren Ellis
558efff You people don't know what the truth is! It's there, just under their bullshit, but you never look! That's what I hate most about this fucking city-- LIES ARE NEWS AND TRUTH IS OBSOLETE! Warren Ellis
e8cf31a Listen, when some asshole pulls a gun on me, he loses his right to a warm milky drink and fucking cuddles, okay? Warren Ellis
3c4901c Bugger this. I want a better world. Warren Ellis
1965fd7 You must remember that the common criminal will always join the armed forces for, if nothing else, regular meals and expert training in the use of guns. Warren Ellis
a1e10d4 Shopping for clothes is a Boyfriend Thing. You stand around and look blankly at a bunch of pieces of fabric and you look at the price tags and you wonder how something that'd barely cover your right nut can cost the price of a kidney and you watch the shop assistants check you out and wonder what you're doing with her because she's cute and you're kind of funny-looking and she tries clothes on and you look at her ass in a dozen different it.. Warren Ellis
1639523 When I got the tattoo, I knew I was drawing a crooked line between myself and society. Warren Ellis
497e932 I remember first learning about death quite vividly. I'm not sure how old I was, but I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. My grandfather had died, and my mother was trying to explain it to me. 'Sometimes, when someone gets ill, and they're very very old, they don't get better again. They just get iller and iller and then... then their body stops working.' 'I don't understand.' 'What's in them just goes away, and doesn't come b.. Warren Ellis
52ad2d8 Don't live with writers. Writers are bastards. Warren Ellis
2b1e142 Magic is the cheat codes for the world. Warren Ellis
87a4bca You think that drinking with a serial killer takes you into the midnight currents of the culture? I say bullshit. There's been twelve TV documentaries, three movies and eight books about me. I'm more popular than any of these designed-by-pedophile pop moppets littering the music television and the gossip columns. I've killed more people than Paris Hilton has desemenated, I was famous before she was here and I'll be famous after she's gone. .. black-humour irony-of-life murder serial-killers Warren Ellis
8809f43 He was in blue jeans and a work shirt, which is another weird quirk of Rich Old Men. Just one of the guys here. Blue jeans and a work shirt, salt of the earth, working man like yourself. Like they're somehow uncomfortable about being rich enough to sleep in a bed made of vaginas being pulled around the town at night by a fleet of gold-covered midgets. Warren Ellis
b4e0a33 I've died before. It was boring, so I stood up. comics funny graphic-novels humor moon-knight warren-ellis Warren Ellis
ae219d4 Wolves ate even mighty hunters, for there was no honor or code among predators, and everyone's guts steam the same way when torn open on a cold night. Warren Ellis
78bf42e I want vasopressin, washed caffeine, Jumpstart, ginkgo biloba, guarana, and any intelligence enhancer introduced in the last five years. Warren Ellis
cff3a95 The two most dangerous things in the world are rich people and crazy people. The Roanokes are rich like pharoahs and crazier'n a snake-fucking baby. Warren Ellis
808ae97 You know what this is? - Nope - It's a bowel disruptor. And you are just full of shit. Warren Ellis
2f1a649 You know what they say; if you're tired of London, you're tired of life. Warren Ellis
9b7481e We may have been crazed, strange and entirely too eager to find new things to have sex with - but we went out to preserve great chunks of this planet's cultures and we damned well did it with some style Warren Ellis
eb2b642 What if I left my memory in the future and I have to catch up to it? Warren Ellis
d84b1aa Elijah Snow: 'Who have you pissed off this time, John?' John Stone: 'Sumatran robot death sluts -- Dammit, ONE of these buttons fires the atomic death biter -- john-stone Warren Ellis
aa72a64 I'm sorry. Is that too harsh an observation for you? Does that sound too much like the Truth? Fuck you. If anyone in this shithole city gave two tugs of a dead dog's cock about Truth, this wouldn't be happening. Warren Ellis
99d863f I want something that'll give me the stamina of a young werewolf, the vision of a shaman, the thoughts of a serial killer and the gentleness of a hungry vampire bat. shaman spider-jerusalem stamina vampire-bat werewolf Warren Ellis
129a9bb I wish I still had that photo. Warren Ellis
89e8146 That means that the universe is two-dimensional. Matter, energy, time, you, me and the floor are holograms. Warren Ellis
c629785 All the time, I was telling myself, just enjoy it for what it is, don't be weird, don't get all screwed up over something it isn't. The usual mantra when you're with someone who you're not really with and desperately want to be. Have you noticed how telling yourself all that shit never actually helps? Warren Ellis
d7a1671 Another day down the mines of our lives. We drink 'til we stink and smoke 'til we choke because that's how we get things done, you and me. Spending our lives making things and making things out of our lives, because anything else would be dull as hell and we're damned if we're going to sit at the other end of whatever years we get saying, well, what the fuck was that for? Years of scars, lipstick and tears, and every day the dawn comes on w.. Warren Ellis
9989854 Think about it; the quicktank is given a job most of us would laugh out of town. Build a sophisticated camera capable of full 3-D input and peripheral pickup, using only water and jelly. Build an eye. science spider-jerusalem Warren Ellis
95e4d2c You know what it's like, finding eight middle-aged guys having tantric sex with ostriches? middle-age ostrich tantric-sex Warren Ellis
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